From JW Survey contributor Brooke

No girls allowed – a common theme throughout my childhood; raised with all older boy cousins, I had to learn to stick up for myself. I fought tooth and nail for my spot in the video game room, just to watch them play. Just to feel like a part of the group.

My rules for entry were simple: sit there, be quiet and don’t complain. Plus, please bring us chips and soda when we ask.

It amazes me that I was never allowed to grow up from this little girl; according to Jehovah, this was the role I was meant to play for the rest of my life

Sit There

Be Quiet

Don’t Complain

It is your “privilege” to do things for us when we ask. But you never get to hold the controller. it’s never your game. Isn’t it fun to watch us play?

To the Kingdom Hall! – No Difference

I was not having fun. Somehow the idea that I wasn’t qualified to hold a microphone didn’t sit right inside me.

(Among  Jehovah’s Witnesses, a rite of passage occurs when a young man is given the privilege of carrying microphones inside the Kingdom Hall, passing them to members giving comments or testimonials)

I was polite, smart and well spoken, with a natural ease for public presentation; but never granted the privilege to address an audience. I could only speak on stage, sitting down with my legs crossed, addressing another woman. I never got my day on the podium. It was never my turn to play.

But this is as God intended –  Jehovah’s Witness women are inferior, they are not capable.

Jehovah's Witness Leadership - Girls need not apply
Jehovah’s Witness Leadership – Girls need not apply


man’s little helpers


Somehow the ability to bear children makes me less desirable than a man who is deaf, dumb and blind. I was reminded that there are no princesses on the throne with Jesus. Well, you all sound like a bunch of pricks (or a word which rhymes with pricks).



I found myself wondering, why I could not do everything the boys did. I am a very strong woman, always have been. I wrestled with boys and played backyard football. I was never the biggest or the strongest but, I was not half-bad. I never identified with the daintiness of being a girl. I understand that some women do, but that was never me.

Despite the way I felt, I was born into a submissive role. As a female member of the Jehovah’s Witness Congregation, certain “feminine” attributes were expected of me. I was placed in high heels from the age of five and only permitted to wear skirts to the Kingdom Hall. Women were not allowed to wear pants suits; this was considered “inappropriate”. Once I became a part of the Theocratic Ministry School, it was made clear to me that the only instructional parts I was allowed to present were the bible study presentations, where I demonstrated how to conduct a bible study to the congregation by the passive manner of having a conversation on stage with another woman. I was not supposed to address the audience. My brother was allowed to stand at the podium and carry out a bible reading. This made no sense to me. Firstly, I was older than my brother. Secondly, I was a better reader.

A rare sight: Jehovah’s Witness female in Slovenia serving as microphone passer for the day

Then one year I noticed that one of the elderly ladies in my congregation was partaking of the emblems at the memorial observance of Christ’s death. This action symbolized that she was anointed and one of the 144,000 destined for heaven. Afterwards, I talked to my mother about it and asked her if this woman was ever allowed to speak from the podium. She told me no. She said that she remembered one time when most of the men were away for some reason and this woman was allowed to carry the microphones up and down the aisle for people to use when speaking. This privilege under any other circumstances was reserved for men. This paradox seemed absolutely absurd to me. A woman, who was so close with God that she was going to live with him in heaven, while the rest of us lived on Earth, was only granted the privilege of holding a microphone when all the men were away.  There is an obvious glass ceiling effect for women in the Jehovah’s Witness organization. Women are permitted to become pioneers for God’s work and spend hours preaching the word of God by knocking on their neighbor’s door with Jehovah’s Witness publications in hand. However, women are not allowed to hold any position of power within the organization. The roles of ministerial servant, elder, and committee member are reserved for men.

Who made up these rules?

Men made up these rules.

In our society, feminism often receives criticism. The definition of feminism according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities”. With this definition in mind, I would consider myself a feminist. Google defines misogyny as “dislike of, contempt for or ingrained prejudice against women”. I would consider anyone who tells a person they are not allowed to obtain a certain position solely based on the fact that they were born female, a misogynist. I feel that I saw and experienced many examples of ingrained prejudice in the Jehovah’s Witness faith for being female.

Jehovah's Witness Organization - no place for a feminist
The Jehovah’s Witness Organization – no place for a talented, intelligent, free-thinking woman


Developing in this environment undoubtedly affected my psyche. I came to have a great feeling of inadequacy. I felt like I was never going to be “good enough”. I felt I was powerless. What I want to convey to someone in a similar situation is that no matter your age, ethnicity, race, sexuality or gender, every person has the power within himself or herself to be the person that they want to be. Do not let anyone stand in the way of your aspirations. You do not have to obtain your goals alone.

