The Bethel "Happy" video: the work of an individual, or Watchtower?
The Bethel “Happy” video: the work of an individual, or Watchtower?

In Spring of last year I helped organize a group of former Jehovah’s Witnesses from various countries to film our own dance video to the song “Happy” by Pharrell Williams. I felt this was a great way of showing the world that so-called “apostates” are not angry and bitter, but are moving on with their lives in a positive, purposeful way.

The thought did briefly cross my mind: “Could it be that Jehovah’s Witnesses would ever do their own dance video to this song?” Though not completely inconceivable, I felt this would be unlikely given that, growing up as a Jehovah’s Witness, it was always frowned on to even own the music of rap/hip hop stars, let alone dance to it on camera!

Well, it seems I could not have been more wrong.

Since I made the “Happy” video there have been at least two instances of Jehovah’s Witnesses dancing to this particular track: one in a kingdom hall while entertaining international convention delegates and, more recently, a full-blown dance montage to the Happy song at various Bethel locations has been uploaded to YouTube…

The above video was initially available on a number of YouTube channels, but was taken down after complaints from JWs – including from one JW who claimed to speak on behalf of the makers of the video who strongly objected to it being posted to YouTube. (I would present evidence of this, but unfortunately the video was taken down before I could get a screengrab of the comments.)

Indeed, it wouldn’t surprise me if the embedded video above ends up getting pulled from YouTube at some point. If you’re reading this article later on and the version of “Happy” shown above is embedded from my Russian “RuTube” account, you know why.

Why would Jehovah’s Witnesses object?

It hopefully shouldn’t require explanation as to why an undoubtedly positive and upbeat video such as this would ignite controversy among seasoned Jehovah’s Witnesses, but I’ll spell it out for you anyway.

Though this particular song contains no lyrics that can be interpreted as sexually explicit, the same cannot be said of other music by Pharrell – including the following…

And the following quotes give some indication as to why long-standing Witnesses who actually read and apply the instructions found in Watchtower literature might be perplexed at this latest stunt…

“Consider the case of a young man who wants to buy a certain music album. What he has heard from the album is very appealing, but he is concerned because the back cover indicates that the lyrics are sexually explicit and profane… As a lover of Jehovah, this young man is interested in His thoughts and feelings on the matter. How can he perceive what God’s will is in this regard?” w03 12/1 p.21

“Since Bible times, unwholesome music has been a tool of Satan to stimulate unclean behavior. (Compare Exodus 32:17-19; Psalm 69:12; Isaiah 23:16.) Not surprisingly, then, music with sexually seductive—if not explicit—lyrics, profanity, and wild, arousing tempos is popular.” w99 9/1 p.10

What about the lyrics? Do they promote sexual immorality, drug use, or other wrongs that are ‘shameful even to relate?’ (Ephesians 5:12) The Bible says that such things should ‘not even be mentioned’ among God’s people, much less set to a beat and repeated over and over again. (Ephesians 5:3) What about the album-jacket design? Does it contain spiritistic themes or sexually arousing pictures? Perhaps you need to make some changes in the type of music you choose. If you have records, tapes, and discs that carry immoral and demonistic themes, you should immediately dispose of them.” w93 4/15 p.24

Would a JW teenager be allowed to own a Pharrell Williams album?
Would a JW teenager be allowed to own a Pharrell Williams album?

Regarding that last quote, young JWs who were forced to throw away albums featuring lyrics that fell short of Watchtower’s standards would have had no defense in holding on to these simply because a single song on them had lyrics that were harmless.

How, then, can the makers of this “Happy” video have no qualms about endorsing the music of Pharrell Williams when so much of it would be considered “a tool of Satan to stimulate unclean behavior?”

I believe the answer lies in the fact that Watchtower is changing – drastically. It is not the same religion that most Witnesses and ex-Witnesses grew up in.

The Watchtower of the 20th Century was unyielding, uncompromising and proud to be loathed and unpopular. The Watchtower of the 21st Century is image-obsessed, beguiling, and willing to bend a few of its rules for the sake of portraying itself in a favorable light.

The work of a rogue individual, or an inside job?

