Tony Morris' performance on JW Broadcasting showed in microcosm how cult indoctrination works
Tony Morris’ performance on JW Broadcasting showed in microcosm how cult indoctrination works

When the JW Broadcasting website was first announced at last year’s annual meeting I immediately relished the prospect of seeing Tony Morris in front of the camera in glorious technicolor for an hour-long show.

I consider myself Tony’s number 1 troll. He is, in my opinion, the most deluded, controversial and intellectually-challenged of all the Governing Body members, and I unashamedly thrive on his misadventures.

As Tony’s train-wreck performance at the 2014 U.S. branch visit showed (which has yet to find a place in the “on demand” section of, his unguarded rants are an Achilles heel when it comes to exposing the authoritarian, backwards thinking of the Governing Body.

I was nearing the end of my recent stay in Belgium when the news came through that the new January 2015 episode of JW Broadcasting was Tony’s slot. I immediately watched the first 10 minutes with one question on my mind: “Would they let him speak his mind, or would they write his script for him and keep him on a tight leash?”

To watch the Tony Morris presentation without my comments, click here.

I was pleasantly surprised to discover that this was indeed an authentic Tony Morris offering of verbal flatulence of the type other Governing Body members struggle to replicate. Here was a man whose ignorance was on show for all to see; who had no qualms about uttering such ‘pearls’ as…

“If we are in continued association with those who do not believe the same, it can erode our thinking and convictions.”

“It is one thing to work on a job with others, and quite another matter to immerse oneself in an institution of ‘learning’!”

“I have long said: the better the university, the greater the danger. The most intelligent and eloquent professors will be trying to reshape the thinking of your child, and their influence can be tremendous.”

The above three quotes show in a nutshell why Watchtower is so terrified of young Witnesses going to college and university. They know full well that the critical thinking skills gained, which are an essential part of learning, can equip a person to quickly see through their propaganda.

Put simply, education is Watchtower’s enemy. Knowledge is the antidote to their indoctrination techniques.

The Apostle Paul: apparently not a fan of Oxford or Cambridge
The Apostle Paul: apparently not a fan of Oxford or Cambridge

Nothing spells this out more clearly than the scripture chosen by Tony as a ‘basis’ for the prohibition on higher education. When the Apostle Paul, himself the beneficiary of a good education (or so we are told), spoke about “bad associations spoiling useful habits” he was apparently issuing a call to arms against the Ivy League. (1 Cor. 15:33)

The flimsiness of this scriptural invocation should by itself tell parents and budding students everything they need to know about Watchtower’s motives. Watchtower’s notion of “bad association” in this context is spending time with clever, well-read people who will help you to think for yourself.

But if there is one thing you should never underestimate, it is the potency of Watchtower’s coercion techniques on its indoctrinated prey. And in Tony Morris’ half-hour rant against eduction, these were out in full force.

A classic example can be found between 07:25 and 08:20, where Tony regurgitates a hypothetical scenario (repeated from earlier talks, see video below) in which parents drop off their child to attend university, and enroll him/her at the local kingdom hall only for ‘disaster’ to ensue once the child makes a break for it and starts missing meetings.

“My question is,” bellows an indignant Tony, “who dropped them off at the university?”

Thus the “three F’s” of a Tony Morris talk are deployed:

  • FEAR MONGERING – “Let me tell you about a nightmare scenario that could happen to you one day unless you shape up.”
  • FINGER POINTING – “Allow me to single out those who fell short of Jehovah’s expectations in this scenario, and who will pay the price for doing so.”
  • FAULT FINDING – “Most importantly, here are the main culprits in this whole sad story who bear the most responsibility and need to explain themselves to God.”
  • There is a fourth “F” in a quintessential Tony Morris talk, but to spare your blushes I will refrain from telling you it.

As transparent as these methods may be to you and I, it is sad to consider that they will work only too well on Witnesses who are stricken deep within their indoctrination.

As I express in my video rebuttal to Tony’s speech, Watchtower’s prohibition on higher education is an abhorrent manifestation of the organization’s all-encompassing greed and solipsism. To hijack the hope, promise and potential of young people in this grotesque manner by stifling their opportunities and assimilating them into their propaganda machinery as “pioneers” is utterly reprehensible and immoral.

