Australian psychologist brands Jehovah’s Witnesses “a cruel cult” as Watchtower ramps up its shunning campaign

The Society’s cruel insistence on shunning family members is bringing it increasing notoriety in the outside world

Watchtower is increasingly coming under fire “down under,” with the Director of Cult Counselling Australia branding Jehovah’s Witnesses a “cruel cult,” according to Fairfax Media.

Psychologist Raphael Aron, author of the book “Cults: Too Good To Be True,” has joined Australian senator Nick Xenophon in placing religious organizations such as Jehovah’s Witnesses and Scientology firmly under the spotlight. For his part, Xenophon wants to see a national cult-busting agency set up to police such organizations.

Aron, who has lambasted the Watchtower’s practice of shunning as “draconian, cruel and callous” has expressed his dismay at its psychological effects on young ones. He gave the Australian newspaper The Age one such example, saying, “I am still waiting for a justification for someone to be able to rip away a five or six year old child from their extended family because Mum or Dad have decided to leave the Jehovah’s Witnesses.”

Senator Nick Xenophon (top) and Psychologist Aron Raphael (bottom) are placing the Watchtower organization under scrutiny

Watchtower is already facing almost relentless legal pressure in Australia on account of its poor track record in complying with working with children regulations. Indeed, only a few weeks ago a Witness man appeared in a Victoria court after admitting to child molestation on facebook. Only after being charged in the wake of his surprise confession to his now-adult victim did he stand down as an elder. A wide-ranging Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse has also been set up to investigate various organizations such as Jehovah’s Witnesses regarding their child protection policies.

It’s difficult to say what the end result of this intense political and judicial pressure will be. Senator Xenophon has already acknowledged that “at the moment groups like the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Scientology are subsidised by the taxpayer.” It could conceivably be that the Watchtower in Australia ends up losing its charitable status entirely if things don’t go their way, which would be a serious financial blow for the organization. Certainly Watchtower’s case cannot be helped by more details of their cult-like practices and policies, such as shunning, coming under the glare of the media and political spotlight.

A policy of denial

One of the more shocking aspects of Watchtower’s approach to shunning is that, when faced with media questioning on the subject, Society representatives will routinely deny that there is any such practice. According to this latest article in The Age, the Sydney lawyer Vincent Toole (who represents the Watchtower) has dismissed the idea of shunning among Witnesses as a “myth.”

When questioned about shunning by a major UK newspaper in 2011, a Watchtower representative dismissed it as a “personal matter”

This follows the media storm in 2011 when, in the wake of the publication of shocking “mentally diseased” comments in a Watchtower study article, Society representative Rick Fenton responded to questions from Independent reporter Jerome Taylor by declaring shunning to be “a personal matter for each individual to decide for himself.” (a downloadable copy of the newspaper article is available on this link)

All of this is a world away from what is stated in the April 15th 2012 Watchtower where, after relating an experience (reproduced below) of a man who is shunned returning to the organization, the paragraph concludes: “Think of that if you are ever tempted to violate God’s command not to associate with your disfellowshipped relatives.” (underlining mine)

And so, what is clearly expressed as a command in the publications is shrugged off as being a “personal matter” by a Watchtower spokesman at London Bethel, and even as a “myth” by a lawyer representing the organization in Australia. It seems that, when trying to evade the media and political spotlight, lying and deception is an excusable strategy of theocratic warfare that Watchtower feels entitled to utilize – even though “a false tongue” is listed as one of the seven things Jehovah hates. – Proverbs 6:16-19

Repetition for emphasis

The truth is that shunning is not just conveyed as “Jehovah’s decree” and “God’s command” for Witnesses – it is repeatedly rammed home in the Society’s literature as a test of loyalty to the organization. This is remarkably evident in the latest June 15th Watchtower article, which has recycled the exact same shunning experience it used only 14 months earlier to drive its damaging message home.