Some will doubtless argue that this video MUST be the ill-advised work of some rogue, over-enthusiastic, spiritually-weak Witness individual. But there are numerous reasons for asserting that this video is in fact a calculated internal propaganda stunt by Watchtower.

Anyone who has spent any amount of time in Bethel will tell you that you simply do not get that sort of access to the various departments (not to mention the cooperation of the bethelites working IN those departments), without the consent of the departmental overseers.

Dancers behind the reception desk at Patterson
Dancers behind the reception desk at Patterson

You cannot just wander into the lobby of Patterson with a camera and get the receptionists to dance wildly for you at your command.

Another telling sign that this is an inside job comes at 1:13 in the video, where a caption pops up that reads “Hmong RTO.” Hmong is an ethnic group from South-East Asia, and “RTO” stands for “Remote Translation Office.”

The use of organizational jargon in this caption, without any attempt to explain things for those not familiar with the inner workings of Watchtower, would seem to indicate that this video was intended for distribution only among the Bethel family.

The unfettered access to various Watchtower locations and departments, the full and enthusiastic cooperation of so many bethelites, and the use of an internal acronym that most JWs would be unfamiliar with, all points to this being an inside job – authorized at the highest level.

If I’m wrong, and it’s really so easy to roam around Bethel getting bethelites to dance for you in front of the camera, excuse me while I book the first flight to New York!

Reasons for optimism?

But forensics aside, what can we take away from this video? Are we to conclude that bethelites are deliriously happy with their lives? Can we dare to suggest that Watchtower is becoming more easy-going, down-to-earth and mainstream?

On the first question, I would point out two things: (1) you should really check out Brock Talon’s book “Journey To God’s House” and the recent JWpodcast interview with Kam Deo if you want to know whether life in Bethel is all smiles and laughter, and (2) there is a big difference between dancing on camera and being genuinely happy. Yes – I realize you can make this same argument about my own interpretation of the Happy song, but the reasons for an ex-JW to be happy are, in my opinion, far more plausible than those of a JW.

The annihilation of non-JWs at Armageddon - a reason for happiness?
The annihilation of non-JWs at Armageddon – a reason for happiness?

A JW’s “happiness” originates from knowing that he is serving Jehovah (when in fact he is serving an organization), and from the absolute conviction that one day he will live in a world where everyone who disagrees with his beliefs has been slaughtered.

Those are definitely reasons to be happy, but they are not good reasons.

An exJW’s happiness comes from knowing that they have been emancipated from the control of a small group of deluded men in New York, and from knowing they are free to live their lives according to what they think and believe rather than having their personal convictions prescribed for them.

Speaking for myself, there is also a great deal of joy to be derived from knowing that the love you have for your child is unconditional, and that no personal differences need ever threaten to separate your dearest little one from you.

As to the idea that this video represents a softening on the part of Watchtower – if only that were true!

In order for Watchtower to become more “mainstream” and easy-going it would need to loosen up its harsh and damaging rules on such matters as shunning, blood transfusions, child abuse and higher education. Rather than doing that, if anything Watchtower is circling the wagons more and more on those issues, as the recent rant by Tony Morris on higher education indicates.

Unfortunately what we are seeing in this Happy video is Watchtower trying to have the best of both worlds. It wants to be the cool dad at the party, but also the dad who, behind closed doors, spanks his child brutally for the slightest misdemeanor.

As heartwarming and endearing as this video will undoubtedly be for most who watch it, what it actually represents is a sickly propaganda stunt by an organization willing to punish its adherents in one of the most wicked ways imaginable (through family estrangement) if they fall out of line, while bending its own rules whenever advantageous to do so.










Since writing this article I have had the opportunity to speak directly to the maker of the video, and I’ve been told that although the concept and execution of this video was carried out by him individually for the “Bethel Family Night” – the project was approved by the Bethel Family Night Committee and received their endorsement and cooperation. I’m relieved that the individual concerned will not get into trouble for making this video, since he seems to have done everything by the book and consulted properly with his superiors. However, his account does verify that Watchtower went into this with its eyes open and saw no double-standards or hypocrisy in using Pharrell Williams to promote life as a bethelite.

