Reshaping History – How the Watchtower controls their image by editing their own past

gods-kingdom-rulesWhen Watchtower’s new ‘history’ book was released this summer it was said to have been released because their old one had too many pages. “God’s Kingdom Rules!” was presented as a slimmer, and therefore more translatable, volume than its predecessor.

I’ve recently had a chance to go through it, and I firmly believe its purpose is much more complex than we have been led to believe.

A key difference between Watchtower’s old and new history book is that the new version is meant to be studied at weekly meetings. The older Proclaimers book was merely a personal reference volume, and had no questions and answers for the paragraphs.

As a study book, each Jehovah’s Witness will soon be expected to study a lesson from the new history book and attend the requisite Q&A book group each week. Throughout and after this very long process, Jehovah’s Witnesses will be well-armed with its fallacies and fabrications.

“God’s Kingdom Rules!” is a carefully crafted whitewash of Watchtower history that cunningly converts past bitter defeats into glorious victories. The book is spectacularly Orwellian.

Rearranging history

The volume opens by attempting to thrill the reader into imagining they are someone from 1914 sitting in the room when Charles Taze Russell announces the “end of the Gentile times.”

Only the perspective of an ardent believer in Pastor Russell is given. What the book fails to mention is that many of Russell’s followers were disillusioned by the lackluster results of his predictions.

As with Harold Camping in 2011, Russell’s 1914 end of the world prophecy was a failure. Both cases left behind followers that either believed in what was cooked up next, or cut their losses and moved on.

Rather than being recognized as an abysmal and embarrassing theological failure, Russell’s failed prediction has been re-shaped as the triumphant herald of the end of an age. In quite dramatic fashion, the moment is portrayed as an exciting historical event rather than the depressing disappointment it truly was.

Only a few pages later do you find Watchtower’s new and improved embarrassment: the “overlapping generations” doctrine, designed to explain Matthew 24:34.

Over the past century, Watchtower has been forced to evolve. They have transitioned from setting hard apocalyptic dates to using the generation who witnessed the “events” of 1914 as an apocalyptic barometer.

Since this original generation have all died off, the doctrine has gone through some strenuous changes. The current contortion can be found in question and answer form very early into the book. It spuriously claims that two generations can actually be considered as one.

George Orwell, author of the legendary novel 1984, spoke about theocratic entities changing their history in this way:

“A totalitarian state is in effect a theocracy, and its ruling caste, in order to keep its position, has to be thought of as infallible. But since, in practice, no one is infallible, it is frequently necessary to rearrange past events in order to show that this or that mistake was not made, or that this or that imaginary triumph actually happened.”

The organization that controls Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world through its “ruling caste,” the Governing Body, is claimed to be infallible. Logically, it simply cannot err while continuing to claim a perfect status. However, being an entity established by humans, it does fail. When this happens, a “rearrangement” of the past is called for, which is exactly what the God’s Kingdom Rules! book accomplishes.

The beginning of the book somewhat desperately tries to convince the reader that God’s plan has been progressively revealed. This “new light” strategy is a perfect way to covertly accomplish what Orwell was talking about. It allows for a future restructuring of past events which are then portrayed as the progressive understanding of “God’s will.”

It’s a “get out of jail free card,” to borrow a Monopoly metaphor.

Jehovah’s Witnesses – conquerors of the courtroom?

Section 4 of the book, entitled “Kingdom Conquests – Legally Establishing the Good News,” sparked a special interest for me. It paints the Watchtower as under direct attack from Satan through the world’s legal systems and its citizens. Irwin Zalkin, who is currently battling in court against the Watchtower, had this to say about their practices:

“These guys will deny and deny, they are belligerent, they are arrogant, they treat victims as adversaries. This is not an organization that is ready to accept the reality of what they have been doing.” (Source: U-T San Diego)

Section 4 of the book attests to the accuracy of Zalkin’s observations. The language clearly indicates that Watchtower sees opponents in the courtroom as agents of the devil.