Always Love,




EDITOR’S NOTE: The archaic position of the Jehovah’s Witness organization is largely based on Old Testament Biblical principles, which carried over into the Christian era. The example you just read from Survey contributor Brooke follows the misogynistic mandates from the Apostle Paul, who stated:

Let a woman learn in silence with full submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man, but she is to remain silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. Also, Adam was not deceived, but the woman was thoroughly deceived and became a transgressor. – 1 Timothy 2:11-14, New World Translation 

Paul’s flawed reasoning consists of two arguments. First, that God created man before woman, therefore she MUST be inferior to man. Second, that a woman has lesser intelligence than a man, since Eve was intellectually incapable of recognizing deception. This mental deficiency rendered her useless as a decision-maker or judge.

The Watchtower Organization has no intention of revising its antiquated position on female members, as this would interfere with their entire organizational structure, and their relentless quest to harmonize every book of the currently accepted Bible canon. (including the misogynistic and homophobic statements of Paul)

The application of this Watchtower policy is being carried out even as I write this note. The 2016 Regional Assemblies of Jehovah’s Witnesses feature a live demonstration of the question and answer Watchtower study, during which 20-30 participants deliver their comments (or answers) to Watchtower paragraph questions. JW Survey has received a leaked copy of the instructions for this 30 minute talk, where very specific direction is given to the women who are assigned some of the comments. The edict states:

The sisters must NOT give the appearance of teaching

I know there are many JW women who feel unburdened by the existing family “arrangement” of male dominance and headship. To those we ask: Is this who you really are, or is this merely a role you are playing in life?

For all of the women trapped inside the Jehovah’s Witness organization, know that you are not alone in your feelings, and as Brooke says, you have the power to make a change, no matter how insurmountable this obstacle may seem.  There is a new sign in town – and it reads:

Girls Allowed
Girls Allowed



Mark O'Donnell

Mark O'Donnell is a former Jehovah's Witness turned whistleblower after discovering the disturbing child abuse epidemic within the religion. His story, along with the revelation of a secret database of child molesters were featured in the March 2019 online issue of the Atlantic Magazine: O'Donnell continues to investigate allegations of child abuse within the Witness organization, and works with law enforcement, attorneys, and survivors of abuse, writing about his findings on and other outlets.

109 thoughts on “The Friday Column: No Girls Allowed – Growing up as a Female Jehovah’s Witness

  • May 27, 2016 at 1:09 pm

    Great article! Thanks for writing this Brooke.

    I’d just offer this comment: It’s not just women, this cult has “no place for a talented, intelligent, free-thinking” people period-men, women, young or old. It’s just: “Listen, Obey and Be Depressed.”

    Let’s review: It’s a cult!

    • May 27, 2016 at 7:22 pm


  • May 27, 2016 at 1:15 pm

    Very good article! I can completely relate.. I’d like to submit an article, but will we remain anonymous or just have our first name mentioned? Personally, being anonymous would work out better for me as my situation is very easy recognized in my area. Thanks!

  • May 27, 2016 at 1:27 pm

    Well written Brooke. I can only imagine the frustration of capable women who are just treated as ‘added extras’ by the organisation. Many times they are far better speakers than men in the cong, and fully able to deal with countless subjects, and are certainly excellent managers and organisers as they show in their every day life outside of the kingdom Hall.
    Will be interesting to see if anything changes in the org after the ARC findings showed that women play no part in making decisions in sex abuse cases in the cong.
    I wont hold my breath though!

  • May 27, 2016 at 1:35 pm

    That’s why I enjoy to the level of Nirvana when Ms Davis made Jackson to recognize that policies regarding woman participation in “Judicial” committees.
    This woman…saying to the big fat bold cat…”Do you recognize it?..Do you?”.
    Yes…this cult is not a place for smart woman.

    • November 7, 2016 at 6:16 pm

      I got the same joy from that bit of the RC haha. I have a sister who has always been super smart but super indoctrinated sadly. At school she studied ancient Greek and Latin amongst other things. She ended up getting a good full time job in a school and then took on a degree at the same time in languages at the same time as being pregnant and having 2 children whilst being teh fulltime JW, she was regular auxiliary at the same time as holding down full time job and Uni and 2 kids and ended up getting a first degree. I am so proud of her. She is so much more intelligent than her ‘elder’ husband and earns the wage for the family because his job is on and off part time and not well paid manual work but yet she has to submit to her husband on the most stupidist smallest things because he is the head of the house. That pisses me off so much. Its not right. I want women to get a bigger role in the JWs if they have to be in it at least it should be a little more satisfying for them because I found it soul destroying ironically! X

  • May 27, 2016 at 1:50 pm

    Great article! Clear and concise
    I remember the reaction of “sisters” in the hall when they met a professional business woman. Whether visiting the kingdom Hall or at the door. It wasn’t a look of disdain. More often than not it was a look of envy and admiration.

    That being said, I’ve known several JW business women. Those who had male subservients didn’t fair well in the organization. Again these are the ones that I know personally. These are very intelligent women and very capable who are accustomed to dealing with very intelligent and capable business men. So imagine their disappointment at having a bungling non educated non professional elder telling them what their home and sex life should consist of. This is a very important subject that can help many JW women wake up.

