Tony Morris has indulged in a bizarre rant in which he denies any organizational problems with child abuse
Tony Morris has indulged in a bizarre rant in which he denies any organizational problems with child abuse

Governing Body member Tony Morris has used the July 2015 episode of JW Broadcasting to indulge in an astonishing rant about child abuse, seemingly in response to the onslaught of negative publicity Watchtower has faced in recent years.

In his nine-minute statement on the matter, Morris shows two video presentations and reads from a 1982 Awake! magazine in attempting to make the case that Watchtower has always been “pro-active” in making the protection of children a “top priority.”

At one point, Morris unleashes an astonishing swipe at gay people in an apparent attempt to scapegoat homosexuals as being the main perpetrators of child abuse. “It [an Awake! article] warned about homosexual men who prey on and advocate the right to use boys for sex. Shame on them!” he says. (See time stamp 02:49 in the video below.)

The 1982 “‘Chickens’ and ‘Hawks'” article to which Morris alludes is a shameless piece of propaganda blaming homosexuals in general for child prostitution rings that flourished in the 80s and 90s, and which society itself has condemned (such as in the 1994 award-winning documentary “Chicken Hawk: Men Who Love Boys“). (See Wikipedia article)

Morris’ exploitation of this isolated controversy to make a sweeping generalization about gay people represents only the latest example of what appears to be a pattern of homophobic bigotry above and beyond even the scathing condemnation of gays and lesbians found in Watchtower publications.

Last year Morris was voted one of 2014’s craziest “right-wing nutjobs” by Advocate magazine for his baffling comments at last year’s United States Branch Visit, at which he warned of a conspiracy whereby homosexuals are designing tight clothing merely to lust after men’s bodies. (See time stamp 03:20 in the video below.)

And only recently, at the 2015 regional convention, Morris made a not-so-thinly-veiled declaration of his disapproval at Ireland’s recent referendum legalizing same-sex marriage.

Clearly Morris has an axe to grind against homosexuals for reasons best known to himself, but that he should mobilize his bigotry against gays in defense of the organization’s outrageous record on mishandling child abuse is bewildering to say the least.

Head in the sand

Homophobic scapegoating aside, Morris’ comments are a fascinating example of the organization’s “head in the sand” approach in the face of mounting media scrutiny of Watchtower’s child abuse track record.

This strategy was most recently deployed by Stephen Lett, who used a recorded “morning worship” speech to claim that media attention on the issue was nothing but “apostate-driven lies and dishonesties.”

As much as activists like myself desperately wish there to be no problem in this area, and as much as we yearn for JW children to be protected, various facts are well-documented and glaringly obvious, namely:

  • Watchtower has been found legally responsible for its mishandling of child abuse in courts of law on several occasions in two different countries (see articles on Candace Conti, Jose Lopez and the latest UK high court judgment), in some cases being ordered to pay multimillion dollar damages for their negligence
  • Watchtower gathers and holds information concerning an unknown number of pedophiles, thought to number into the thousands, on a database. Watchtower admitted the existence of the database in a 2002 fax to the BBC, and it lost the Jose Lopez case in part because it refused to divulge the contents of the database in that particular trial. (See this Huffington Post interview video.)
  • Watchtower publications do not urge parents to report allegations of child abuse to authorities in all instances
  • Watchtower elders have been criticized for covering up instances of child abuse from the authorities, as in the cases of Mark Sewell, Jonathan Rose and Gordon Leighton
  • Watchtower instructions to elders in the 2010 Shepherd the Flock of God book and subsequent instructional letters uphold the “two witness rule,” whereby if there is no witness to an allegation of child molestation (or no allegation from a second victim is forthcoming) elders are to “leave matters in Jehovah’s hands,” as the following scan clearly shows
  • Watchtower instructions to elders also maintain the position that the branch office, not the police, should be the first to hear of a report of abuse, and that past child molestation does not necessarily bar someone from serving as an elder in the congregation

child-sex-abuseNone of the above pressing issues are addressed or even alluded to in Morris’ nine-minute statement. Instead he heaps praise on the organization for taking “a decisive stand,” for being “pro-active,” and for making the safeguarding of children a “top priority.”

A reputation to be proud of?

Morris even summons the gall to claim: “We are proud of our reputation in this regard.” Irrespective of what Morris or other Governing Body members may think of their handling of child abuse, if there is one thing beyond dispute in this area, it is that Watchtower’s reputation is not one to be proud of.

One possible strategy Morris might have employed if he had an ounce of humility would be to throw his hands up and admit that, like other organizations, Watchtower was simply caught off guard at a time when the threat posed by child abuse wasn’t fully understood.

Instead, Morris adopts the reverse approach by suggesting the organization was always ahead of the game while secular authorities were floundering and “somewhat naive” as to the magnitude of the problem.

As an example of Watchtower’s foresight he parades the “landmark” 1982 Awake! magazine as highlighting the scourge of child abuse over thirty years ago. But it should go without saying that it is one thing to highlight child abuse as a problem, but another thing entirely to offer effective advice.

For example, the article in that magazine titled “To End Child Abuse” gives the following advice, few aspects of which can be considered especially relevant…

  • “[The bible] calls for close communication between parent and child”
  • “[Psychologists] say parents must be fair and set good examples, but children need regulations and discipline”
  • Sex education promotes masturbation and homosexuality. “Regardless of the pros and cons of sex education, the hard fact is the tremendous increase in child prostitution, sodomy, pornography and incest.”
  • “In God’s due time all who embrace his kingdom under Christ will become able to keep this law of love perfectly… This is the only way, the final way, to end child abuse.”

Watchtower’s 1982 guidance on protecting children from predators thus called for (1) better communication between parents and children, (2) strong parental discipline, (3) less sex education and (4) God’s kingdom. This advice, claims Morris, “straightforwardly addressed” the issue and, combined with subsequent magazine articles can be considered as exonerating Watchtower.

What Morris doesn’t mention is that not one of the magazine articles on child abuse published over the last few decades specifically tell Witness parents to go to the authorities with any and all allegations of abuse, which is surely the first priority in the wake of a crime of such magnitude being perpetrated. One 1993 Awake! article even goes so far as to suggest that, in certain cases, “the legal system may offer little hope of successful prosecution.” (Awake! 1993 10/8 page 9)

Morris attempts to throw up a smokescreen early in his presentation by asserting: “Our policy as an organization is that one professing to be a victim, or his parents, should never be discouraged from reporting the incident to the appropriate authorities.” But this is nothing more than a play on words, and a deliberate attempt to deceive.