The book again attempts to alter Watchtower’s history by awarding the organization with the image of “conquerors” of the courtroom. Countless court documents over many decades paint a picture very similar to the words Zalkin used: arrogant and belligerent. Yet, within Watchtower’s new “history” book, they are portrayed as the valiant conquerors who vanquished the dragon.

The book cultivates this image by ignoring the negative and focusing on the positive. Granted, Watchtower has been involved in many landmark victories throughout the 20th century. They’ve even received attention from the outside world for their efforts to protect their freedom to propagate an unpopular message.

For instance, Joel Engardio, civil liberties advocate and creator of the documentary “Knocking,” had this to say about Watchtower in the courtroom:

“There have been nearly 50 cases before the U.S. Supreme Court involving Jehovah’s Witnesses that involved the issue of constitutional rights… We have to thank Jehovah’s Witnesses for being on the forefront of protecting everyone’s freedoms.”

Engardio is talking about giving credit where credit is due, as I understand it. However, Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t want any of the credit. This is clearly spelled out on page 156:

Why have Jehovah’s people won so many landmark legal victories? We have no political influence. Yet, in country after country and court after court, fair-minded judges have protected us from the onslaught of tenacious opposers and, in the process, have set precedents in constitutional law. Without a doubt, Christ has backed our efforts to gain those victories. (Read Revelation 6:2) Why do we fight such legal battles? Our intent is not to reform the legal system. Rather, our goal is to ensure that we can continue to serve our King, Jesus Christ, without hindrance.

They never intended to give the legal system a helping hand. Clearly, they do not concern themselves with the rights of others. Rather, their sole concern has always been running their doomsday propaganda machine without hindrance.

If they took an ounce of credit for any of the constitutional precedents they have helped introduce, they would be part of what they preach as being doomed. Within their theology the legal systems of the world, including their written laws, are merely things to be used until Armageddon comes and they are all destroyed.

Do we really owe them a debt of gratitude as Engardio claims? Are Jehovah’s Witnesses really team players in the battle for freedom?

Democracy on the chopping block

Unfortunately, Engardio isn’t the only one who buys into Watchtower’s side of the story. He, as well as people who see Jehovah’s Witnesses as brave defenders of freedom, need to take a good look at pages 26 and 27 of their new book. It shows the structure of the kingdom they predict will destroy the world’s governments and take their place. Atop this structure is the heavenly person who has allegedly been directing the Watchtower since 1914. This is what they have to say about their ruler:

“Enthroned in 1914, Jesus Christ is a powerful, just, wise and merciful King who is humble before Jehovah God. (Isa. 9:6, 7; 11: 1-3) Unlike imperfect human rulers, he cannot be corrupted, nor is he hampered by fractious congresses and parliaments or self-seeking lobbyists and special interests groups.”

As a religion founded in the United States of America, a system of checks and balances made the Witnesses possible in the first place. Before the advent of representative democracy, the world was mostly ruled by a slew of dictators who wielded absolute power.

In a world of dictators there was no freedom of religion, and an outfit like Watchtower could never have been conceived. They relied on these systems in order to even get off the ground, yet they make the claim that, in the future, humanity will revert back to the old ways with an established monarchy.

Watchtower has had many opportunities over the past 100 years to show that their organization is different, but they have completely failed in this endeavor. They have been plagued with scandals, cover-ups, false prophecies, and have shown utter disregard for the sanctity of life itself.

According to Watchtower’s record, any monarchy setup by them would undoubtedly be exactly the same as every other failed dictatorship that has ever existed. There is no reason to believe otherwise.

All they can do is desperately attempt to alter their past and misrepresent themselves to everyone as something they are not. Fortunately, we now live in a world that is interconnected through technologies such as the internet. It is now much more difficult to get away with changing your own past in the manner to which Watchtower has become accustomed.

People simply have more access to information than ever before. And knowledge is power.