It is remarkable to think that Watchtower’s writing department is so desperate to reinforce the organization’s cruel shunning policy that it must resort to re-using material already printed just over a year ago. This takes the principle of “Jehovah’s reminders” (Psalm 119:119), so often used to excuse the repetitive nature of Watchtower literature, to a whole new level!

The experience itself, whether true or not, merely confirms that the predominant motivation for a disfellowshipped one to return to the organization is the renewal of family contact rather than repentance. Such emotional blackmail hardly befits an organization that claims to be identified by the love that is shown between its followers. (John 13:35)

However distressing the Society’s propaganda warfare may be, it is at least comforting to note that Watchtower’s cult credentials are increasingly coming to the attention of outsiders, including the media. This latest article in The Age proves that, even though the Society may brazenly deny its shunning policy when pushed on the subject, politicians and journalists will not be fooled. The more the Society ramps up its hateful shunning rhetoric, the more it shows its true colors.






  • To read the newspaper article in The Age, please click here.
  • The read the The Border Mail’s article “Slamming the door on Jehovah,” click here.
  • To read the above article in Hungarian, please click here.

127 thoughts on “Australian psychologist brands Jehovah’s Witnesses “a cruel cult” as Watchtower ramps up its shunning campaign

  • March 15, 2013 at 4:58 am

    I can only agree 200%! I’ll say it again; shunning is like the “waterboarding” under the Bush administration. For many it was not considered to be torture because the victim still lived! How horrifying, heartless and cruel!

  • March 15, 2013 at 7:52 am

    I find it repulsive that they blatantly lie about their shunning policy, when their official website clearly says that they shun disfellowshipped members. And any witness will know the truth. They are clearly trying to salvage their public image and failing miserably at that.
    You know, more countries should think about creating national cult-busting agencies, or at least monitoring these cults more closely for a start.

  • March 15, 2013 at 10:20 am

    When you consider the lengths of damage and hurt, personal devastation and destruction that these barbaric animals will strive to attain in the effort of maintaining their own personal and organizational preservation, it is no consideration of limits to them that will be withheld apparently and no one that will stop them short of judicial and legal intervention. That is patently clear!
    The behaviour of the well trained operatives online such as FH Chandler on and on the deaf masturbation video when it was posted on Youtube and suspected on JWN etc who only perpetuate and agonize the pain of already injured and traumatized persons have been reported to authorities both in the USA and Australia and hopefully by others in other countries as well and it surely helps when people continue to do these things but until our lawmakers here in the United States and Law Enforcement act, we are required to endure with such cruelty and brutality! Please people…report to the Federal authorities!

  • March 15, 2013 at 11:11 am

    Like Alec Holmes , I am disgusted by the lies the Watchtower Society tells the media regarding their policies. Perhaps they think that the rank and file are not aware of their double speak

    According to this latest article in The Age, the Sydney lawyer Vincent Toole (who represents the Watchtower) has dismissed the idea of shunning among Witnesses as a “myth.”

    Why is Vincent Toole telling such a blatant lie? Did he forget last Sunday’s Watchtower study article that says “…We should not look for reasons to spend time with a disfellowshippped family member or have a relationship with him through email.” Watchtower January 15,pg14 study edition.

  • March 15, 2013 at 12:07 pm

    I, too noticed the wording in the WT articles seemed repetitious. Thanks, Cedars, for posting the side by side comparision. There seems to be a lot of unfavorable JW news in Australia. I wonder what effect it is having on the members.
    The Jeremiah lesson last week was strongly wording regarding those that come back for the “wrong reason” (i.e. friend and family).
    Doesn’t WT worry about retention rates as they get more and more strict? So many friends I see on facebook across the U.S., are very free about keeping in touch with those that are inactive, disfellowshipped or disassociated. Seems WT is losing control and like a foolish parent, clamping down even harder. It won’t serve them well in the end.

    • March 15, 2013 at 2:41 pm

      That’s an interesting point you make Ann, the over strict parent has rebelliouus children. We had an Awake about that. Do we want our children to be carbon copies of ourselves or free thinkers?