It is one thing to tell children to resist predators, it is another thing entirely to deal properly with the aftermath
It is one thing to tell children to resist predators, it is another thing entirely to deal properly with the aftermath of an attack

True, Watchtower doesn’t expressly dissuade parents from going to the authorities, but it doesn’t persuade them either. Morris thus overtly relies on the ignorance of his audience regarding the nuances of Watchtower’s policies in an attempt to dupe them into thinking reporting is encouraged, even though the organization has yet to issue such instructions to elders despite repeated courtroom defeats.

At best, Watchtower literature over the decades has taught children to be able to identify predators and report such ones to their parents – the most recent example of which is the Caleb and Sophia cartoon presented by Morris in this video.

But teaching children to resist predators is only a fraction of any meaningful, effective child-safeguarding policy. The whole reason why child abuse is so evil is precisely because, for obvious reasons, children will always be vulnerable in the face of any sufficiently determined and opportunistic predatory pedophile, irrespective of how much resistance they put up.

Any child safeguarding policy worth its salt must thus adequately address what to do in the aftermath of an attack so that pedophiles are swiftly apprehended, and this is precisely where Watchtower falls woefully short. Parents are not told to go straight to the authorities by elders in every instance, they are merely informed that this is their “responsibility.”

Throw into the mix the perception that child abuse is a sin that the elders have a remit to investigate, the importance of “waiting on Jehovah,” the stigmatization of taking your “brother” to court, and fears surrounding slander and false accusations, and the likelihood of the police being left out of the loop entirely becomes all too apparent.

Worse than you think

I recently found myself in a phone conversation with a BBC journalist regarding Watchtower’s mishandling of child abuse. I expressed to her my frustration at the perception among Witnesses and Watchtower apologists that so-called “apostates” like myself are exaggerating the problem of child abuse.

I told her that, if anything my colleagues and I are understating the magnitude of the problem, because some of the horrendous stories we hear about privately simply cannot be publicized for various reasons.

She replied: “Welcome to the world of journalism.” This, apparently, is the challenge all journalists face in covering important stories where the full grisly horror of what is happening simply cannot be revealed for a myriad of issues including privacy, court orders and so on.

Tony Morris and the Governing Body may desperately want there to be no problem regarding child abuse, but as the saying goes, there is no smoke without fire. When you add up the relentless stream of child abuse reports in the press, including several clear instances where Watchtower has been found guilty and ordered to pay eye-watering sums in compensation, it is clear that, far from being ahead of the game, the organization is ablaze with this problem.

And documented evidence in the organization’s own instructions to elders leaves the Governing Body red-handed in not taking child abuse seriously enough by considering it a sin first, and a crime second.

For all his bluster, boasting and outrageous gay-bashing, the frustration and desperation of Tony Morris and his fellow Governing Body members is becoming painfully obvious.

Putting their hands over their ears and saying “la, la, la” in the face of serious accusations of child safeguarding negligence may work for them personally, but this juvenile charade only adds to their culpability as court after court finds Watchtower negligent. And growing numbers of Jehovah’s Witnesses are seeing straight through it.









Further reading…

A full video rebuttal of the JW Broadcasting episode in question is forthcoming, and will be embedded at the foot of this article when complete.

76 thoughts on “Tony Morris scapegoats gay people in bizarre child abuse denial rant

  • July 6, 2015 at 7:15 am

    It is not so much WHAT iTony is ranting about that I enjoy but the fact that he IS ranting, and ranting way more than the other GB members.

    He reveals his true colors, what is in his heart (a scripture came to mind but I forget) and it is becoming clearer and clearer this man is not “right” and has “issues”.

    He will become a valuable tool in waking up others, ironic isn’t?

    Lloyd, perhaps you should call him to tell him he is deluded and helping others wake up to TTATT…oh wait…

    Any more details on your chat with the BBC? It is annoying there is not more coverage…Conti case gets settled and there is hardly a peep from any mediastreams…

  • July 6, 2015 at 7:43 am

    I have a hypothesis, that others may feel free to shoot down, but seeing these types of incendiary statements from the GB makes me think that this may be a reaction to their own irrelevance.

    I was indoctrinated with the idea that JWs were so special and important that Armageddon would come when they would draw the anger of the nations, etc. and be persecuted. That has not happened.

    I often think this is some type of strategy (whether conscious or not) by the GB to get the world to notice them. I can imagine being in the 21st century as a JW beginning to realize that most people don’t really care what JWs think, stand for, etc.

    What do you do when you seem irrelevant? What do you do when the promised persecution/Great Tribulation has not come? Well, maybe you get in people’s faces and say controversial things and try to create the situation. Maybe they are trying to draw the ire of the world and spin that as persecution. If this is their strategy we should expect more and more controversial public statements and doubling down on controversial doctrines (e.g. blood, shunning, etc.).

    Of course I could be wrong…

    • July 6, 2015 at 8:38 am

      I don’t have a credible source for this, but I read ‘somewhere’ that your explanation was exactly why Rutherford came up with the no blood policy, to draw the ire of the world and spark persecution. I wish I could find where I read that.

    • July 7, 2015 at 3:12 pm

      When I was in the religion I really thought, as did many other former Jehovah’s Witnesses, that we were truly a “theatrical spectacle to the world,” but I’ve since come to the immediate realization since abandoning the organization that, quite frankly, no one gives a damn about Jehovah’s Witnesses. They are an irrelevant, insignificant bunch to the world that no one even thinks about. The idea of being the center of attention was merely an illusion.

      Your hypothesis isn’t too far fetched. It sounds credible to me. The nations are not paying any attention to Jehovah’s Witnesses and so their leaders are attempting to garner this attention by making provocative and incendiary comments about extremely sensitive issues.

      I think one of the reasons Jehovah’s Witnesses were so intensely anti-Catholic in its early days was because of its own less than prominent status in comparison to the Catholic Church. The Governing Body and the Watchtower in no way, shape, or form have the kind of influence and power that the Pope and the Catholic Church have in the world, and so it would only seem right in their eyes to attack the big man on campus in order to gain some clout themselves.