Further reading…

200 thoughts on “Reshaping History – How the Watchtower controls their image by editing their own past

  • December 31, 2014 at 9:08 pm

    1914 was the beginning of Armageddon which has lasted 100 years…

  • December 31, 2014 at 9:14 pm

    Satan is the Pendor or Prince Phillip, Son of the Whore of Baby London (Babylon) which controls the World through Money and Banking along with the false prophet at the Vatican where the council of 13 ‘Druidic’ priests headed by the ‘Pendor’ (literally means “Satans Dick”) run everything from War to Paedophelia to Child Sacrifice to Satanic Ritual and worse…

  • December 31, 2014 at 9:16 pm

    Sorry, Phillip is Husband to the Whore not the Son…

  • December 31, 2014 at 10:40 pm

    Good article James.

    Wondered if there were any pictures of the new GB. With all of the old members dead, time to take center stage for the new ones. They seem to be taking every opportunity to get in front of a camera and in front of their adoring fans.

  • January 1, 2015 at 3:10 am

    James – Excellent article! Very clearly written and referenced. I know for a fact that articles like this are now being read by JWs – even those who are committed to staying in. I’ve been seeing a growing number of emails sent to my websites asking me for clarification and additional references. Barbara Anderson’s new website will make it even easier for them to locate many of the older publications, elder letters, and convention speeches where they go completely over the hill with their teachings and policies. In fact, there is so much available now that you can pretty much go directly to Google Search and just type in “Jehovah’s Witness beliefs about ????” and you will get dozens of quality references. I can assure you that many JWs are spending time on their laptops checking these sites out. My guess is that more want out than want to stay in – but the shunning thing is just too much for them to deal with. Hopefully when they realize how much happier they will be and how the quality of their lives will improve, they will finally make the move. You can already see the movement with JW teens – they are leaving as fast as they can and many simply don’t care anymore about who they leave behind.

  • January 1, 2015 at 4:02 am

    @ Juan veijo. I enjoyed your comment & I think you are So Right when you say more & more Youngsters are searching the internet & aren’t frightened of leaving friends & family behind.One Major reason is that their have been so many divorces over recent years & there are many more stepfamilies in the truth with stable family life being Fractured.There isn’t the normal blood ties & the anger& upset a broken marriage brings makes it all too easy to leave behind something that reminds you of that PAIN! I know of 8 teenagers& a few in there early 20s who have been disfellowshipped after being BaptisedJWs in their early teens!!This is the biggest mistake the Governing Body made by encouraging youngsters to be baptised at 11,12,13,14! There are a LOT of Angry Youngsters out there !!!!

  • January 1, 2015 at 6:48 am

    I think the article is informative except for this quote, “the Governing Body, is claimed to be infallible. Logically, it simply cannot err while continuing to claim a perfect status” prevents passerbys from reading further. As GB doesn’t claim to be perfect.

  • January 1, 2015 at 6:48 am

    Enjoyable read :)

  • January 1, 2015 at 7:29 am

    the GB SAY they are not infallible, but contradict when ones that disagree are DF, so they do.

  • January 1, 2015 at 8:47 am

    I am a Voodoo child in my world and I do not bow.

  • January 1, 2015 at 8:51 am

    It’s been claimed many times in their own publications, and in
    several court cases, that God is the author of the W,T,
    ( w,t, 15/4/1943, p127… w,t, 15/3/1992, pp21-22. )

    Accepting that God is infallible, unerring, and cannot lie, and
    the fact that the w,t,, has continually erred, even changing their
    own, “Claimed identity” as the F, & D,S, several times. Proves
    their assertions to be completely unfounded, and that what’s
    printed in the w,t, are merely the ideas of “Fallible error prone

    And so, commands to, “Respond to the voice of the Slave as
    we would to the voice of God,” ( w,t, 15/6/1957 p 370.)
    In effect would be listening to the voice of imperfect deviant

  • January 1, 2015 at 9:54 am

    Let us not talk false now, the hour is getting late. Jimi Hendrix. . All along the Watchtower.

  • January 1, 2015 at 10:50 am

    Once again James has written a brilliant article. As with any organisation that claims to be God’s sole channel, it is important not to lose sight of exposing the false prophecies and pointing the Witnesses to the True and Faithful Witness, Jesus Christ.

  • January 1, 2015 at 1:00 pm

    Its been claimed many times in their own publications and in
    several court cases, that God is the author of the wt,
    (wt,15/4/43, p127… wt, 15/3/92. pp 21-22.)