Further reading…

Related video…

187 thoughts on “The Bethel “Happy” video – unauthorized shenanigans or calculated propaganda stunt?

  • February 3, 2015 at 6:13 am

    @Pickled brain. I wanted to add to Excelsior’s excellent comment. You aren’t allowed to be close to anybody who is actually still in the “truth”, no matter how sweet they are or nice they seem to be, because their first love is Jehovah (the organization). If you say anything that denigrates the Society, they will turn you in in a heartbeat. They are commanded to do that. They could never be a “real” friend to you.

  • February 3, 2015 at 9:43 am

    In my opinion people who are witnesses put on an outward appearance that they are happy – but the smiles are fake and plastic, and the atmosphere in the KH is somber. When I was a witness I found it very hard to be happy for many reasons:
    Guilt trips for not going in service enough
    Guilt trips for not studying wt publications enough
    Guilt trips for not having bible studies
    Guilt trips for missing meetings
    Guilt trips for going to university
    Guilt trips for talking to disfellowshiped relatives
    Guilt trips for association with “worldly people”
    I could go on and on – How can anyone possibly be happy in this type of environment?
    But, yet the WT still sends the message that witnesses are the happiest people – Really?

  • February 3, 2015 at 9:50 am

    @Excelsior & @ Anonymous . AMEN !! To both your comments about the Difficulty to trust anyone in the truth anymore. When I watched Jason Zeldas You tube video’Hidden from Jehovahs Witnesses video 1. It is HORRIFIC the VAST Number of Elders Jailed for Child Abuse!! How can we know who to TRUST in the congregation anymore.& if I was a PARENT I would be Extremely Worried about who my children were surrounded by!!

  • February 3, 2015 at 10:14 am

    @Rob . Your comment is Excellent & sums up the REAL FEAR lying below the surface in everyone’s mind to TOE the PARTY(GB) Line or ELSE the Isolation & Shunning starts .Jesus spoke to the Pharisees& Sadducees & even Judas when he knew he was going to betray him!! So why if we have a different of opinion on doctrine we are avoided& shunned & treated like an Apostate!! Try saying in a Watchtower that the F&D Slave have corrected the ‘GENERATION ‘ teaching 5 times so hopefully this time with the Overlapping doctrine they have it right this time!! I DID SAY THIS in my comment in a Watchtower & I have been BLANKED & AVOIDED by many who I have known for years after this!! Because of ONE COMMENT !!after years of pioneering& 30 years of sacrifice means nothing if you dare to utter one word of doubt of the GB interpretations! That is a DEFINITE SIGN of a CULT!!!

  • February 3, 2015 at 11:46 am

    In the 90’s my childhood friend attended Bethel. Once a year they had a “talent” night for the Bethelites. My friend was a CG and video hobbiest. He made a pretty good gag video about them expanding parking to the tops of the Bethel buildings. I wonder if this “happy” video was shot just for Bethel family and leaked.

  • February 3, 2015 at 11:48 am

    Pickled Brain,

    I think its time for you to get the hell out of there! You will inevitably say or do something else which will bring the shunning down on your head. Do you have family still in the cult? If so, I could understand staying in for form’s sake, but if you can GET OUT!

    You have far more to fear from your fellow JWs than you do from non JWs.

    If you do have to stay in, DON’T SAY ANYTHING except vapid acceptance of the governing body.

    Do you have access to the shepherd the flock of God book? It’s available as a PDF on line. In there, you will get a “cheat sheet” of what you have to say to not be DFd.

    I do not envy you, sir. To have to go to meetings etc would be impossible for me. I would find it unendurable to have to go along with this disgusting cult.

    The awful,thing is that you may be sitting next to a paedophile at your Kingdom Hall! There is no way you would know, even if they were known to be “sexual predators” by the Branch Office!

    The only way you could discover them, is if they had been convicted and forced to sign the Sex Offendors Register. I would advise all JWs and faders to check to see if any of the congregation are on it.

    I wish you well, sir. You have chosen the hardest path.

    Peace be with you, Excelsior!