      • July 8, 2015 at 6:02 am

        @JWintellect. I thought about it the same as you regarding the Catholic Church and the WT viscous attacks on Catholicism. They attacked the Catholics the Most bc they were the Biggest! The when the Catholics attacked back or defended themselves it somehow gave “credibility” to the WT! They could claim and argue see, we are being persecuted..we are somebody! See! They hate us for preaching the Word of God and we are the ONLY ONES doing it! SEE! We are significant! IN Reality when you leave the WT you realize nobody really cares or gives a Rat’s Arse about the JW’s or what they teach or say especially since 100% of their prophecies or predictions have NEVER come true! Not 1 thing they ever uttered in prophecy has proven true.

        SOmetimes when I am with people or business friends we may see somew Jw’s wandering on the streets and I say look! ARe those JW’s? WHat are they doing? They look lost out here, what do they believe? Hardly a reaction from y associates or friends. A few may say, Oh I have a cousin or a work mate who is a JW. Or, Oh yea they thin the end of the World is coming soon, Or..are they the ones who don’t salute the flag or don’t take blood transfusions? Nobody takes them serious or that they have this great ALL IMPORTANT message? Tp the majority of humanity they are insignificant despite what they thin about themselves.

    • July 16, 2015 at 6:06 am

      (2nd attempt to get this posted – am I blacklisted? If yes, please let me know why. Thanks.)

      Remember the “arrow in the running priests’s butt”-pic? Or the WTS’s insolent “God will destroy you and your Nazi party”-letter to Hitler? That’s what u r talking about. Now, THAT drew some irate clergymen’s or politicians’ attention, and triggered the wave of persecutions that dropped on the JWs during the beginning of the previous century. It was all self-inflicted, like a self-fulfilling prophecy. And then, they cheered: “Hoorai! WE are the real deal, we are the ‘true Christians’, bec. Jesus said ‘ You will be persecuted’ ” – but stop: Jesus also said (and the JW ignore this): “You will be persecuted BECAUSE OF MY NAME!” That’s the difference. JW did not get persecuted bec. they were Christians, but bec. they blindly followed the manmade rules of erroneous little men who deluded themselves into believing they have godlike authority. That’s why in Germany for example, the JW (formerly called “Earnest Bible Students”) are NOT considered as “exemplary” when it comes to resistance to the Nazis, not like Bonhöffer, Niemöller, the “Red Chapel” or the “Solf-Circle” for example, who suffered bec. of adherence to their Christian principles, not to manmade org-rules. Well, lets’ see when their “in your face”-tactics will bear some fruits – some real bitter ones.

  • July 6, 2015 at 7:55 am

    As a non-JW victim of child sexual abuse myself, I know how hard it is to report abuse to your own parents. I was not subjected to the intimidation faced by JW kids, and it still took me 4 years to say anything to my mom. When I brought this topic up with my (now) JW mother after the Candace Conti verdict, she replied with accusations of greed on the part of alleged victims.

    Blame the victim? These ARE Witnesses of Jehovah… (or WERE, until they started making up stories about those who are supposed to be protecting them…??)

    How can you be proud to represent an organization that refuses to protect the most innocent and helpless among them?

    I continue to watch my family get more divided, as my parents & sister surrender their minds & lives to this high-control religious organization. If an adult wants to give up their worldly ways and join a rule and work-based religion, that is one thing. Children of JW’s have no say in the matter.

    • July 6, 2015 at 9:17 am

      Good to see you again, FW. Hope things get better for you and yours. Plus I am very glad to see that you stood up well against the “elderettes” and their continued attempts to get you to come back to the indoctrination-fest, aka meetings.

  • July 6, 2015 at 8:05 am

    Um….When was pedophillia the “new morality”?

    Also, saying you protect kids doesn’t make it so.

    I was told to not tell on my Dad to child services because then he would be taken to jail and it would be my fault.

    Then the scripture about not taking a brother to court was used and I was told I would go live with worldly people and if anything happened to my Dad in prison it would be all my fault and I would be blood guilty in Jehovah’s eyes.

    The elders knew and said I needed to be more obedient. I had to secretly video record him before they would do anything…., then they made it their mission to punish me for getting my Dad disfellowshipped. They sent spies (concerned sisters) to grill me for anything they could pin on me.

    This video sounds good, like they actually help children, but the reality is way different.

    If you try to go to “proper authorities” (law enforcement or them only???) they will insist they handle the issue. And believe me they will talk to the person and that’s it. Your child will have to go to the meetings with their abuser and then as a parent if you tell the police, they will disfellowship you (for imprisoning a brother and not going through Gods proper channels).

  • July 6, 2015 at 8:12 am

    I can’t help thinking that, when Toni Morris stresses the ‘appropriate authorities’, he might have a different definition in mind than we do. By adding ‘appropriate’, he seems to somehow include the elders… or am I wrong here?

    • July 11, 2015 at 7:29 pm

      No, You’re absolutely right. I picked up on that immediately. I’m sure he means not only “including” the elders but “excluding” the police. Isn’t this stressed in the elders’ handbook for dealing with such situations?

  • July 6, 2015 at 8:30 am

    He states, “However, to take advantage of innocent young ones is absolutely despicable. As a religious organization, we have taken a decisive stand against such behavior” (approx 40 second mark).

    Couple of things:

    Firstly, they made make taking advantage of young ones into an art form. Someone quoted a gov body member that some child of 5yo had been ‘pioneering since 4yo and was now still pioneering at age 10’. Also, teenagers should have their drivers licenses used as leverage, in order to get dunked into a lifetime of servitude to this real estate corporation.

    Secondly, the legal weasel-language is strong in that second quoted sentence. “As a religious organization, we cherry pick which scriptures back up our stance” would be much more accurate. They use Deuteronomy 19:15 to hold up as original two witness “law”, which had everything to do with REAL ESTATE, not rape. Yet if you page over to Deuteronomy 22:25, it actually discusses rape and that the woman needs no other witness if she was somewhere where no one would hear her screams. “[…] only the man who has done this shall die.”

    But the real good news is this: they are feeling it, as far as the blowback of their misuse of the scriptures and horrible treatment of victims goes. The internet is shining a light on these virtual cockroaches (the gov body being the topmost ones) and their heinous behavior towards victims, including courtroom behavior, such as Gordon Leighton case, where elders refused to state the man confessed to molesting the child! And whole congregations standing behind the guilty elder, only on his side of the courtroom, leaving the victim and family to stand alone.