I can only hope that a fortunate few among the ranks of young Witnesses will see straight through Tony’s nasal oratory and seize their chance to make a break for it, and make something of themselves before the opportunity passes them by.









Further reading…

Related video…

308 thoughts on “Tony’s JW Broadcasting rant against higher education: a masterclass in cult propaganda

  • January 27, 2015 at 12:59 pm

    @StrongHaiku. Thank you so much for putting those videos up to watch. I loved watching them and I did learn a lot about how people are deceived into seeing something that isn’t there and how they deceive themselves as well, because they “want” to see something that isn’t there.

    I came to the conclusion about the “truth” quite a while ago since I “woke” up that we had let ourselves be deceived by “slick” words of the Society and we saw stuff that wasn’t there. Witnesses don’t fill in the blanks. They look at the grainy rock pictures and their brains naturally fill in the spaces to make it look like a real picture of a real object or person or a real “truth” that isn’t really there. That is how our minds were deceived into believing nonsense.

    When we were “believing” everything that the Society said as “truth” and we weren’t allowing ourselves to think clearly and our minds just naturally filled in the empty spaces that didn’t really make any cognitive sense but a lot of it did have to do with all the articles telling us not to accept any literature that was offensive to the Watchtower.

    Also, we were always told that if we ran across a scripture that didn’t make any sense to us, that we were to “research” it but only in the Watchtower literature but that explanation was always one-sided and wordy and we weren’t aware of it cognitively and so by the time we’d get done reading the Society’s wordy explanation of a certain scripture, it would seem to make sense to us, giving us even more of the “illusion” of truth and our brains just naturally filled in the empty “grainy” picture to make our brains see a complete picture that really wasn’t there. It gave us the feeling that we didn’t need to research any further for a logical explanation of a scripture that didn’t fit with Watchtower dogma to see if what we were being told was the actual truth or not. Our brains just accepted it as truth then just the same as when people will pay thousands of dollars for a potato chip that looks like the virgin Mary or kiss a chimp, thinking it was a pleasant experience as long as they couldn’t actually see the chimp but believed they were kissing a handsome man.

    The Society has to know that what they print actually doesn’t make sense to a thinking person with a fully functioning brain, but that doesn’t bother them in the least as long as it puts 8 million people in a “happy” state and they keep the money rolling in.

  • January 27, 2015 at 1:38 pm

    A good example of what I was talking about in my above comment are the two 2011 Watchtower articles, trying to make the reader believe that there is evidence for Jerusalem being destroyed in 607 instead of 586/587. Thousands of words that don’t show any evidence at all. Just a lot of meaningless words but how many people “bought” it, simply because of the abundance of words and lack of critical thinking ability.

  • January 27, 2015 at 1:52 pm

    In my first comment when I said that Witnesses don’t fill in the blanks, I mean they don’t see the picture for what it really is, which has a whole lot of empty spaces that “seem” to add up to a real picture as long as they don’t look at it hard enough or with a critical eye.

    • January 27, 2015 at 2:13 pm

      Sorry @anonymous. I tried to reply to your comment but I accidentally posted my reply later in the thread… Sorry about that. Glad you enjoyed the TEDTalks. It’s just the type of higher-learning that will ruin your life ;-).

  • January 27, 2015 at 1:53 pm

    CEDARS ! !
    CEDARS ! ! !

    Who has seen this……oh….dang……tight pants tony, jw broadcasting, jw tv… these ppl are really showing colors…
    One thing : Are they paying royalties on this music?

  • January 27, 2015 at 1:54 pm

    Jw’s were bad enough off screen……..classic…GONG ! ! !

  • January 27, 2015 at 2:02 pm

    My pleasure.

    On a side note: You bring up an interesting point. I often debate in my head whether the GB/Society know what they are doing (i.e. they know the beliefs do not make sense and are aware that they are making stuff as they go along) or if they are just as fooled by their own need to make sense of everything as the rest of the “Rank and File” (i.e. they personally need/want it to be true).