      I am Defd..many loving ones have contact with me on “necessary business” it is a matter of “conscience” isn’t it????

      Or so they lead us to think!!!?????

  • March 15, 2013 at 2:12 pm

    Disaster. They did it again, they are doing the same circus. I’ll tell you. When I accepted the teachings of the Watchtower my parents did not want to communicate with me. Even crossed to the other side of the street when they saw me. All Jehovah’s Witnesses say they are wrong. Imagine that they eventually accepted “truth” now with me again will not communicate. What will now say JW? Now it is right not to communicate with him. What madness. Many are now beginning to doubt the competence of the Watchtower teachings. Let your reasonableness be known to all men (Philippians 4:4). Can we say in this case?

    • March 15, 2013 at 11:20 pm

      What irony Anonymous! Your parents shunned you when you became a witness and, after becoming witnesses themselves, they shunned you when YOU changed ideas? Didn’t they learn anything from their own experience?

  • March 15, 2013 at 2:23 pm

    Let your reasonableness be known to all men(Philippians 4:5).Sorry.

  • March 15, 2013 at 2:28 pm

    On a person to person level, and organisational.. especially one that professes to be “holy” lying is a massive fail, an indication of being untrustworthy and manipulative.
    The JW’s may think they are being smart in lying about shunning but they are exposing their corruption and dysfunction.
    They invalidate themselves.
    JW’s display a variety of distasteful behaviors towards human beings at the behest of the watchtower society.
    They lie to householders about the nature of their group, reminiscent of a slimy car salesman they hide the damage beneath the polished body work.
    They are not a group to be admired. Nor are they a group to be pitied, they are a group that requires education and caution when interacting with as going in uninformed is dangerous, leaving one susceptible to the damaging manipulation that they are so well trained at employing.

  • March 15, 2013 at 2:35 pm

    A very good expose… states…..

    ….Disfellowshipped individuals may attend our religious services. If they wish, they may also receive spiritual counsel from congregation elders. The goal is to help each individual once more to qualify to be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Disfellowshipped people who reject improper conduct and demonstrate a sincere desire to live by the Bible’s standards are always welcome to become members of the congregation again……

    I am not wilfully practicing sin and have attended meetings for 7 months and not been welcomed back into the cong……………

    There are no goals of “helping” as long as I question their doctrines or have a history of doing so I will be “back rowed” or shunned.

    I rang London bethel about me being welcomed back, a “brother” in the service department slammed the phone down on me in anger because I questioned what action I should take to be reinstated.
    Thanks Cedars

  • March 15, 2013 at 2:46 pm

    Anyone care to comment, what steps they took to get reinstated or “welcomed back”

    Would love to see your comments


  • March 15, 2013 at 2:49 pm

    Such emotional blackmail hardly befits an organization that claims to be identified by the love it shows between followers. (John 13:35) I agree Cedars, Amen to that comment

    • March 15, 2013 at 11:25 pm

      Yes, “emotional blackmail”, coercion – calling the kid by its name.

  • March 15, 2013 at 3:41 pm

    JW real pressure on children to be baptized with 13, or 15 years. When children grow up and declare their attitude, are excluded. And again under pressure and harassment shunning policy. Not all the children are returned to the faith of parents. Conclusion. Watchtower Society hurting both parents and children. The big question to WTS Is it the will of God?

  • March 15, 2013 at 7:02 pm

    I hope I live to see the WT Governing Body Crumble!

  • March 15, 2013 at 7:05 pm

    To be reinstated, I had to write a letter stating my sin and how desparately I wanted forgiveness. I had a meeting with the 3 again. They put me on the back row seat until I was called to them again. A year went by…. 2 years…. 3years, 4 years, 5th year… I had to write another letter. I was then reinstated with restrictions. I couldn’t comment but I could go out in service. An elders son was df’d for the same reason as I was and was reinstated 6months later.