    – – –

    “Courtroom shenanigans

    Rose arrived for his trial at Manchester Crown Court with an entourage of Witness supporters, including several elders. But this inundation of fans did not impress the judge.

    With the trial threatening to descend into a circus on only the first day, the judge ordered that the court’s public gallery and even the waiting area should be off-limits to all but family and those involved in the proceedings.

    Despite this ruling, certain elders are said to have ignored orders by trying to sit beside Rose in a public show of support – even though this was to lead to their ejection from the courtroom. The pleas of one elder to present evidence in support of Rose were similarly denied after complaints from the victims’ side.

    Watchtower representatives emerge

    A surprising feature of the trial was the arrival of two Watchtower representatives from bethel towards the end of the first week. Both were relatively young, perhaps in their thirties. Their identities are as yet unknown.

    The victims’ side looked on in disgust as, for the remaining days of the trial, these representatives sat firmly on the defendant’s side of the courtroom, consulting with Rose and making it clear as to on whose side their allegiance fell.

    Only when confronted emotionally by one of the victims’ family members on the final day of the trial did they accept that their behavior in supporting Rose so openly was inappropriate. After this exchange, they elected to sit in a more neutral position from that point onwards.”

    – – –

    ^ That ain’t even the half of it, as they say.

    Yup, the Watchtower sure hates deplorable behavior and stands firmly against child abuse/molesters.

    edit – Not sure why my replies are not coming through. Hoping this one will.

    • July 6, 2015 at 11:11 am

      Good point about Deuteronomy 22:25. A two witness requirement does not apply to sexual crimes. The same chapter says rape is like murder, where there may be no witnesses at all. Nevertheless, the one found guilty is put to death.

      Common sense says a two witness requirement cannot apply to sexual crimes. I don’t expect much common sense from the GB though. They claim to be the “faithful and discreet slave” without consulting the master.

      Not much common sense in that.

      • July 7, 2015 at 1:12 pm

        They have zero proof that they are indeed chosen by god. Funny how a child who is raped must produce two witnesses against his/her attacker, and yet the Gov Bod need no proof that they are who they claim to be.

        Terry over at JWN pointed out that “Annointed” is an interesting title for these Brooklyn-based false prophet clowns to lay claim to: Hebrew translates the word to “Messiah”, and in Greek it translates as “Christós” or Christ.

    • July 8, 2015 at 1:18 am

      That behavior makes me sick… I’m at a loss as to what to do for my two young children being raised in my once loved beliefs… :(

  • July 6, 2015 at 8:32 am

    This is becoming more laughable from the perspective of those of us who have left and have lifted the veil.

    Sadly, it becomes sadder and sadder these attempts by the GB in their literature, broadcasts, morning worships, cartoons, and letters to elders have little to no effect on the masses because of their minds.

    Unless something changes in the court systems the WT will continue to shell out payments that will hurt it but not cripple it, and they will continue to grow and deceive more people.

    I want to post links to all of these articles on my public social media pages since I know all of my former friends check my page from time to time but this will drive them right away since they will see it as Satan’s deceptive propaganda. He is the ruler of this world and controls the media after all with his master puppeteer skills..

    The WT is doing the only thing they know how: portray an image of what they want to be believe and instill fear if you believe anything else.

    Hope change is coming some time soon. As the org grows, so will the amount of children being taken advantage of.

  • July 6, 2015 at 9:30 am

    Hello to all.
    Morris is a homophobic gob shite! Cracks are most definitely appearing in watchtower. Trying to justify a non cooperation with the police. “He doth protest too much” would seem to apply to tight pants. Could Morris be the weakest link in the weakest chain? The more the public here what vitriol he spouts, the better. Still watchtower hides child rapists and its hands are covered in the blood of those murdered with the heinous blood issue. They make me mad

  • July 6, 2015 at 11:10 am

    Once again they use a foolish picture of a small girl, dolly in hand telling her “father” or some man a firm NO! As if that would work, in your own bedroom, with you fully dressed and I could go on. That is not an accurate portrayal of the problem, and as usual it will put the blame for sexual assault on the victim. Katie darling, did you tell Elder Jackson a firm NO! when he asked to see under your dress? Yes, brothers I did, I told him NO! and said Jehovah doesn’t like this! Good girl, your free to go and Elder Jackson you too may go and geez Willie, next time hit up a worldly girl!!!! You guys are making our job tougher than it needs be…makes me sick but that is the way my case went.

  • July 6, 2015 at 12:25 pm

    Cedars, that was one of the most balanced and clear articles that you have ever written on this subject.

    A very bright light needs to be continuously shone on this problem if it is ever to be eradicated.

    Well done!

  • July 6, 2015 at 12:32 pm

    Hi Lloyd,

    Would you consider taking the above child abuse handling bullet points along with the literature references only and creating a document or article specifically for use in forwarding to Witnesses who are fence-sitting?

    If I sent this article as is, it would be immediately ignored, labeled propaganda. But mothers of young children deserve to know these facts, being obscured by the GB.

    • July 7, 2015 at 12:32 am

      That’s a good suggestion Jill, thank you. I am considering making a YouTube video of JUST those points with the aim of putting Witnesses in the picture in the face of an apparent determined effort on the part of the Governing Body to misinform on this issue.

  • July 6, 2015 at 1:21 pm

    Morris’s feigned concern for children is sickening.
    Sure they’re worried about Paedophillia in their org.
    But mainly because of the bad publicity, and the effect
    it will have on recruitment, and possible defection.
    Plus the cost of expensive litigation and the threat to
    their tax exempt status.

    If they were “Genuinely” concerned. They would drop
    the two witness rule. It’s entirely inapplicable to a crime
    where the perp, goes to great lengths, to make sure
    there’ll be no observers. And how cruel to demand from
    a distressed child, that they produce such witnesses.
    otherwise it’s only their word against another’s .

    They have no right nor the appropriate training to subject
    children to such a harrowing inquisition. I repeat. If they
    we’re genuinely concerned. They would, without further
    delay, issue instructions to elders. To immediately hand
    over any complaints. To the Police.

    Morris’s statement that they are concerned, that even no
    “Emotional Harm” should come to a child. Are just empty
    words, propaganda. They will fool many. But not those
    who are aware, of the methods and motives of this corrupt,
    Godless and materialistic org.

  • July 6, 2015 at 3:51 pm

    Kudos to you, Lloyd. You were definitely in good-fighting form on this post, well armed with the facts on your side. Too bad that cognitive dissonance is alive and well in Watchtower Land, because an article like this should have spawned a mass exodus.