    O go back and forth on this one. Most of the time I favor the latter explanation because the members of the GB have been indoctrinated into this belief system and so are no more equipped to look at their belief system objectively as the “Rank and File”. Also, the GB is subject to “groupthink” just like any other group. And, they face the same cognitive dissonance anyone else would have after investing a huge amount of time and energy staying inside (plus they get accolades and lots of benefits so that is another incentive to stay inside) Lastly, when you look at some of the changes they don’t look particularly well-thought out (e.g. “Overlapping Generations”? Really? Ok…).

    “But then again, I could be wrong…”(Said by no one ever in the GB)

  • January 27, 2015 at 2:11 pm

    Around 1960-70, the chosen target for strong counsel were brothers
    who worked “overtime” and maybe missed, or came late for.
    a meeting now and again. It’s a recurring theme in the w,t, where they
    bring out all the scriptures they can muster regarding materialism, and
    Satan’s traps.

    So when the boss asks you to work overtime, he’s only moving his lips
    it’s actually Satan whose talking, like he did with the snake, it’s Satan
    who’s caused the company to prosper needing you to work over.
    He can’t get life, so the miserable old blee*** doesn’t want you to
    have it either. How would they manage without big S ?

    Back to the 60s-70s, it was the servants meeting with the C,O, ( an
    obese man at least 252 pounds. ) He sat there with his sheets of
    Congregation figures, and in an irritated tone said. “If there’s no
    Improvement on my next visit I’ll have you all off and put sisters in
    your place. (It was just like salesmen being threatened with the sack
    by an area supervisor for poor sales figures.”)

    One of the servants said ” many of the brothers are having to work
    overtime to provide for families”. The C,O, replied in a sneering tone,
    “I wouldn’t regard myself as much of a man if I had work over to
    provide for my wife.”

    Behind the warm Christian love hyperbole, the bottom impersonal
    line is, figures, corporate growth, hard cash. Why do brothers
    have to report spiritual service to God.? it’s because people work
    better when they know their work will be checked.

  • January 27, 2015 at 2:38 pm

    StrongHaiku. I know, that kind of higher learning will for sure ruin your life in the org.

  • January 27, 2015 at 2:40 pm

    @brandnew. I watched that video and also wondered if they are paying royalties for the use of that song. What would be rich is if they got taken down for copyright infringement. Does anybody remember the branch “visit” talk by Sam Herd where he went on and on and on about how these Bethelites were showing up late for work??? This has to have been produced by the Society and I wonder why???

  • January 27, 2015 at 3:19 pm

    Fred Franz, president of the WT from 1977 to 1992, dropped out of college in 1914. He never completed a degree. WT disdain for university education started with him, and 101 years later, it’s going strong.

    Franz gave a Gilead graduation talk in 1975 titled “Was There a 1st Century Governing Body?” (youtube). He used the occasion to oppose formation of a governing body for the WT. He basically hijacked the graduation talk for his own interests. It’s ironic how Franz and today’s WT leadership are diametrically opposed on having power in a governing body.

    A PDF transcript of the Walsh Trial in Scotland, 1954, is available online. Hayden Covington, legal counsel for WT, testifies under oath in court , that for the sake of unity, JWs must accept and teach false doctrine, or face disfellowshipping (pp. 347-348).

    The WT is more about power, and less about truth.

  • January 27, 2015 at 3:26 pm

    @ StrongHaiku

    I often think about this as well.

  • January 27, 2015 at 3:58 pm

    @White rabbit.Your comment about Fred Franz arguing against a Governing Body being formed in 1975 was the ONLY Logical & Reasoned talk based on scripture he ever gave .He said there was no GB In the First Century only Holy Spirit & Paul had to come up to Jerusalem from Antioch to correct the Elders ( so called GB ) over circumcision & then Paul disappeared from Jerusalem go 14 Years!!! To go on 3 missionary tours. So Paul made decisions & appointments on his own with influence of Holy Spirit NOT Spirit Directed as Today’s so called GB like to put it ( a corrupted twist on words) There was no input from a central Governing Body!! Russell,Rutherford& Knorr from 1880 until 1971 made their own decisions on doctrine ALONE! The two thirds VOTING arrangement for the GB started in 1975 revealed in ‘Crisis of Conscience ‘ book! There are no GREEK Words for GOVERNING BODY in the BIBLE(Greek Interlinear-purple book) . I think the modern GB know what’s going on & they are playing with people’s minds!! They Love the wealth, Lifestyle & Adulation from the flock. It’s like a drug becomes addictive!!Just like Rutherford with Beth SARIM (10 room mansion)& his two Cadillacs built in 1929 when Americans were starving in the Greatest Depression of all time. OBSCENE!! But he knew what he was doing .He was a Lawyer using uneducated JW as his personal SLAVES for his publishing empire!!