  • March 15, 2013 at 9:18 pm

    To be reinstated, I had to write a letter stating my sin and how desparately I wanted forgiveness. I had a meeting with the 3 again. They put me on the back row seat until I was called to them again. A year went by…. 2 years…. 3years, 4 years, 5th year… I had to write another letter. I was then reinstated with restrictions. I couldn’t comment but I could go out in service. An elders son was df’d for the same reason as I was and was reinstated 6months later.

    I guess it pays to be an elders son, lol

  • March 15, 2013 at 11:11 pm

    Hit the nail on the head Anonymous! Yes, by law minors are not considered to be responsible enough to make certain decisions. For example, they can’t marry. But they are indeed allowed to make a decision that could destroy their family life for the rest of their lives! Does that make sense? Is it loving?

  • March 15, 2013 at 11:53 pm

    No it’s not! And yet we all at one time or other were tricked into thinking it was.

    I just hope that this stuff goes viral in Australia to show the people what a true crock the WT religion is. I’m so glad I don’t have to rack my brain any more to sugar coat all this nonsense to my non-JW family, though at the Hall I have to smile and nod. An elder showed me a scripture in Timothy which said to the effect that some sins are instantly manifest and others made manifest later, and yes, the time for WT sins to be made manifest is coming; there is a great hurrying of it…

  • March 16, 2013 at 2:23 am

    Ohh my word Darlene, that’s such an awful experience. I am not related to an elder, I hope I can be back in the cong quicker than that, someone on your judicial must have held a grudge. Looks like I may have to move home for a fresh start, then make sure my eldest marries an elder, his son, or gets out of the trap…………….

    Thank you Darlene for your experience

    Anymore comments on how to get reinstated

  • March 16, 2013 at 8:52 am

    I agree overall that shunning is bad. I can see shunning a pedophile, rapist, theif,murderer, the things listed in scripture, especially if they are unrepentant. We all do it at times when you have to, even by throwing them in jail or execution for serious crimes. But they take it to a rediculous spiritually wrecking level that is just unjust unfair and not scriptual at all.For every little thing it seems you get hounded or kicked out… In fact the Watchtower should be disfellowshipped for its lying and corruption, as well as joining the U.N. !! This after it so counceled people to not join the YMCA for use of the pool and gym, or not get a political card,costing lives and ruining others, raped beaten. Then they turn around and join the U.N. and pay some of our our donations to the U.N. , and only reveal it AFTER they were caught and said, uhhhm it was to use the library as a lame exuse. UH HUH, yup, sure, as anyone can use it without being a member. So JW’s out there: hold them to their own council and disfellowship the watchtower and governing body for apostacy and lying and protecting pedophiles. I bet they get their instruction of mind control from DARPA or something ?? unreal ! Can someone say THE EVIL SLAVE or faithfully disfunctional slave .

  • March 16, 2013 at 9:26 am

    GB is now FDS. This means they WTS. It is essentially a new explanation. With what they are currently occupied. With the construction of the new headquarters of the Warwik lake deep in the woods. The forest around the new headquarters will not be cut down, and roofs will be green vegetation. GB folks they hide themselves. 80 miles from New York through the woods to get to them. They are looking to please only himself. GB imagination to watch the ducks on the lake from their offices. They do not care for their fellow believers and their children. It is important to water them (money) does not run dry. Their co-religionists will explain how Jehovah bless his people, but they will enjoy that blessing. They might make a movie about it. And it will all bundle as spirituality. They do not think about disfellowshipping explanations changed as this would cause a revolt of those who have had to suffer for so long because of this policy. GB are calculated and decided that nothing like that do not change. Not even a blood transfusion policy. Or anything else which may be due to the inconvenience.

  • March 16, 2013 at 9:56 am

    Sean, I immediately went back for reinstatement after I was df’d. For 5 years I attended all the meetings with shunning in full force. I agree, the unrepentant sinner (pedophiles, murderers, thiefs, etc…) should be avoided. But mine was not the case! I disassociated myself by written letter in 2011 after 40 years back and forth nonsense with them all! I didn’t leave God, I left a Cult!