  • July 6, 2015 at 4:39 pm

    Another great article but god it makes my blood boil.

    “We are proud of our reputation in this regard.”

    Proud of their reputation!! Incase they hadn’t noticed, their reputation is that they hide child molesters & throw victims under the bus to save their deluded reputation.

    Also, when a dirty old man rapes a little girl. It just has to be the gays fault. (sarcasm).

    These royal hyenas are just clutching at anything. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is an attempt to get their propaganda in before the Australian Royal Commission comes out & airs the dirty laundry that has been soaking in the mire for so long. On the 27th of July, the hearing will be aired to the public. I hope that those that have secretly suffered will come out & speak. My feelings are that they wouldn’t be pursuing it if there wasn’t enough evidence to see a problem that needs addressing.

  • July 6, 2015 at 4:56 pm

    Tony just follow the usual cult protocol. They can condemn no JWs to death if they do not acknowledge
    the GB as the only channel between God and Mankind (role according to the Bible belonging only to Christ) but feel persecuted to the slightest criticism. But I think this is a win for the “apostate” community. The GB will be forced to change their policies and report pedophiles to authorities. At least we should be happy that children will be more protected. I guess next we have to teach the GB and make people more aware that people should not be ostracised if the choose to leave their denominations just like they want to be free to preach their half truths.

    It is also strange that Tony feel persecuted when shows clear signs of wealth. It displays a new suit on every appearance and the usual “godfather” style pinky ring.
    An appearance radically different then Jesus Christ’s.

  • July 6, 2015 at 5:40 pm

    Thank you so much Cedars for your articles. Having just woken up from JW mind control in October, I still suffer from ptsd and attacks from my cult personality. I find great comfort and encouragement in your articles and videos. The time and well thought out preparation cannot be undersold. What you are doing is a true service and I thank you for it.

    • July 7, 2015 at 3:20 pm

      Happy to hear you’ve exited!

  • July 6, 2015 at 6:07 pm

    Caleb, Sophia! It’s YOUR fault for getting abused; your conscience was too weak! Bad boy! Bad girl!

    The new video featuring the animated pair is really sneaky. Yes, kids should run away from predators. BUT, no focus is given on the predators themselves (such as known abusers within the organization). The way it is portrayed on the video, the burden is put on children to prevent abuse, according to their “trained” conscience. It doesn’t illustrate the reality that the parents could be the abusers themselves. It doesn’t show that there are times when it is physically impossible to get away from a predator (Elder Handy in the car group).

    And what if the abuser threatens to kill beloved Mommy or Daddy (or baby brother) if Sophia does tell on them? Well, Sophia then has to decide: save them or myself? Sophia loves them so she’ll likely keep quiet, because predators are PROS at manipulation and deceit. This will go on and Sophia will comply with the predator thinking she’s protecting her family. You can picture Sophia in group therapy 15 years later with an addiction to meth to cope with the years of abuse, made worse by listening to talks that will make her think she is guilty for the abuse. All those talks on fornication will make her wonder, was I committing fornication? Why DIDN’T Mommy protect me? Why did Brother Creep give a talk on telling the truth at all times then tell me to lie to my parents?

    She will have seen him at assemblies or meetings: maybe even giving a talk about porneia? Poor Sophia: her conscience wasn’t strong enough. She didn’t outwit a cunning adult with years of manipulative skills! And then, why didn’t Jehovah protect her? Was she not worthy of protection, given all the theocratic examples of children who were spared suffering ‘because they listened’? Apparently not, because it happened to her. Sophia will end up depressed, lonely, fearful, and likely lacking in any sort of faith. If she even remains in the organization (she’ll have so little self-worth she may stay in it out of fear), she’ll become one of the “weak” ones looked down upon by the strong because she’s not perky and happy and glowing with the good news. She’ll go downhill, while the way this organization works, the abuser will be promoted.

    Ironically, the watchers of this stupid video will likely be praising the organization for its helpfulness and loving concern, ignoring that Elder Handy and Brother Creep are right there in their hall, maybe sitting next to them at meeting. Other elders in the hall may know, but they won’t warn parents. Because the loving organization that has cared SO much for SO long has said not to divulge those little details. You’re on your own, Sophia and Caleb! Good luck with that!

    • July 8, 2015 at 12:49 am

      Barb, that’s a fantastic comment.x

    • July 11, 2015 at 9:26 am

      Well said, Barb. The hideous monster in the video is sofar from what actually happens, it makes me wonder why the GB actually believes this is “the truth”. The onus of responsibility is always put fairly and squarely on the shoulders of Joe Publisher, not on those making the policies. Will they ever wake up?

  • July 6, 2015 at 6:28 pm

    Boy, does Tony get heated up about homosexuals, doesn’t he? Latent much?

    Seriously, he deliberately misleads the definition of a homosexual by implying that a homosexual is a pedophile. Big difference: the homosexuals I know have no interest in little boys or little girls.

    It’s a cheap shot on Tony’s part (I feel I can be informal now that we are on a chatty basis via his constant tv appearances). His self-righteousness is disgusting. And really, his lies reinforce the same abusive tactic that predators use: listen to ME and no one else.

    These people have no morals. Shame on the lying org, the congregations who hide sexual abusers, the elders who know what abuse has happened and have the benefit of protecting THEIR kids but not everyone else’s. Shame on the parents for trusting this org and letting some out-of-touch corporate shill tell them how to parent and tell them their kids are safe. And shame on Tony Morris for lying to children by acting like he cares.

  • July 6, 2015 at 10:43 pm

    Interestingly when I was awakening from my indoctrination and also becoming increasingly aware of the sex abuse problem, I was still an active publisher at the time. I thought that I would put it out there and gauge the reaction I would get from the R&F. Out of the dozen people I tried I couldn’t find one who said “I feel sorry for those victims and I hope they get the help and support they need.” The replies I got were mainly media hype and one even refused to admit the news report was real. The reply that really stands out in my mind is “don’t read overseas news papers because this is going to confuse me”. Yup child abuse can be put down to overseas news papers confusing me. About sums it all up really.

    • July 7, 2015 at 2:26 am

      I have the same observation. every bro just denied the story, without even reading about it.