    Accepting that God is infallible, unerring, and cannot lie, the
    only possible conclusion is that the wt, never lies, is never
    wrong. whereas in truth it is continually wrong. Even its
    claimed identity as the F& D,S, has been changed 3 or 4 times,
    proving beyond doubt that the things printed in the wt, are
    merely the ideas of fallible, error prone men.

    And so the command to, “Listen to the voice of the slave as we
    would to God.” in effect would, sadly, be listening to the
    voice of, imperfect deviant men. (wt, 15/6/57, p370).

    Its been claimed many times in their own publications and in
    several court cases, that God is the author of the wt,
    (wt,15/4/43, p127… wt, 15/3/92. pp 21-22.)

    Accepting that God is infallible, unerring, and cannot lie, the
    only possible conclusion is that the wt, never lies, is never
    wrong. whereas in truth it is continually wrong. Even its
    claimed identity as the F& D,S, has been changed 3 or 4 times,
    proving beyond doubt that the things printed in the wt, are
    merely the ideas of fallible, error prone men.

    And so the command to, “Listen to the voice of the slave as we
    would to God.” in effect would, sadly, be listening to the
    voice of, imperfect deviant men. (wt, 15/6/57, p370).

    Its been claimed many times in their own publications and in
    several court cases, that God is the author of the wt,
    (wt,15/4/43, p127… wt, 15/3/92. pp 21-22.)

    Accepting that God is infallible, unerring, and cannot lie, the
    only possible conclusion is that the wt, never lies, is never
    wrong. whereas in truth it is continually wrong. Even its
    claimed identity as the F& D,S, has been changed 3 or 4 times,
    proving beyond doubt that the things printed in the wt, are
    merely the ideas of fallible, error prone men.

    And so the command to, “Listen to the voice of the slave as we
    would to God.” in effect would, sadly, be listening to the
    voice of, imperfect deviant men. (wt, 15/6/57, p370).

    Its been claimed many times in their own publications and in
    several court cases, that God is the author of the wt,
    (wt,15/4/43, p127… wt, 15/3/92. pp 21-22.)

    Accepting that God is infallible, unerring, and cannot lie, the
    only possible conclusion is that the wt, never lies, is never
    wrong. whereas in truth it is continually wrong. Even its
    claimed identity as the F& D,S, has been changed 3 or 4 times,
    proving beyond doubt that the things printed in the wt, are
    merely the ideas of fallible, error prone men.

    And so the command to, “Listen to the voice of the slave as we
    would to God.” in effect would, sadly, be listening to the
    voice of, imperfect deviant men. (wt, 15/6/57, p370).

    Its been claimed many times in their own publications and in
    several court cases, that God is the author of the wt,
    (wt,15/4/43, p127… wt, 15/3/92. pp 21-22.)

    Accepting that God is infallible, unerring, and cannot lie, the
    only possible conclusion is that the wt, never lies, is never
    wrong. whereas in truth it is continually wrong. Even its
    claimed identity as the F& D,S, has been changed 3 or 4 times,
    proving beyond doubt that the things printed in the wt, are
    merely the ideas of fallible, error prone men.

    And so the command to, “Listen to the voice of the slave as we
    would to God.” in effect would, sadly, be listening to the
    voice of, imperfect deviant men. (wt, 15/6/57, p370).

  • January 1, 2015 at 1:05 pm

    sorry for the duplicates,you wait 2 hours for a
    bus then 4 come along at once.

  • January 1, 2015 at 1:57 pm

    All I have to say is a generation is not a hundred years. The Governing Body are liars and poor ones at that.

  • January 1, 2015 at 3:50 pm

    That’s exactly what they say, but the dictionary definition of a cult is “ruled by a man or governing body of men”.

  • January 1, 2015 at 3:58 pm

    As a Witness I used to prepare many talks. This involved much research. This led me to discover many instances where the annual bound volumes of the WT and Awake contained unreferenced edits. This practice disturbed me as many of these were blatantly dishonest attempts to cover up doctrinal errors. My trust in the organisation was broken. All very sad.