  • March 16, 2013 at 10:00 am

    Warwick Lake. English is not my first language

  • March 16, 2013 at 10:05 am

    I really hope that this is the beginning of them being exposed worldwide. I have always had a problem with children getting baptized. I think it sets them up to lose their families and friends before they are even out of school. The whole DF policy is truly disgusting. My son’s childhood friend got baptized and within a year he was DF’d. It was such a sad situation and he is still messed up from that happening to him. He has been full of anger and he is 38 years old! It changes your life and most are never free from the harm it does to them for the rest of their life unless they get some help or they see the TTATT. I was starting to see some things when our best friends daughter was DF’d at 19. She was truly sorry for what she did and they asked her all of these very personal questions. It made me sick and that is what made me read and study to find out why this policy is so dangerous. It was just the tip of the iceberg for me! I hope the governments will bring down this dangerous cult! It does need to lose its tax free status! It does no acts of charity and when they help in a storm related area it asks for the insurance money! The brothers and sisters do slave labor for this publishing company!

    • March 17, 2013 at 2:20 am

      Dear Fancy,
      I share your sorrow over the situation. It’s so sad because basic Christianity is so beautiful and the WTS would only have to alter a handful of policies to make life among JWs more bearable. In my opinion, it happens when humans come into power – it’s more intoxicating than liquor and blurs vision. Humility does not go hand-in-hand with power. You have my deepest sympathies, but don’t forget that there are still some “good ones” in the bunch.

  • March 16, 2013 at 2:21 pm

    I wonder if anyone has considered the possibility, however speculative, that repetitive and inconsistent writings may indicate a change in writing staff or dare I say a possible, “shake up” at the Watchtower Headquarters…I don’t want to start any rumor mongering unsupported but only that we may want to watch the consistency and content of future writings as well as if and what is released as far as Book publications…maybe a portion inside is becoming skittish and disillusioned as well…who knows? Just a thought!

  • March 16, 2013 at 3:06 pm

    When the translation section of the Watchtower Society translates this passage of 28 pages on my language passage gives another message. My translation does not say that small
    dose of association would have satisfied
    me and likely not allowed my desire for
    association to be a motivating factor to
    return to God. They just threw it. Why? Here This make censure of their stupidity that they could be accepted.You can see it in the Croatian language.

  • March 16, 2013 at 4:07 pm

    I believe that religious shunning is an appropriate response to wilful sin.

    (Wilful adulterer: “So how’re things going in the congregation these days?”

    Witness: “I don’t think I should discuss such things with you.”

    Now let me share with you why SOCIAL shunning is a form of religious persecution and is simply morally wrong.)

    If a religion is going to call homosexuality sinful because it subverts the natural order of thing, what can we say of the family unit? God created the family unit and if any religion, whatever their pretensions of relationship to God, that makes stuff up from a tiny handful of disparate Scriptural references, is CLEARLY in contravention of both nature and Christ’s lead. Would Christ be happy to see relatives of one family turn their shopping trolley around at the site of the disapproved one?

    I have two totally separate downloaded audio experiences, one of a British ex-JW and an American ex-JW who BOTH tell the same story about their relatives turning their shopping trolleys around.

    And yet, if you ask any JW, they will ‘loyally’ tell you that such a things doesn’t happen. Really?

    Frank V

    • March 17, 2013 at 1:08 am

      That is exactly the point, Frank! 2Tim 2:16 says we must indeed “shun EMPTY SPEECHES that violate what is holy”. We have a war against concepts, not against the individuals themselves. We must never abandon our humanity and the most important human quality of love. If we do, we’re just a ‘sounding piece of brass’.