      • July 8, 2015 at 6:18 am

        @bobow: I still have a few JW friends I talk with sometimes or do some business with. When I bring up the Child Abuse issue to them and how rampant it is and the BAD 2 witness rule they seem unaware of how bad it is or they say something like Oh yes, I am gald those guys get DF’d! We have ZERO tolerance for anyone doing that! I point out the WT seems to protect them bc the 2 witness rule is impossible to enforce and they say well the bible does say that! I don’t think the R&F have any Idea how bad it really is.

    • July 10, 2015 at 4:26 am

      Yes, I left for exactly the same reasons as you. No one cared. I did and so did my husband but all the Witnesses could think of was that we shouldn’t talk to others about such things because it looks bad for Jehovah and it must be from apostates. They could not have cared less about the innocent young lives that had been ruined and that the Society had caused all that misery and cruelty themselves to the victims. You see to the Watchtower Society there are no victims. Unforgivable.

  • July 7, 2015 at 3:11 am

    Great analysis and rebuttal Lloyd. What you do is useful. Thanks for the time and effort you invest in this.

  • July 7, 2015 at 4:25 am

    the thing about the JW’s I know family included, in the U.S, is that they are not aware of any child abuse nor other sorts of crimes as this, they never hear any media coverage on any of these abuse cases. these people work, sleep shop, go to meetings and service and watch kids shows or home improvement shows or netflix or very little tv at all. They would have no idea why he was bringing up that article, orthe subject.I can hear my own mother , if hearing his comments, say” well the society must be preparing for a rise in child abuse issues, they are always ahead of the game” as if there is none and there might be in the near future. she literally thinks they are able to see future trends. its sickening, she finds no fault with these men, yet says that they do not claim to be perfect and ‘we do not worship them’ such mental hypocrisy she displays against herself, for Id be willing to bet my right arm she knows deep down in her heart, something isnt right , after all she often says things that are her own opinion, and does things contrary to what the jw suggestions are, and even gets told about it, [like going up to a door when there is a sign that says beware of dog, and then giving ‘jehovah’ the credit for her not getting bit,lol] but she being 73 has been in this so long it would make not a bit of difference to change now.

    • July 8, 2015 at 7:47 pm

      Respectfully I disagree. JW’s secretly watch ALL the televisions shows that are “inappropriate” most of the time: they just don’t tell. They aren’t sitting home watching JW.ORG except to be able to SAY that they watch it (likely on fast forward). Most are just as fake as the GB.

      And child abuse stories are everywhere, even a commercial for Law and Order SVU makes it pretty clear. They can’t say they didn’t know when every storyline in just about every show or book has child abuse in it.

      But I totally get what you are saying: most people know deep down things aren’t adding up, but they are afraid to admit it out loud for the backlash it’d cause.

  • July 7, 2015 at 9:12 am

    I will never forget this guy. He’s the one that really changed my perception (lost respect) of the governing body a last year at the annual meeting and his infamous tight pants and spanks talk. But it wasn’t those things in particular that turned me off as much as his overall demeanor and his smug approach to those who aren’t worshiping the way he thinks they should, or who’s parenting efforts were not good enough to keep their children in the truth, etc. I was disgusted by it all, and continue to be. That day, when I saw him speak for the very first time, I thought, ‘How can this possibly be God’s chosen group of men to lead us all?’. I lost a lot of faith in the “faithful and discreet slave” that day, despite the other governing body members’ loving and warm demeanor. The fact that this loony is in the group speaks volumes, and while some JW’s laugh it off or downplay his antics by means of memes on Instagram or what have you, most people are so blind that they think he’s brave for calling things like they are, just like Peter was constantly an outspoken member of Jesus disciples. Since that time, I’ve read Crisis of Conscience and honestly it sent me into a bit of depression, learning things that would shake any Witness’s faith to the core. I literally cried for that man when I realized he died several years ago, and all that he had gone through. It left me feeling alone too, and I still feel like there is no easy way out or in.

    • July 8, 2015 at 2:14 am

      I felt the same way after reading Crisis of Conscience, but that quickly lead me to reading his second book and that explained a future course that made sense to me. I have not been to a meeting since, and I am determined to forge a new life free from the hypocrisy and falsity of the GB. If you think Morris is weird what the heck is Lett about?
      If Jehovah is choosing these guys the the world is in deep doo doo. My guess is that they are actually the man of lawlessness, the evil slave.

  • July 7, 2015 at 10:48 am


    Welcome to your freedom, sir! If you are still a person of faith, then take comfort in the teaching that Jesus is always with you.

    If you are like me, an atheist, then it’s time to find your own path.

    Either way, you are well rid of any association with an organisation with such an appalling record.

    I wish you the best of luck, Bart.

    Folks, Anthony has given us such an excellent response to the child abuse scandal in the WTBTS! He is proud of their record, and of his involvement and support of it. The latest Caleb and Sophia video is disgraceful. Telling a manipulative sociopathic paedophile to stop will work out fine!!!!!

    This second attempt to deflect proper scrutiny of the WTBTS’ child abuse policies and cover ups will be a powerful recruitment sergeant for our cause.

    Peace be with you, Excelsior!

    I hope that this idiot is called to defend his policies in court some time soon.

    • July 27, 2015 at 11:59 pm

      Nicely said : )

  • July 7, 2015 at 7:27 pm

    Dear Anthony Morris: Homosexuals do not sexually abuse children. Pedophiles sexually abuse children. There is a difference. Perhaps your research department should educate itself. Numerous organizations state the following: 1 out of 5 girls will be sexually abused as a child while 1 out of 20 boys will be sexually abused as a child. It would appear that a girl is at a higher risk – so who is abusing the girls? If we follow your logic that homosexuals abuse little boys, then heterosexuals abuse little girls. Therefore, shame on all heterosexual men. I look forward to your next Awake article condemning “the heterosexuals” for their deviant, disgusting behavior. I also look forward to another one of your broadcasts where you assure all JWs that the organization does everything it can to protect the congregation from “the heterosexuals”.

  • July 7, 2015 at 8:23 pm

    Very well written and accurate; thank you Cedars. You’re correct in that Tony is way off on describing WT position in the topic of child abuse. A close family member to me is currently fighting a legal battle over the issue of child sex abuse within the JW org, and my devout parents have acknowledged that the society has handled these child cases quite poorly. I’m curious to know what the thought while watching this episode of JWB.