  • February 3, 2015 at 12:21 pm

    @Excelsior. Thank you for your deep concern. It is appreciated. But I do have Family in who I Love Dearly . They are completely fooled & as they were bought up in the Truth their WHOLE SOCIAL Network is in the truth. If they ever left I think the emotional devastation of SHUNNING would give them a MENTAL Breakdown !! I came into the Truth at 20 so I am Worldly Wise & could cope !They couldn’t which is sad but the GB are CUNNING by using SHUNNING as it Creates a FEAR to Leave!!

  • February 3, 2015 at 12:42 pm


    12-15-12 WT- In a selfish and nationalistic world, it is refreshing to find individuals who can and do look beyond national borders. Granted, overcoming prejudices can be difficult. The founder of the television network CNN, Ted Turner, comments about his work with a number of talented individuals from various nations: “Meeting with these people was an incredible experience. I came to see those from other countries not as ‘foreigners,’ but as fellow citizens of the planet. I began to view the word ‘foreign’ as pejorative and created a rule within CNN that the word could not be used either on air or in conversation around the office. Instead, the word ‘international’ was to be used.”

    Ted Turner- As a philanthropist, he is known for his $1 billion gift to support the United Nations, which created the United Nations Foundation, a public charity to broaden support for the UN. Turner serves as Chairman of the United Nations Foundation board of directors.

  • February 3, 2015 at 1:02 pm

    I wonder if you were ask to make a list or named other “disgusting cults” a side from JW what would you add to that list? thanks

  • February 3, 2015 at 1:16 pm

    @Pickled brain. I tried talking to my 3 grown children about the real truth about the “truth” and fortunately, my youngest daughter understood what I was trying to warn her about and has walked away from it, but my oldest daughter who is a regular pioneer couldn’t stand to listen to anything “bad” that I had to say about the Watchtower and the same thing goes for my son. My daughter who is a regular pioneer would never be able to cope with finding out the real “truth” about the “truth”. I can’t even begin to imagine how that would impact her. The same thing for my son, but I think my son would “get” it easier but he’s moved away from the area and that helps a lot if he ever did “wake” up, whereas my oldest daughter doesn’t have that advantage. If it wasn’t for my 2 children who can’t believe the Society would ever lie to them and could never deal with the fact that they as well as all their “friends” have been scammed, I would disassociate myself to get my name off the roles tomorrow. It’s all of us who are still in this religion, in “name only” is what makes the numbers look better at the end of the year, then they really are. If all of us would disassociate ourselves, I wonder how many the number would really be but there are so many of us (I think) that are only in it for reasons like we have talked about here and can’t at this time disassociate ourselves, even though we’d like to. I know who the “real apostates” are here, and it isn’t us. It’s the Governing Body and we all know it and more than anything I am the one that wants to “disfellowship” them. They are the ones that deserve to be shunned for apostasy, not us and we all know that. More than anything, I want this to come to a head and be exposed for the corrupt organization that it really is.

    I am going to quote what Randall Watters said in his story on the website: 1914-2014: End of an Error – The Chronology Doctrines of Jehovah’s Witnesses”

    “I learned a lot about men and their power games from my time at Bethel. I learned that those who are seeking power will do anything to keep it, even sacrificing their common sense and the friendship of others. They will find ways to justify their actions through theological arguments. One thing should be clear if you study the history of the Watchtower Society: doctrine is irrelevant. It changes all the time, as the Governing Body rewrites their own history and rewrite themselves into the Bible, as if it was written to them and only them. You can study theology until you are blue in the face. You can know the Bible word for word. But unless you understand how they manipulate it to their own ends, you will remain clueless as to how to counter them. They will laugh at you. If you learn to call their bluff and expose their methodology, they will not challenge you further. Like the Wizard of Oz caught performing behind the curtain, they will pull the fabric of deception back in place. Learn their techniques more than their theology.”

  • February 3, 2015 at 1:37 pm

    In the February 2015 broadcast, Herd says, starting at about 1:30 minutes in:

    “Our thinking has been washed clean from the complicated doctrines that have evolved since Jesus walked the earth.”

    “It is a matter of learning God’s word and separating its teachings out from the many doctrines that have been introduced by human thinking.”

    So he expects me to believe the WT has NO complicated doctrines introduced by human thinking???