  • January 27, 2015 at 4:08 pm

    @White Rabbit. Thank you for telling us about that Fred Franz talk. I listened to it and I am going to use it.

    My husband has his own computer next to mine and this is what I am going to do when he’s sitting there at his computer playing solitaire.

    I am going to ask him if he remembers Fred Franz? Of course he will say yes because he is so proud of being in the “truth” even before I was (I also remember Fred Franz’s talks too but I will let that go).

    So, anyway, I will ask him if he remembers Fred Franz and then I will ask him if he wants to hear one of his talks from 1975 and I think he will agree. I won’t say a word but he would have to see by the end of that speech, how much Fred Franz was against the idea of the Governing Body, which hadn’t been started yet. If he doesn’t “get” it, I will point it out and he won’t believe me but I will back up the video for him then.

    Then he will say it’s a made-up talk by “apostates” but before that, he will have agreed it’s really Fred Franz so that argument won’t hold water.

    What I can say then, if he says anything is “when I got baptized in 1966, this was the teaching and the organization has been hijacked by anti-Christs and if he can’t see it, then he needs to open up his eyes.” It is very clear that is what Fred Franz believed and my husband loved Fred Franz.

    I know that up until he gets to that point, he will agree that it’s really Fred Franz and not a made up speech by “apostates”.

    Again thanks for telling us about that video!

  • January 27, 2015 at 4:12 pm

    &White rabbit . The trial of Fred Franz in 1954 in Scotland where Haydon Covington made the famous comment’We must have UNITY at all cost’ even if it means teaching error as truth which teachings had changed from Russell’s & Rutherfords times( Pyramids, 1874- Christs Presence; Armageddon 1914,1915.1918,1925,1975?in the 20th century,etc). WHY would JESUS & JEHOVAH give to this group of men such utter disorganised& confused & always changing interpretation . If JEHOVAH is playing confusing MIND GAMES & is all powerful it is a Pretty Sick Confusing JOKE he is playing . And to cap it all we have to go through another FLIPPING TEST at the end of the 1000 Years.!! Oh No not again!But the GB only go through it ONCE as they get immortality after ARMAGEDDON !! It’s alright for them!!

  • January 27, 2015 at 4:28 pm

    @Ted . You show great insight on the organisation .It is all about figures& numbers. The C.O . Would exert pressure on ever greater increase on bible studies,baptismal candidates, pioneers,etc & the Elders knew they would get a heavy telling off for not increasing numbers . JESUS would not have behaved like this & I thought JEHOVAH draws these meek ones to him & Angels are guiding us in the preaching work & the STONES would Cry out. WELL LET THEM CRY OUT on a Saturday & Sunday morning!! I’m Going BACK TO BED!!!

  • January 27, 2015 at 5:08 pm

    I just look for the funny stuff, too long being a serious kid growin up. Gotta have a sense of humor lookin back on my jw days.

  • January 27, 2015 at 5:25 pm

    is philosophy 1 and 2 required courses or is it an elective?
    just curious,
    id have got up and left this talk.
    they should have retired.
    bunch of hypocritical pharisees.

  • January 27, 2015 at 6:01 pm

    I have the 1942 Empathic Diaglott published by the Society and this is what Matthew 24:5 says there in the Greek “Many for shall come in the name of me, saying; I am the Anointed; and many they shall deceive.”

    This is what it says in the new “silver sword at Matthew 24:5 “for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ, and will mislead many.”

  • January 27, 2015 at 9:44 pm

    Could not have said it better myself. Also, better hope you never ever need blood.