  • January 1, 2015 at 4:07 pm

    @Airborne . Your point about The Generation is well put in a Nutshell!! In the book of Matthew ch24v.34 where it says’ This Generation will not pass away ‘ ; How does Matthew DEFINE ‘Generation ‘? Well the answer is Simple!! Well, Governing Body ,Please Read Matthew ch 1v17 . Where it says 14 Generation from Abraham to David; then 14 Generation from David to Deportation to Babylon; Then 14 Generations from Deportation to Babylon to Christ!! So 42 Generation from Abraham to Christ! Each GENERATION was EQUAL to The LIFESPAN of JUST ONE PERSONS LIFETIME! 42 PEOPLE = 42 GENERATIONS.So what is the Lifespan of One person today 70 or 80 years which is the logical answer to the Lifespan of a Generation. This was The Governing Body’s interpretation until 1994 which made more sense (1914+80)= 1994. But Armageddon didn’t come by 1994 so we got all these other silly explanations of Generation.So the Big Question is then ‘Have the Governing Body got 1914 Date Wrong???’ I think we all know the answer to that one !!!

  • January 1, 2015 at 6:19 pm

    I have a genuine question for you Watchtower/ Jehovah’s witnesses.
    If “many are called but few chosen” and that the slave is yet to be approved (chosen), who are the many who won’t make when that choosing takes place?
    Do you honestly believe that the judgement doesn’t begin with God’s house but Christendom instead? Wake up, your parusia is false.

  • January 1, 2015 at 6:40 pm

    You do not talk to disgruntled ones do you Watchtower? You have hurt people in the most painful way possible. You’ve bullied, humiliated, controlled and suppressed freedom of conscience and you won’t even stand in a court of law to protect a child. I reckon that YHWH is “disgruntled” with you.

  • January 1, 2015 at 6:51 pm

    You think that I could be called a brother with your abuses? You are a disgrace. Look out of your window, here’s Tom with the weather.

  • January 1, 2015 at 7:51 pm

    Apparently steel monkey by jethro tull is about intelligence.

  • January 1, 2015 at 9:29 pm

    Self praise is no praise at all. When you defend a child in court, against your own interests, I will listen to you, and when you apply the freedoms you have defended in court you begin to apply to your adherents.

  • January 2, 2015 at 6:57 am

    An importer massage To Watch tower, to active Jehovah witnessed, to ex Jehovah witnesses, and to all who claimed to be Christians.
    If you think you have be deceived by a religion cult and you left from one and you go to a new Christian religion i recommended to watch on you tube, or buy from call( the learning company) these courses.
    The history of the bible the making of the New Testament canon by Prof Bart d Ehrman
    Dr Ehrman have many videos on you tube dealing with the New Testament.
    The second good course for those who have believes in a religion. Is
    The spiritual brain, science and religious experience.
    Dr Andrew Newberg.
    These courses will help you to heal-up if you are the watchtower victim or any other Christian cult
    And You will learn the actual athletically of the new testament and, and the originality of the manuscripts.

  • January 2, 2015 at 7:18 am

    An importer massage To Watch tower, to active Jehovah witnessed, to ex Jehovah witnesses, and to all who claimed to be Christians.
    If you think you have be deceived by a religion cult and you left from one and you go to a new Christian religion i recommended to watch on you tube, or buy from call( the learning company) these courses.
    The history of the bible the making of the New Testament canon by Prof Bart d Ehrman
    Dr Ehrman have many videos on you tube dealing with the New Testament.
    The second good course for those who have believes in a religion. Is
    The spiritual brain, science and religious experience.
    Dr Andrew Newberg.
    These courses will help you to heal-up if you are the watchtower victim or any other Christian cult
    And you will learn the actual athletically of the New Testament and, the originality of the manuscripts. How your brain deceiving you. And the WATCHTOWER BRAIN WASH. But never the less is interested to following up the news about Jehovah witness’s development.

  • January 2, 2015 at 9:51 am

    Michael, Thanks for your helpful suggestions, I will check them out.