  • March 17, 2013 at 1:40 am

    In Germany, many years ago, the German branch of the Watchtower Society had been ennobled with the status of public right. They have been found as a social contribution to the society. Hey folks, don’t forget that religions and governments cultivate a strong relationship. Why? Very religious people are, in general, submissive toward the state. They don’t go on streets, they don’t riot. That is why states strongly support Religions

    • March 17, 2013 at 2:06 am

      Lieber Bruder “Bruder”!
      It’s very interesting that you should mention this occurrence in Germany. I live in the state of Baden-Wuertemburg and this “Bundesland” has not ratified the decision made by the Berlin parliament, as of date. Why? Among other more trivial things, because of their reservations regarding the Society’s stand on blood transfusions and – would you believe – their shunning policy! Of course, it’s probably only a matter of time before the B-W parliament has to give into the mandate from Berlin and Karlsruhe, but doesn’t it cause you to think? “Caesar” has a right to step in when things get out of hand, but the Society turns a deaf ear to their misgivings and does not directly address the issue that the BW parliament is trying to make, I suppose chalking it up to religious persecution. It appears to me that the WT Society defends its institution, not always the interests of the congregation of our Lord and Savior. I’m not saying that parliament should not recognize the Witnesses as a religious organization. I’m saying that the Society needs a listening ear to what qualified institutions have to say about their policies and to be humble enough to accept reproof from the ‘higher authorities’. Amen

  • March 17, 2013 at 6:30 am

    I’m sorry to hear that Darlene. I am amazed you went for 5 years without reinstatement, that is unreal.How did you do it? I was reinstated once ( and that wait was like little over 3 months and was lonely) only to be disfellowshipped again for the same reason. I advocate hemp / cannabis. Another issue but it is not evil or harmful,or spiritism ,that I laugh at LOL and in my reseach a wonderful gift from the Creator. I do not smoke cigarettes, but I feel that is not something to kick people out either. Just do it alone if it offends anyone. Some people are just so physically addicted to all those chemicals they can’t quit like older ones, and then elders hold them back so as not to get baptized or kicked them out when they all had to quit in six months and could not, I know one guy personally.But really eating a steady diet of fast food will kill you far far quicker than even cigarettes, and they don’t kick people out for scarfing down big macs and all that garbage food that has no nutritional value and is energetically dead. But smoke a cigarette and you are in deep doo doo LOL Hypocracy is all it is .

  • March 17, 2013 at 9:51 am

    Hey Sean, I am 70wksofyrs. Fab comment. The awake says this about smoking……

    “You will boost your self-confidence. “I quit smoking because I did not want tobacco to be my master. I wanted to be master of my own body.”—Henning, Denmark.
    Your family and friends will benefit. “Smoking . . . hurts the health of those around you. . . . Studies have shown that secondhand smoke causes thousands of deaths each year from lung cancer and heart disease.”—American Cancer Society.
    You will please your Creator. “Beloved ones, let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh.” (2 Corinthians 7:1) “Present your bodies . . . holy, acceptable to God.”—Romans 12:1.
    “Once I understood that God disapproves of things that defile the body, I decided to quit smoking.”—Sylvia, Spain.
    Often, though, motivation alone is not enough. We may also need the help of others, including family and friends. What can they do?”


    At Mark Chapter 4 verse 9 Further, he went on to say to them: “Adroitly YOU set aside the commandment of God in order to retain YOUR tradition. 10 For example, Moses said, ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘Let him that reviles father or mother end up in death.’ 11 But YOU men say, ‘If a man says to his father or his mother: “Whatever I have by which you may get benefit from me is corban, (that is, a gift dedicated to God,)”’— 12 YOU men no longer let him do a single thing for his father or his mother, 13 and thus YOU make the word of God invalid by YOUR tradition which YOU handed down. And many things similar to this YOU do.” 14 So, calling the crowd to him again, he proceeded to say to them: “Listen to me, all of YOU, and get the meaning. 15 There is nothing from outside a man that passes into him that can defile him; but the things that issue forth out of a man are the things that defile a man.” 16 ——
    17 Now when he had entered a house away from the crowd, his disciples began to question him respecting the illustration. 18 So he said to them: “Are YOU also without perception like them? Are YOU not aware that nothing from outside that passes into a man can defile him, 19 since it passes, not into [his] heart, but into [his] intestines, and it passes out into the sewer?” Thus he declared all foods clean. 20 Further, he said: “That which issues forth out of a man is what defiles a man; 21 for from inside, out of the heart of men, injurious reasonings issue forth: fornications, thieveries, murders, 22 adulteries, covetings, acts of wickedness, deceit, loose conduct, an envious eye, blasphemy, haughtiness, unreasonableness. 23 All these wicked things issue forth from within and defile a man.”