  • January 27, 2015 at 10:57 pm

    I understand there is a very fine line between prohibiting and strongly discouraging. Look up the definition of prohibiting. As pointed out there many JWs in good standing who also attend college, proving Watchtower doesn’t prohibit higher education. If we say Watchtower prohibits higher education, we’re guilty of the same “doublespeak” and “half-truths” used by the Watchtower. And they in turn can accuse us of what we’re accusing them of doing! I myself am in total disagreement with Watchtower strongly discouraging higher education and angry that many people have not had better lives because of it, but I will not stoop to their level and say a “half truth” that they prohibit it. If we want to be taken seriously we need to stick to facts and not “doublespeak” and “half-truths” like Watchtower. Remember, there might be JWs reading this thread…

  • January 27, 2015 at 11:42 pm

    JWs pursuing a 4 year college degree are ignoring the advice of their leaders. They may get away with it for now, because the WT has no power to enforce an education policy; it’s not a disfellowshipping offense.

    But to truly have “good standing” you must obey your leaders. If you reject their advice, then you must find the courage to abandon them and leave the WT. Failure to choose between these two alternatives is self deception.

    You want to ride the paradise train, but you don’t want to pay the ticket price. You can’t have it both ways.

  • January 28, 2015 at 12:22 am

    @Brother David. No-one is stooping to half truths by basically saying Prohibit & strongly discourage is basically the same thing! Some might get away with it in your congregation going to college BUT believe me Elders in many congregations will not promote ??you even to ministerial servant if you try to better yourself by going to university ! One circuit overseer said to my mother in law when her child was 15 & missed ONE MEETING in a YEAR to revise for her Maths exam the next day that this WAS SHOWING A LACK OF SPIRITUALITY & he never needed O Levels to pioneer!! BUT I do the accounts for the congregation . The Elders approved of giving him £186 for food & expenses for the week!! TAX FREE & many brothers& sisters gave £10 or £20 each in cards at the end of the week!! My wife gave £40 as it was their wedding anniversary the following week! Let’s say they get about £200 to £300 in gifts of cash each congregation each week TAX FREE!! Minimum figure of £10 from 20 brothers in a congregation of 110 publishers which ours is! I live in UK. Then they get free meals at lunch & ours has a circuit flat above the Kingdom Hall !! So add it up about £1000 cash TAX FREE every month plus the congregations pay for running & maintaining their car which they get a NEW CAR from BETHEL EVERY 3 YEARS !! WHO NEEDS QUALIFICATIONS or an EDUCATION !! What Really ANNOYS me is how they condemn the Clergy for taking a salary??? HOW HYPOCRITICAL !!!

  • January 28, 2015 at 1:55 am

    Isn’t it remarkable how educated persons climb up the Watchtowers corporate rather quickly. Wonderful JW app on Android, obviously designed by a dunce. No doubt their architect’s and machine engineers are a bit thick, not their financiers. So I say three fff’s to the indoctrinated nonsense Tony. It’s not your fault your a bit thick, I think your hearts in the right place but who can tell?

  • January 28, 2015 at 2:00 am

    As regards the apostle Paul’s writings , there is no doubt, whoever wrote them, that that person was a decent well educated individual.

    • January 28, 2015 at 2:04 am

      …who believed, among other things, that women should be silent.

      • January 28, 2015 at 6:58 am

        Is that true, Cedars? I recommend “Misquoting Jesus” written by Prof Ehrman. Apparantly, not only Jesus is being misquoted hehe ;-)

        In short: 1 Cor 14:34,35 is almost certainly a later insert (removing it improves “flow” in context); and Ephesians is probably a later book written in Paul’s name.

        Scholars do agree that Paul wrote about head coverings for women when active in the church. Which of course does suggest they were allowed to be active, otherwise why need to invent a rule about headcovering if they should be silent all the way anyway?

        • January 28, 2015 at 12:12 pm

          If one can remove verses of the bible to improve the “flow,” is it also possible to remove verses to improve the morality? ;)

  • January 28, 2015 at 2:08 am

    I reckon the Watchtower holds a spiritual gun to these ones heads. If your work from the inside. . . .well done you.x

  • January 28, 2015 at 2:12 am

    Yes Lloyd point taken and understood. Would it perhaps be a matter of culture rather than misogyny? Could it have been, considering the Jewish system, that Paul was protecting women from such men? Personally women and men are equal, no doubts whatsoever.

  • January 28, 2015 at 2:17 am

    I have to be absolutely honest and say it’s not something, in the scriptures, that sits comfortable with me. The oppression of any individual, if that’s where it goes, is abhorrent.