  • July 8, 2015 at 1:32 am

    this mans demeanor disturbs me i try to be objective and hope he has our best interests at heart but ive come to realise all this talk and exposure is just that before there is genuine decisive action these dishonourable men will shoot themselves in the foot meanwhile we look on pained and insulted i hope one day that i can roar with laughter at such feeble nonsense but at the moment things are a little too painful i do beleive GOD will have the final say and it will be heard by everyone there will be no excuses ha ha bring it on

  • July 8, 2015 at 2:06 am

    It is just another example of avoiding the real issues and putting up straw men and knocking them down with old magazines that do not address the issues either. Here are old men who are totally out of touch with reality because they believe their own imaginary world.
    Unfortunately virtually zero active JWs will pay any attention to facts from outside sources, so he can spout rubbish and avoid reality and all the sheep will bleat in total (ignorant) approval. Till an avalanche of bad press engulfs them they will refuse to admit the mountain of evidence.

  • July 8, 2015 at 3:20 am

    He gives a distorted impression of the matter. The broadcast starts with persecution to prepare the minds of the listeners. Then it just gives a one sided account of the issue. They criticise other religions but for what I can see they have no decency. When something happen to others they are quick to share articles. When is criticised then the media are of the devil.

  • July 8, 2015 at 5:00 am

    Tony Morris skipped over the article in the June 22,1982 titled “Rape at Home” which was about incest. This is what one of the paragraphs said, quoting from an outside source and even giving us the page of that outside source:

    “On page 129 of the book “The Death of Innocence”, we read: “Among prostitutes, the frequency of sexual molestation in childhood is 92 percent; 67 percent of them experience some form of incestuous assault…At least 75 percent of he runaways, on the national average, are escaping incestuous abuse. The same figures apply to cases of adolescent drug addiction: About 70 percent are victims of incest.””

    What is so ironic is that the June 22, 1982 Awake has in the very next article about child abuse an article “To End Child Abuse” and this is what it had to say was the remedy for this abuse:

    “They know that bad family conditions cause children to run away from home, and that a high percentage of runaways end up on the streets and in prostitution and pornography and suffer appalling abuse. Some are escaping incest at home, homes broken by divorce, chronic conflicts with parents, lack of loving attention, and some are swayed by their peers. Whatever specific causes, the remedy is the healing of family breakdown. So say the experts. So does the Bible. It calls for close communication between parent and child.”

    So, the Society has the first article about incest being the cause of most runaways who turn to prostitution and drugs and are abused by child pornography and the very next article saying that the remedy is better family communication between child and parent and they ignore the fact that the preceding article said that most children are abused by incest first before running away and getting abused. Do these people even read what they write?????

    Also, I think the reason Tony Morris skipped the incest article is because he was hoping that most people would not have that old Awake magazine where they could double check what he was saying in that video about the incest article in that June Awake. There is absolutely no advice to help parents or young ones to be protected by pedophiles in those article and there is no advice to report abusers or rapists to the police. It is a useless rag that belongs in the garbage can and not “groundbreaking”.

    Another reason Morris skipped the incest article is because what if Sophia’s father was her abuser???? According to the incest article, most children run away from incest and get abused because of incest!!!

  • July 8, 2015 at 5:23 am

    This Governing Body member has obviously been informed about the upcoming Royal Commission Into Child Abuse in Australia. The Catholic Church has already been through the ringer for the past year about it as all their dirty washing has been hanging on the line for all to see and now the Witnesses have formally been told that they are next on the chopping block as from July 27th, 2015. I’ll bet he is worried that it will look like they are not trying enough to counteract the problem. It will be so interesting to see the outcome of the commission. They will probably expect to look exonerated but I think they will be shocked at the level of scrutiny.

  • July 8, 2015 at 9:06 am

    I think we are all forgetting something. Think back for a moment to the days when you were a faithful witness who fully backed the organization and believed in these key points (I know, this is difficult to do):

    1. Jehovah is the universal sovereign
    2. Jehovah has allowed suffering to continue to prove that he is a loving god and his way is the best way.
    3. There have always been some of Satan’s seed trying to incorporate themselves into Jehovah’s earthly organization and even if they last for a little while, eventually they will be found out and Jehovah will be the judge of them in the end.
    4. The Governing Body cannot ignore bible principles, such as the 2 witness rule.

    If you were on the other side of this argument, still a faithful witness, and you presented these 4 points and someone still argued with you, you just throw up your hands and that’s it, there is nothing more you can say or do but leave it in Jehovah’s hands and say how sad it is that some people like touching children.

    This information continues to reinforce in us that we made the right decision and we are happy to be no part of this organization, but time and time again, when we have them absolutely dead to rights with a straight flush nuts hand in a game of hold ’em, a witness will still have that cognitive dissonance rear it’s ugly head and make them believe this is an attack by Satan and his minions.

  • July 8, 2015 at 10:03 am


    Can we find a way to ask Morris just who the “appropriate authorities” are? I believe he is deliberately trying to infer that these “appropriate authorities” are the police, or perhaps child protection services. However, he believes that the “appropriate authorities” are the local body of elders and the Bethel Branch overseeing that country.

    Am I wrong in this interpretation? What do you think?

    Thank you for an excellent article. Your long term support of victims and precise articles on this dreadful problem are a testament to your good character.

    Peace be with you, Excelsior!

  • July 8, 2015 at 1:45 pm

    Just a thought, perhaps starting a thread on the subject of Common Jehovah’s Witnesses Excuses and Habits.Here’s a few to get started…

    1.Read the NWT with an open mind
    2.You took the verse out of context
    3.Read the following verse
    4.Read the verse before that one
    5.That KJV is suspicious
    6.You must be progressive to understand the NWT
    7.Must be an error in the translation
    8.What’s your religion?
    9.Jehovah knows your actions before you are born but you have free will



  • July 8, 2015 at 9:35 pm

    Why isn’t the FBI breaking down the door at Bethel? How can Watchtower be allowed a secret database of know pedophiles?

    I don’t know why but I expected more damage control. I was hoping to hear they changed their policy about the 2 witness rule for that crime. More than irrelevant references to a 30 year old magazine, lies about an “isolated incident” and a cartoon.

    I don’t understand why the secular authorities don’t require the clergy to report child abuse in their congregations. Sure, JWs are shielding pedophiles, but the government allows it and it is the more important problem to attack, IMO.

    Very disappointing overall.

  • July 9, 2015 at 4:17 am

    Lately a politician “sparked controversy when he appeared to link child abuse with homosexual relationships.” Sound familiar?