    So in conclusion I agree with the point you make about fast food and burgers if the disfellowshipping rule applies to giving up smoking in 6 months or you’re out it should apply to overeating McDonald’s also once a week only in 6 months or you’re out !!!!!!!!

    Watch this space it might even happen. We have a new one joining us on the back row on thursday.

    Great comment Sean

  • March 17, 2013 at 10:09 am

    Thanks Alden, I try to remember that there are many good ones in that have been blinded by the lies like we were. It is just painful to see so many people hurt and ruined by their policies.

    • March 17, 2013 at 10:19 am

      Hello Aunt Fancy, I am 70wksofyrs. I am a hurt sheep and so are my kids, me and my youngest child have been “back rowed” for 8 months. Happily my eldest is in a different district altogether, but still it’s difficult for her only talking about “necessary business” but that is a “conscience” thing so we get on with it.

      Have you been freed completely from WT doctrine?


  • March 17, 2013 at 10:35 am

    “So in conclusion I agree with the point you make about fast food and burgers if the disfellowshipping rule applies to giving up smoking in 6 months or you’re out it should apply to overeating McDonald’s also once a week only in 6 months or you’re out !!!!!!!!”

    There is and have always been some massive and morbidly obese people who are Elders and Servants in active and favored positions and have never been so much as counseled as always due to the two tiered system of “Justice” in that organization…I can think of numerous personally offhand but wish that were the worst scriptural or criminal offense that were overlooked in deference to public image/PR or favoritism and injustice!

  • March 17, 2013 at 10:45 am

    Hey Konrad, 70wksofyrs here. Thanks for your comment, so in your experience a more equal FAT PIG higher up the chain (George Orwell, 1984), can overeat, heavily drink alcohol, and maybe even smoke or gamble say “sorry” and act repentant and remain a JW.

    But a skinny desperate sheep says “excuse me I don’t agree please sir” gets “back rowed” or disfelloshipped. Hypocrisy at it’s most exposed…..

    Amen to that brother I agree


  • March 17, 2013 at 10:58 am

    “can overeat, heavily drink alcohol, and maybe even smoke or gamble say “sorry” and act repentant and remain a JW.”

    No actually, I’m saying that they can commit violence and crimes of variable degrees including child abuse and have the protection and assurance of complicity by virtue of the “unity” scam that they will not face a judicial committee as this is the structure of the systemic arrangement as is currently exists aaaaand…they, when accused as per Legal department control and instructions at that point (upon being informed first in many cases) will be placed up to misuse the platform for exclusive praise and attention and counteract the charges and elavate their public image as well as intimidate the accuser and thwart any attempt at a legal challenge…it is standard WT procedure…

  • March 17, 2013 at 11:10 am

    I agree this “new light” is very interesting Konrad,
    -A sheep cannot question
    -A BIG FAT equal pig can break the law
    The masses or the laity will be Df’d for everything and the PIG’s can commit crimes and be protected what a farce of astronomical size

  • March 17, 2013 at 7:13 pm

    Hi 70wksofyrs, yes my husband and I haven’t been to a meeting since the Friday session of the DC last year. My son and the rest of my family were never in so that has made it much easier for me to leave. It has been very emotional but I would never go back and I am glad I am free. I am sorry you are going through that. It has to be very hard on you and your family. Are you staying in because you have family members that will shun you? Hang in there!

  • March 18, 2013 at 6:20 am

    I always wondered about that scripture being applied to extremely obese brothers serving as elders or above. It never made sense to me, but was just one more thing I tried to ignore as I didn’t want to be unfair or complain. So glad I’m hearing true comments of others and on my way out of the organization after researching unbiased information for the past few months.