  • January 28, 2015 at 2:24 am

    Jehovah’s witnesses now have to prove to me that women should put up and shut up.

  • January 28, 2015 at 2:48 am

    Of course the alleged persons all so said, “there is neither Jew nor Greek, male or female”.

  • January 28, 2015 at 2:51 am

    @David, I get your point. I am hoping that if anybody is reading this and are contemplating whether it’s really the “truth” or not, can get the jest of what we are trying to get across here.

    What the Watchtower puts in print and what they say in talks is not always the same as what the rank and file “understand” is how they are to act if they want to be “pleasing” to the Lord in everything and “obedient”.

    The rank and file know full well that if a person disassociates themselves that they will be shunned, but that isn’t what you are going to see in black and white in any recent literature or on their web site. What the Society will print is that “apostate” are mentally diseased and that Jehovah has “killed” them so we shouldn’t “mourn” them when they leave. It’s crap like that, is how we understand what they “really” are saying, as the “real” truth of disfellowshipping. The Society is sneaky. They pick and chose every word so they can get away with double-speak. We, who have old literature can find those statements in black and white but a new person would not be able to locate articles like that and especially if anybody in the door to door work, who has had literature left with them, who could turn to that web site and are ignorant of the Society’s deceitful ways, would naturally get the impression that “no, we don’t shun people who have left the religion”. We all know it’s a half-truth (lie).

    The rank and file may send off their child to college but it is only because they “chose” not to listen to the Watchtower.

    The thing that disturbs the elders then, is that this person is setting a “bad” example to the kids coming up in that congregation. But these very same elders will recognize a child of a close friend, that this child is gifted and this very same elder may have a really good, well paying job because this very same elder went to college and so that elder knows full well how hypocritical it is for him to discourage another kid from going to college but if this elder wants to keep his standing in the congregation, he has to speak out of 2 sides of his mouth at the same time. These men must be very conflicted but if they want to stay in their position have to walk this line. The alternative is to be in the position that we are in. It has to be mentally draining for these men to be in the position that they are in. They got roped into that position the same as we did and they are in terrible positions and I pity them. But then, they are hypocrites too. The whole thing is just awful.

    People who are new or just turning to would not understand how it works, unless they have been in it for a long time. Those of us who have been in it for a long time, know it’s nothing but hypocritical nonsense.

    So, hopefully if anybody is coming here and new or from the “world”, they will understand that it’s double-talk. Yes, it is prohibited but it’s not spelled out in straight talk. It’s read between the lines and if you want to be “obedient” you don’t send your kids to college but if you care more about your child than the Society but don’t want to get disfellowshipped at the same time so as to retain your family connections, you might very well disregard what the Society “recommends” and send your child off to college. It all depends on how much you love your child and how “obedient” you are to the Society.

    People get “away” with it but that doesn’t mean it’s acceptable. People are forced to smile about it. That doesn’t mean that behind that smile is disgust and wonderment.

  • January 28, 2015 at 3:09 am

    The majority people I work with are female, :-) many of them would say I’m a bigger woman than they are lol, you don’t give out free shovels on this site do you:-)?

  • January 28, 2015 at 3:21 am

    Lol, this is absolutely true, even the gay lads call me gay Gary who’s not gay:-) I’m totally against oppression.

  • January 28, 2015 at 5:05 am


    The WatchTower keeps their unity with mafia style tactics.

    When you start studying with them as a young person (with little experience of life) you are tought that what they say is “clearly” in the Bible.

    There was no mention in the study book about Pyramidology, 1874, 1925, 1975, etc.

    When later in life you know about these things and ask a simple honest question to elders they can quickly, within seconds call you apostate.

    For a person who loves God this is the most terrible label.

    You are called apostate not becuase you are introducing wrong teachings becuase you are asking how is possible for a spirit directed person to come up with absurd teachings. Your goals is to be honest making sure what you teach to others is correct.

    Then at that point you are reminded of your vow when you were baptized. Here comes a second shock. You thought baptism was something between you and God. But they cleverly inserted that the “slave” is included in it. This insanity is also inspired from the same verse (a parable from Jesus to encourage Christians to be vigilant)

    Then you discover that everything you believed is totally false, that the organization uses the Bible has the basis with an additional layer of human made madness to give power and prestige to few american charlatans.