    There was quite an uproar from the public and local media about this.

    As a result the politician is currently being questioned by the police and had to step down from his position.

  • July 9, 2015 at 1:59 pm

    Its to bad that all the magazines such as the one that Tony shows are not available. They only go back online too 2000. My folks got rid of there old brown volumes 10 years ago as the GB told them to do. Mostly so that there would be no record of there false prophecies and UN NGO status. Its up to the Governing Body to pick which old light they would want you to know about. As long as the GB can go back and pull old literature out why won’t a member under judicial review do the same?

    Tony states that he will not go into the legal back and forth which was and will be the reasons for the lawsuit losses in these child abuse case. The real reason is that they by their system in effect and in truth protected child abusers. They are so misleading, yet the rank and file will agree and look no further into the subject being that to do so would be seen as reading apostate literature.

    • July 14, 2015 at 3:12 pm

      Information is provided in the CD disk=W.T. Library2012 English edition. Copies of magazines back to the 1970’s.

  • July 13, 2015 at 8:46 pm

    The irony of him focusing on homosexuality when from all I’ve read most of the abuse in the Watchtower is heterosexual. Candace Conti was abused by a MAN. So…he can have several seats. This is so disheartening and angers me so much.

  • July 14, 2015 at 3:29 am

    It seems to me that the Caleb and Sophia video shows a lack of understanding of child sex abuse. Note: I myself am not a professional on the subject but simply would like to make some observations.

    It would be helpful if child molesters all looked and sounded like the creepy monsters in the video but the reality is that it could be a grandfather, an elder in the congregation or another trusted friend that isn’t overtly creepy. They are monsters but they usually don’t appear that way, which is how they get close to the children in the first place. I wonder why they didn’t put a nice looking man in a tie, a grandfatherly figure, an aunt, etc. in the cartoon? Maybe too incriminating? Not that children should be made to feel paranoid around everyone but it just seems to me that Watchtower thinks that all molesters are unkempt guys in tank tops, drinking beer and acting creepy in public (like the guy in the public service announcement video). Also, it seems that a child saying “stop! Don’t do that!” will not always chase away a molester. In other instances a child may not even understood what has happened until later in life. Could the video create guilt in victims who didn’t take the prescribed steps? Or who did but were molested despite it? That’s what Watchtower used to do to rape victims who didn’t scream. We all agree it’s very important to protect children but we should look to professionals who have a deeper understanding of how to do it. Sad situation… Just a few thoughts…

    • July 14, 2015 at 4:55 pm

      @Mr.Fair, the Watchtower still creates guilt in rape and victims of molestations and they still have to appear before a committee for the committee to determine if the victim actually committed fornication or adultery. That isn’t a thing of the past at all.

      • July 15, 2015 at 6:22 am

        Good point. The guilt is still there… It seems that they don’t disfellowship based on the screaming or crying out rule anymore? That’s what I was referring to… I’m always open to correction. As a former elder I can say sincerely that judicial committees regarding anything sexual are very damaging no matter how “loving” the brothers might be.

        • July 15, 2015 at 7:20 am

          The way I understand it is that the Society allows for a female being so traumatized by it that they can’t fight back or scream but they have to convince the committee of that.

          If a person was molested or raped, they still have to appear before a committee to explain what happened but of course it’s their word against the accused and have to convince the committee that it wasn’t consensual and if not, they face disfellowshipment for fornication.

          If the accused was a man in the organization, they get to appear without the female accuser so they can go on and on about how the accuser “led them on” or whatever else they might say and the female has no idea what is being said about her behind her back. I know this is the way it is if it is the husband or father of the female but I don’t know if this holds true if the accused man isn’t the husband or father of the accused.

          I personally know of a “sister” whose husband raped her and her husband was only publicly reproved for it. Who knows what he said about her behind her back.

          When it comes to the female and she is married or it’s her father that is accused of abusing her, she doesn’t get to defend herself when the elders talk to the man. That is in the Shepard the Flock book.

          If the husband beats on his wife or cheats on his wife, he gets to appear before the committee and go on and on about how “terrible” the marriage is etc. and how terrible and neglectful the wife was and how she egged him on (if he beat her) and wouldn’t give him his “due” and who knows what else he gets to say about her to get the sympathy of the elders but if the woman is the accuser and she wants to tell the committee about her abuse, he gets to be there to defend himself and again go on and on about how she “egged” him on or she wasn’t submissive or God knows what else he can say and it’s her word against his.The whole thing is rigged against the female in favor of the male.

          It’s ironic that the Bible doesn’t say at Revelation about the 144,000 that tomen didn’t “defile” themselves with men. After all, aren’t some of these 144,000 supposed to be women?

          No, the Bible comes right out and says about women that for men to have relations with women, it is “defiling” to them as if to say that women are “unclean”. This is the definition of “defile” in Websters:

          “to make unclean or impure: Befoul, Besmirch as a: to corrupt the purity or perfection of: debase >the countryside defiled by billboards> b: to denude of chastity: deflower c: to make physically unclean esp. with something unpleasant or contaminating d: to make ceremonially unclean e: sully, dishonor syn see contaminate”

          Just that one scripture alone in Revelation is enough to tell me that in the Bible, women are not respected, no matter how the Watchtower likes to “spin” it and that doesn’t even scratch the surface of how women are treated in the Hebrew Scriptures.

  • July 14, 2015 at 6:36 am

    I say to us all, and myself included, to keep heart and keep activist in your own way. The level of exposure re the heinous ‘safeguarding’ policies of the Watchtower is now higher than ever before, gaining more momentum and certainly isn’t going to be stilled. It will become increasingly difficult for good-hearted still-JWs to deny the factual evidence of endemic corruption as the spotlights continue.

    I look forward to the Royal Commission Into Child Abuse in Australia beginning on 27 July this year. I look forward to the results of the UK’s Charity Commission investigations into the safeguarding procedures of the Watchtower, which should be relatively soon. I look forward to the Independent Inquiry Into Child Sex Abuse, also UK-based, which has now begun and will last four years.

    But I also know how heart-breaking and discouraging it can be when we are faced with family members who we know are good-hearted but who still find themselves defending the Watchtower’s system. But then I remind myself that I can do my activism here (as well as with them, when possible) and that helps so much, even when I don’t post. Thank you again, Lloyd, for creating jwsurvey and thank you to all who post, whether regularly or not, and with such compassion.

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