    How about the faithful and discreet slave with its many flip flopping interpretations, overlapping generations, etc. I wonder if he was excused from class when we studied the Revelation Climax book. And how about the old “Babylon” book, anyone remember that torturous tome?

    What astounding contradictions he speaks. And believes them too.

  • February 3, 2015 at 1:43 pm

    In the February 2015 broadcast, Herd says, starting at about 1:30 minutes in:

    “Our thinking has been washed clean from the complicated doctrines that have evolved since Jesus walked the earth.”

    “It is a matter of learning God’s word and separating its teachings out from the many doctrines that have been introduced by human thinking.”

    So the WT has NO complicated doctrines introduced by human thinking?

    How about the faithful and discreet slave with its many flip flopping interpretations, overlapping generations, etc. I wonder if he was excused from class when we studied the Revelation Climax book. And how about the old “Babylon” book, anyone remember that torturous tome?

    Such amazing contradictions he speaks.

  • February 3, 2015 at 1:56 pm

    In the February 2015 broadcast, Herd says, starting at about 1:30 minutes in:

    “Our thinking has been washed clean from the complicated doctrines that have evolved since Jesus walked the earth.”

    “It is a matter of learning God’s word and separating its teachings out from the many doctrines that have been introduced by human thinking.”

    Huh? WT is not guilty of that?

    How about the faithful and discreet slave with its many flip flopping interpretations, overlapping generations, etc. I wonder if Herd was excused from class when we studied the Revelation Climax book. And how about the old “Babylon” book, anyone remember that torturous tome?

    WT contradictions and lies would be funny if they were meant as a joke. But false christs are no laughing matter.

  • February 3, 2015 at 3:25 pm

    Thanks for bringing your point.
    The first link doesn’t want to load for me at least not now.I would like to check it out.
    The WT reference about Mr.Turner was very surprising to me at the time of this WT study because personalty I have hard time to a line ideas of world elite & representative of N.W.O concept with similar Biblical concept of G.K = N.W.O . !? Dan 2:44

  • February 3, 2015 at 3:30 pm

    Sorry about the triple post. First two times something weird happened and I thought my post didn’t go thru. Looks like the minor edits I made bypassed the dup detection, and allowed all three to pass.


  • February 3, 2015 at 3:32 pm

    @Anonymous . I am glad your youngest daughter saw sense. I see why you don’t disassociate yourself like myself you have remaining family in you want contact with like myself & with subtle reasoning maybe, just maybe one day they will see the Light!

  • February 3, 2015 at 3:49 pm

    @Peeping Tom. Good line of reasoning you use about Feb TV.jw. Broadcast by Samuel herd, especially the bit about brainwashing !! Hmmm a bit rich I think coming from a Religion where Mr Charles Taze Russell said ‘you can learn more from reading his ‘Studies in the Scriptures’ than from reading the Bible!! Errr Mr Russell ! Are you Ruling in Heaven Now??? Can you Hear Me?? Your books were stopped being published in 1927!! The Bible has been published for over 2000 years & still being printed!! Would anyone trust a Religion whose Dates :1874,1878,1910,1914,1915,1918,1925etc were worked out by CALCULATING BACK PASSAGES ???from the Pyramid of Giza!!! Could JESUS CHRIST now being King of Gods Kingdom PLEASE ARREST CHARLIE for producing OBSCENE Literature. & Could Jehovah put Judge Rutherford in The ABYSS for 30 Days for being ‘Drunk&Disorderly!! Oh heck,why not SHUN them both & throw them in the Abyss for a 1000 years !!

  • February 3, 2015 at 5:21 pm

    the link at the end open for me so thanks for that !

  • February 3, 2015 at 6:04 pm

    Man from the lions pit says:

    I wonder if you were ask to make a list or named other “disgusting cults” a side from JW what would you add to that list? thanks

    I think we could add any cult that took away your ability to think for yourself.

  • February 3, 2015 at 6:54 pm

    thanks for your answer but its very generic can you name at least one by name ?