  • January 3, 2015 at 7:47 am

    WOW, excellent due diligence with plenty of depth and research, and a jest of humor! I wonder if the GB is now hard-wired with excuses for many of their failings. Reminds me of my days of writing contracts and stealth insertion of statements of limitations or/escape clauses like “path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day”. Reality is the wise consumer is asking concurrent why, why, why, why…

  • January 3, 2015 at 10:32 am

    Watchtower is a corporation with a corporate image to protect. Past mistakes, misteps are all corrected by rebranding and reimaging. Unfortunately, members are blinded by the “new light”.

  • January 3, 2015 at 5:50 pm

    The numbskulls at WTBTS are trying to airbrush their history way, way too late! A great deal of their “old light” has been scanned and distributed via the web for many years now. They should have had a good, old fashioned book burning back in the 70s, but they are so thick that they just stumbled on, drooling as they usually do.

    Facts destroy lies every time. The real history of the WTBTS is out there, ready to be known. This latest piece of airbrushed propoganda does not withstand any close scrutiny.

    I think that the WTBTS is getting worried. Here in the UK, it is under investigation by the Charities Commission, and I know that a number of MPs are getting letters about their policies and the harm they are causing.

    That concern is going to be exhibited as further cruelty, because that’s how cowards and bullies always behave when they can see that the game is up. They get mean.

    Look forward to an ineffective attempt at ever tighter control of those who remain. They are determined to track down those who are leaking information, so look out for yourselves, those brave souls who are acting as moles inside the organisation. Yes, they’re getting scared. The profits are down, and the recent spate of child abuse cases has seriously harmed their corporate image.

    Their rebrand as JW Org has come too late. The end game for Watchtower started a few years ago, and the counter argument, from the ex JWs, is only going to get louder and better organised.

    Peace be with you, Excelsior!

  • January 3, 2015 at 10:12 pm

    History has proven that dictators, tyrants and bullies all have an expiration date. In my opinion, the credibility of this religion is out the window and the more they tighten the reign on their members, eventually there will be a major revolt and either this religion will become very mainstream with little resemblence to what it is today, and very lax rules, or it will simply become a holding company for real estate with a small religious component.

  • January 4, 2015 at 10:20 am

    they do and they don’t simultaneously,which is yet another example of the rampant orwellian double speak, double think,which pervades every aspect of life within the organization.Without which the organization would not,and could not exist.

  • January 4, 2015 at 12:41 pm

    Mysticism, things happening in an invisible realm. So easy to lie about and
    impossible to prove, Oct, 2nd, 1914, C,T, Russell announces. “The gentile
    kings have had their day,”. There’s applause, some even expecting to be taken to heaven there and then, of course it didn’t happen and nothing
    tangible in the way of proof has happened since then.

  • January 4, 2015 at 2:47 pm

    Seth, you’re right. That double speak, double think is so subtle to us when were in the thick of it. Trying to convince ourselves that this is the ultimate truth when our subconscious is screaming out to be heard.

    They argue that they say that they are not infallible yet don’t dare question mother, she knows best. Otherwise get into your naughty corner & don’t speak to anyone.

    I remember many times being with a group jw’s & being around someone newly interested, we would all look at each other with a certain look, (like how do we change this subject) if they questioned some off topic. I’m just so glad that I can say & think how I like now without being conscious all of the time as to what is the right & wrong thing to say about this silly religion.

    I can finally make an honest evaluation of this thought controlled religion, after all, aren’t we supposed to make ‘the truth’ our own.

  • January 4, 2015 at 5:06 pm

    Least the dog ( not the Watchtower) is honest.x

  • January 4, 2015 at 5:26 pm

    Of course, you’ve been appointed over all things.

  • January 4, 2015 at 5:29 pm

    Forget all these apostates Watchtower, tell me I’m a lair.

  • January 4, 2015 at 5:36 pm

    Kid Charlemagne. Steel Dan. 3rd shot.

  • January 4, 2015 at 6:03 pm

    Fourth shot . For the nice people:-), Molly hatchet. . Dreams I’ll never see.x

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