  • March 18, 2013 at 6:21 am

    I clicked for that to post to Sean’s comment. Not sure why it didn’t work. Sorry!

  • March 18, 2013 at 11:42 am

    Hey Aunt Fancy
    “It has to be very hard on you and your family. Are you staying in because you have family members that will shun you? Hang in there!”

    Glad to see you feel better and free. Yes to your question I would like to get reinstated for my close friends and family. But also I still have faith in the Bible and Jehovah. I don’t have faith in men though. Some good advice can be found in the organisation material, but needs to be taken seriously and we must be always guided by our own conscience and sense of justice.

    My eldest lives in a different circuit and talks to me “when necessary” because it is a matter of “conscience” in her reasoning logical mind. But some of my very close friends are less able to reason.

    Warm love

    • March 18, 2013 at 1:00 pm

      And I also believe in the Bible and Jehovah but I’m not there any more to the meetings or in the preaching ministry official. But as they say preach informally. Of course, only to the Bible. In my country, it was the war (1991_1995). Because of my Bible trained conscience, I was in prison, because I understand what’s in these situations will of God. All that I have experienced and understood before baptism. I’m just looking for the truth about God. I think I found it. I was the one that I asked when I will be in the following studies. They can say we are well acquainted with the truth, but the truth is that the truth comes from God. Also they nor anyone for any reason to have a monopoly over someone’s life, and conscience. We learned there are four kinds of love: agape, storge, philia, eros. Of course, if they are different types and different then the expressed. Then how WTS can ask someone whether he loves or disabled child, or God. Or say if you communicate with your child, then you do not love God. Jesus said, Let God be true and every man a liar. WTS is not however a monopoly on truth, although he said some of the truths. Such people do not want to give my life to lead me. Nor through meetings or through publications. Jesus did not have a secret book that is given only to the apostles. When he told the truth he spoke to everyone. Same words everyone.

  • March 18, 2013 at 2:18 pm

    Sean, I do believe the elders in my committee had a personal grudge against me. I asked in my meeting, why was I targeted? There were others in the congregation doing the same thing I did and I knew of it, some of their own children too! Why was I singled out? I asked, why did I know of what was going on in their homes and they acted like they didn’t? I was df’d a week later! That attitude and mouth of mine got me a 5 year backrow seat!!!

  • March 18, 2013 at 5:01 pm

    Can I have everyone’s attention here? This article is a little less than objective. How can we deny that we dissfellowship people, when it is in our publications for everyone to see that we do????
    Can we have a little dose of reason? People can individually mark someone for personal reasons also.

    This is a reply to Mr. Aron’s article that was sited several times above:
    For someone who has written two books about cults and has “investigated” Jehovah’s Witnesses, how little Mr. Aron seems to know of the issues he has raised. People are disfellowshipped because they are unrepentant violators of Bible principles. (1 Cor. 5:13; 6:9, 10) I’m sure Mr. Aron would agree that one bad apple does spoil the whole bunch. Would he allow his children to have friends who abused drugs or committed theft? Maybe Mr. Aron can inform us about what is being withheld from “potential recruits”. The Bibles teachings on things such as Christmas, Easter and birthdays are plainly spelled out to those we study with and it doesn’t take much research to find out these things are pagan in organ. Mr. Aron, who is an Observant Jew should go back and re-read his scriptures, especially Gen. 9:4; Lev. 3:17; 7:26; Deut. 12:16; 12:23 in the case of the use of blood, and Eccl. 7:1 on the matter of birthdays. Mr. Aron claims we are “not allowed” to do various things, making it sound as though we are captives of some sort. We study The Bible (in my case The King James version for two years with the Witnesses AND on my own) so we can make an informed choice, and adopt these as our values. NO! Mr. Aron’s article IS NOT well written and is full of prejudice and hysteria and he uses disgruntled, vindictive ex-witnesses as his source material.

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