  • February 4, 2015 at 2:28 am

    @Peeping Tom, thank you for the link and I read it and it’s interesting. I wonder if they will get rid of the United Nations turning on false religion. I tried again to find those experiences and I will type it again as maybe I made a mistake the first time: 1914 – 2014: END OF AN ERROR – The Chronology Doctrines of Jehovah’s Witnesses. In the upper right hand corner, they have pictures of the people who write down their experiences and just click on that box and another page comes up with their experiences. The web site that I found Randy Watter’s comment on was the old web site though before they got that new web site and that one I can’t find anymore.

    @Pickled brain, thank you for your comment. I have more hope for my son than my oldest daughter. At least I am able to talk to him when my youngest daughter is there. Together with my daughter talking, he listens but when it’s just me, he won’t listen at all. I have to keep reminding myself just what an uphill climb it is to get “through” their indoctrination. It’s so easy to see once you realize the deceit of the Society but until that shell is broken, it’s like breaking through a cement barrier, to get them to listen. But, like I said, for my oldest daughter to learn that she’s been lied to all these years, would destroy her and I can’t stand to think of that either. It has to be gradual. That I know for sure.

  • February 4, 2015 at 7:08 am

    Man from the lions pit


    thanks for your answer but its very generic can you name at least one by name ?

    Are you telling me you can’t?

  • February 4, 2015 at 7:18 am

    Man from the lions pit

    Are you telling me you can’t?

  • February 4, 2015 at 7:47 am

    I have spoken directly to the maker of the video, and I’ve been told that although the concept and execution of this video was carried out by him individually for the “Bethel Family Night” – the project was approved by the Bethel Family Night Committee and received their endorsement and cooperation. I’m relieved that the individual concerned will not get into trouble for making this video, since he seems to have done everything by the book and consulted properly with his superiors. However, his account does prove that Watchtower went into this with its eyes open and saw no double-standards or hypocrisy in using Pharrell Williams to promote working at bethel.

  • February 4, 2015 at 9:02 am

    Thanks for an interesting update Cedars!
    It explain a lot but not everything.BFNC endorsed the project but now it look like somebody from higher authority org. has different opinion or the controversy after public leak put this “art” work to different light and perspective.Comforting is that “heads will not fall”.If it will be true.
    Its definitely a lesson with consequences !

  • February 4, 2015 at 9:08 am

    I don’t understand why you turning my question for you on me.
    It wasn’t me who wrote:
    ” I think we could add any cult that took away your ability to think for yourself.”
    Therefore I ask about the name/s.
    But if you can’t its ok with me.

  • February 4, 2015 at 10:22 am

    This video was not leaked. It’s a recruiting video. Look at all the cool jobs at bethel! not everyone cleans! you can drive a forklift, make sausages, ride in airplanes, do translation, be a dentist! Look how normal those JW’s are as they contribute to society in relatively functional ways!

    There is just no way that the organization would ok the time and effort that went into this video unless it served a PR purpose.

  • February 4, 2015 at 10:35 am

    “In order for Watchtower to become more ‘mainstream’ and easy-going it would need to loosen up its harsh and damaging rules on such matters as shunning, blood transfusions, child abuse and higher education.”

    Not to mention embracing financial and policy transparency, fairly utilizing the democratic process, acknowledging the discoveries of history and science regardless of the implications, and fostering genuinely positive and constructive community activism.

    But then, they’d arguably no longer BE Jehovah’s Witnesses at that point…

  • February 4, 2015 at 1:04 pm

    @ Man from the lions pit

    don’t be bossy

  • February 5, 2015 at 6:06 am

    I hope that the young man who produced this video does not get into any trouble over its release to the outside world.

    I hope he finds a way to research his religion and uses that research to come to his own conclusions.

    I have great pity for the people who work at Bethel. They work very hard for no pay, save a small allowance. They believe that they are doing the will of God.

    I wish them all the chance to live their lives in harmony with their consciences.

    Peace be with you, Excelsior!

  • February 5, 2015 at 2:45 pm

    I’ve just come back from the service meeting where it was announced that the elders have been told by the branch (UK) that the WT is currently having legal issues as a result of spreading the video on the Web. We were instructed to delete it from our Facebook or from any other social site. The instruction, in other words, was to pretend the video never existed. It’s hilarious to see how naive people in bethel are..!