    They criticize the catholic church beacuse they are not quick in ammitting their mistakes but the WatchTower have the exact same behaviour.

    You cannot make the simplest question or show the simplest doubt without the fear of being called with the worst appellative.

    The mormons do the same. If you ask their leaders why they believe in the angel moroni you get a bad look. So you are forced to believe crazyness in order to be in good relation with your loved ones.
    Isn’t that mafia style behaviour?

    If they are all happy why they do not put a comment box in their kingdom halls so that people can express their feelings freely.

    Why they do not let their members fill a survey to see what they really think. They would never do that becuase the only thing they want to hear is ‘Yes’, yes, yes.

    The only time they ask for input from their members is for more money.

    Obviously they do not want people to increase their critical skills with higher education otherwise how can you treat their nonsense as reality.

    The sad reality is that they are making honest people worshiping a human organization instead of God. Christians know whose tactic is that.

    If people love God and want to be Christians do so but do not sacrifice freedom, family relations and mental health for nothing.

    You can well study the Bible with other persons with the same beliefs in a small group without wannabe dictators.

  • January 28, 2015 at 5:07 am

    Thanks for the link for the ‘Happy’, video,actually really enjoyed it and personally think it’s better than Cedars’ one.
    Been a fader for 3 years now and actually find some of the comments on here so petty and nit picking, GET A LIFE.

  • January 28, 2015 at 5:32 am

    David, what a nice comment. I agree with it all.
    What I wonder is how could we be soooo blind
    to believe all of this? 3/4 of my life has been producing thousands upon thousands of hours to
    perpetuate this demonic cult! I’m overwhelmed by this thought at times. I try not to think about it too much. It’s great to be free at last!

  • January 28, 2015 at 6:03 am

    @Liam Smith. Thanks for INSULTING everyone on this site by saying we are all nitpicking. Afraid it is a bit more serious than that .JWs have lost their lives because of the BAN on organ transplants from 1967 to 1980 & Blood Fractions was a disfellowshipping offence until year 2000.So you could LOSE YOUR LIFE & a family might LOSE their child or parent because up until that point you couldn’t have Cell Salvage , Hemodilution,Haemoglobin,Albumin(used for breast cancer treatment ).BUT after 2000 all these treatments were acceptable !! JWs can only get Blood Fractions from WHOLE BLOOD DONATIONS which WORLDLY people KINDLY Donate !!! But JWs cannot Donate Blood as they would be DISFELLOWSHIPPED!! HOW WICKED IS THAT Mr. LIAM SMITH. !!!! You are a very WICKED person for supporting such a BLOODGUILTY ORGANISATION !! And you are in DANGER of being Disfellowshipped for associating with APOSTATES !!!

  • January 28, 2015 at 6:07 am

    @Liam Smith ,You Tell us TO GET A LIFE!!! Well Thousands have LOST LIVES & FAMILY literally & spiritually . People here are NOT NITPICKING they have LOST their whole lives to this Organisation !!

  • January 28, 2015 at 6:09 am

    @Liam Smith. I watched the “Happy” dancing video too and I am wondering: If a person walked into any of the Bethels with a big radio in your hands with that music playing really loud and you were dancing, what would happen to you? Do these people do the “happy” dance all the time or was it a promotional video to make everybody “think” they are that happy? It sure seemed like a put on to me but then I’ve never been an unpaid slave at Bethel so I don’t know for sure. Have you served there? Is it really all that happy?

    The comments here are nit picking and petty and we should get a life? Why aren’t you going back to the meetings since you are fading? I am curious, why are you here then?

    I find your comment really offensive.

    People’s lives have been lost to this cult. Do you have even one shred of evidence in support of it? If so, what is it? I am curious what it could be. Can you prove that the Society aren’t liars and deceivers? What is your proof?

  • January 28, 2015 at 6:47 am

    @David, your comment really hit the nail on the head!

  • January 28, 2015 at 6:49 am

    When I said ‘nit picking’ I meant some of the unnecessary comments on matters where there is no issue.
    I fully appreciate the major issues at hand and wouldn’t downplay them or diminish their seriousness.
    Appologies to all those who misunderstood where I was coming from :-)

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