  • February 7, 2015 at 6:43 am

    Yes really. You cant speak for 8 million people and neither can I but I can tell you that the happy feeling is unavoidable if you believe the earth will become an amazing paradise. How could you not feel happy if you are convinced of that? And what’s so offensive about it? People say ludicrous things like JWs are happy because everyone who doesn’t share their belief will be slaughtered. That doesn’t even make sense that they would feel happy about that! Why put so much of their personal time into warning others what the Bible says about the future of man if they are happy for them to be destroyed? But it isn’t a warning of impending doom for all man which is all we have if we don’t want to know their message. It is a message of unequalled hope, a real reason for all man to be happy. “This good news…will be preached to all the inhabited earth” and that has just about been accomplished only by them because they consider it good news worth taking the risk to share with their fellow man. People who warn others of an impending volcano eruption, tsunami or earthquake are not hateful are they? They would feel happy to know in advance and happy if all would take notice. It is just the same. If JWs want to jig and show they are happy why nitpick? There are some really nasty people in the world with some horrendous plans being hatched and not for anyone’s happiness except their own. If witnesses are wrong at least their motives are awesome and until someone actually proves them categorically wrong then be happy that they are happy. Or did you want them maudling and miserable like everyone else? Hmmm paradise on earth?? Tell me more!! :)

  • February 7, 2015 at 6:56 am

    Why is that hilarious? I am stunned that they feel they have to remove such a wonderful feel-good video all because of narrow minded pettiness from whining hypocrites who feel irritated seeing JWs happy and have made something simple and awesome into an issue. They have no choice but to pull it off youtube etc etc now because they care about what others say. So are you happy now? Everyone happy? You’ve destroyed yet another fun thing with meanness and unnecessary red tape so I hope you are happy that it worked. Hilarious? Yeah its a real laugh destroying something good isn’t it? So back to hopeless misery then. There, isn’t that better? Who shall we laugh at next?

  • February 7, 2015 at 4:54 pm

    @Mandy . You seem a genuine warm hearted caring individual . 30 years ago,20 years ago maybe even 10 years I would have leapt to the defence of the Organisation like you UNTIL I did my RESEARCH into the HISTORY of the Organisation from 1879 until1919 when Jesus supposedly chose this Orgsnisation above every other one because they were feeding the Proper Food at the Right Time .Please,Please Read The Finished Mystery published in 1917!!
    Secondly People are NOT NITPICKING !!! Anyone would have been REPROVED if Not DISFELLOWSHIPPED for PLAYING & DANCING to Worldly Music by the RAPPER ‘Pharrell Williams’ in a Kingdom Hall let alone BETHEL Just 5 years ago !!
    You seem Young Mandy ,but anyone who has been Baptised more than 20 Years ago would see the HYPOCRISY & Double Standards they use When it Suits Them.
    Thirdly we were told only BAPTISED JWs would survive ARMAGEDDON so 7 BILLION people will be Slaughtered at ARMAGEDDON that’s Men,Women&Children & Babies Slain from One End of the Earth to the Other& Be like Manure upon the Surface of the Ground as Jeremiah says!BUT if you DIE ONE MONTH;ONE WEEK;ONE MINUTE;ONE SECOND before the Great Tribulation starts you are Guarantteed a Resurrection onto aParadise Earth! BUT If You Are ALIVE ONE SECOND;ONE MINUTE;ONE HOUR after the Great Tribulation starts then you along with Billions of others will be MASSACRED & SLAUGHTERED & the Birds of Heaven will EAT All Your Fleshy Parts!!
    I could pick the Rest of your Comment to Pieces But I would ask You to do as Romans 12v1,2 says use your ‘power of reason & make your mind over’& as 1John4v1,2 says Test Every Inspired Expression!!

  • February 7, 2015 at 5:06 pm

    @Mandy. One Last Point I am Very Glad you are Reading this Website IT SHOWS YOU ARE READY to DISOBEY the F&D Slave Because This is AN APOSTATE Website! For your Disobedience you could BE REPROVED if you continue having Bad Associations you could be Disfellowshipped!!’Be Careful Mandy your Best Friend could turn you in!!!& Then you could LOSE all the Friends& Family you have Known for Years!!

  • February 7, 2015 at 5:17 pm

    @Mandy. Quite A SCARY proposition to belong to an Organisation where if you Ask too many Questions or you ask Why aren’t convicted Paedophiles Names not Given to Parents in the Congregation so they can protect their Children !! Look on You Tube for ‘Candace Conti Case’ & Thousands of others who have been abused by Elders & Ministerial Servants. These case have all been Court Documented and are not Rumours!! Millions of Your Donations are going to pay for Compensation!Sad & NOT HONEST of the Organisation to tell you the TRUTH . The Watchtower is quick enough to condemn Catholic Priests but the Vatican has Apologised ; The GB Never Has for the CORRUPTION in their MIDST!!

  • February 8, 2015 at 8:18 pm

    I watched this and wanted to tear into it. I see the hypocrisy but all I could think was that these people need to let their hair down. If you’re going to commit to this odd concept then at least have some fun with it. Whether its propaganda or not, I can’t say. I know that the prevalence of the JW.ORG sign on sites like Instagram is getting ridiculous. It seems a reassurance for the followers to see their logo again and again and perhaps that’s what this is…a reassurance. A way of the individuals involved reminding themselves that they did all this, gave up lives, careers, families, education, freedoms, to be happy. Now that is an odd concept.

  • February 10, 2015 at 1:59 am

    @Mandy and J, I don’t think that anybody commenting here has anything at all against the Bethelites who participated in the happy video. That isn’t the point of our anger at all. We all want those Bethelites to have fun. It’s isn’t their fault that they participated in that video. They were asked to do it and they did it and probably had a lot of fun doing it, thinking since it was approved by the higher-ups that it was perfectly fine to do.

    That is the problem with this whole religion. As long as the elders and the Society say something is okay, then almost all in the congregations or at Bethel in this case, will do it, thinking that it’s Jehovah God who is telling them it’s okay. For the rest of us who have been in the “truth” for a long time, do see something really wrong with it. It goes against all the counsel that the Watchtower has been spewing out for years and years against such kind of music at the Kingdom Halls. If anybody has a get together outside the Kingdom Hall and dance to this kind of music, is perfectly okay, as long as the lyrics aren’t bad.

    In this case, it isn’t the lyrics that are bad. It’s the place where the worldly music is being played.

    When people are visiting Bethel, there are very strict guidelines as to decorum and dress, so why shouldn’t the same thing apply to the Bethelites while they are there?

    In this Organization, people are too much “sheeple”. They don’t know when to draw the line in the sand and realize that it’s going against their “Christian” conscience.

    They are so used to being told what is right and wrong that they have lost all sense of deciding for themselves anymore and let all the decisions be decided for them.

    That is what we are trying to accomplish on this web sites and other sites such as this.

    People should not be “afraid” to speak up when something doesn’t seem right to them.

    In this religion, you have “group think”. As long as the rest are doing it, then Witnesses go along with what the group is doing. As long as the elders say something is okay to do, then the group go along with it and I can guarantee you that there are many older people in the group who are going against their conscience and their consciences are conflicted.

    They can see the change that is taking place in the Organization and they see it going more “worldly” all the time and it’s not the religion they thought it was when they joined.

    We have been warned against the “world” for many years and they see it becoming the “world” and they can see that and it’s scarey to them. They can’t just walk away because if they do, they will be labeled weak or an apostate. They are trapped with no way out. This is why stuff like this is so disturbing. It has nothing to do with those people at Bethel having fun. It’s where it’s at, that is the problem.

    Those people who go to Bethel, really think they are serving God but if you or they were “free” to look up the real history of the organization, you and they would realize all the lies that the Society puts in their publications and know for sure that there is no way that God would be approving of a Society that lies.

    So, those people who go to Bethel are in reality serving Satan. Satan is the father of the lie. God would never support an organization that lies to it’s followers. That is why stuff like this is so tragic.

  • February 10, 2015 at 8:58 am

    @Anonymous. You Argue your points on each subject of the GB Excellently. Anyone who has LOGICAL Thinking & a Conscience could not Fail to Agree with you!!

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