    • May 27, 2016 at 3:25 pm


      Yes it’s a strange contradiction for a successful woman to even be in a religion that’s so misogynistic.

      But there are women out there who are smart, successful & beautiful who are living in & putting up with domestic abuse situations. I suppose it boils down to vulnerability for someone to find themselves in that situation. Everyone is susceptible to it at some stage in their lives.

      Abuses are manipulators that charm their way in to a persons life. Offering the world to the victim. A person doesn’t enter into an abusive situation willingly or even knowingly, they’re charmed into it. That’s the way that I see the Society. Charming manipulators that are spiritual abusers.

  • May 27, 2016 at 1:55 pm

    Even though the Governing Body Boy’s Club considers women to be subhuman, this quote comes directly from the New World Translation: “Now Debʹo·rah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapʹpi·doth, was judging Israel at that time. She used to sit under Debʹo·rah’s palm tree between Raʹmah and Bethʹel in the mountainous region of Eʹphra·im; the Israelites would go up to her for judgment.” (Judges 4: 4, 5)

    • May 27, 2016 at 2:50 pm

      ScotWm – you bring up a great point, but you may not know that this is a debated issue with the JW writing department, as they have minimized and dismissed Deborah as a “real” judge. Check the Aid book and Insight book references. This is an article unto itself. JR

      • May 27, 2016 at 8:11 pm

        Regarding Deborah’s judicial powers: I don’t have the old blue Aid book, but I do have the 1988 two-volume Insight books. If the Watchtower writing department has issues with Deborah, they don’t seem to be dwell on them on page 600:

        Deborah is called “God’s representative” as she accompanied Barak to fight Canaanite King Jabin under his army chief Sisera. “Deborah prophesied that “the beautifying thing” of the victory would go to a woman. These words were fulfilled when the woman Jael put Sisera to death.”

        So here we are with a female judge who prophesied that a female assassin would murder Sisera. Deborah’s prophesy was fulfilled when Jael drove a spike through Sisera’s head. Now that’s girl power! — Which is something the Watchtower will probably never acknowledge.

        • May 28, 2016 at 8:14 am

          I am surprised that they didn’t eliminate the passage about Deborah from their latest silver sword like they have done with a number of other passages (the ‘he who is without sin cast the first stone’ passage comes to mind).

          But I seem to recall the Borg referencing the passage about Deborah when trying to prove that the Bible is not misogynistic.


          • May 28, 2016 at 10:27 am

            Here’s how the Governing Body says that the little flock of “anointed” ones view most of what is written in the New Testament: “When anointed ones read those words, they know without any doubt whatsoever that their heavenly Father is speaking to them personally.” (Watchtower study edition, January 2016)

            In 2013, some of these high ranking anointed ones decided to removed over 47 verses, of their heavenly Father’s words to them, from the New Testament:

            The Governing Body stated that “A number of factors — including past religious beliefs or even mental or emotional imbalance — might cause some to assume mistakenly that they
            have the heavenly calling.” (Watchtower study edition, August 15, 2011)

            This is an appropriate disclaimer from a group of men who modify scripture to match their false doctrines.

    • May 27, 2016 at 11:44 pm

      You are right scoutwm, I remember G. Jackson being asked by the Commision to provide a quote from the Bible whereas it states that women are not eligible to be judges on a judicial committee. The Scriptures quoted is spot on.

  • May 27, 2016 at 2:11 pm

    Don’t you just luurv apostates?… Keep up the good work…

  • May 27, 2016 at 2:13 pm

    That was a great article. I’m male and I started studying at 19. I’m almost 45 now. Anyway, when I first went to an assembly and referred to the chairman and a chairperson, the “brother” I was studying with quickly corrected me and quickly explain to me the reasons why. I thought it was the stupidest thing ever heard, but i still join the stupid religion. I was not in a good place. I saw so many red flags and completely ignored them. I have a daughter and a son now and I do not want them to think that women are second-class citizens. The whole obedience thing is so much worse for a woman in the organization then a man.

    • May 27, 2016 at 2:18 pm

      Referred to the brother AS A chairperson not a chairman. Sorry, I’m doing this from my iPhone

  • May 27, 2016 at 2:14 pm


    A poignant nicely written article.

    My wife, who was in the banking industry for years, was asked, along with other sisters familiar with banking, to help count the Contributions during the lunch intermission and at the end of the day during the Circuit Assemblies.

    Those sisters never missed a beat counting, collating the different denominations of currency lickity-split. All was accomplished during the lunch break with time to spare! Well, to make a long story short, a Circuit Overseer came to find out that sisters were counting the contributions and immediately dismissed them with a curt “your services will no longer be required”. Let’s get some ham-handed dummies (read “brothers”) with no banking or business experience in here to do this work.

    What happened was a total miscounting of the contributions, which had to be reconciled over and over again. What normally would have taken 35 minutes for three sisters to accomplish now took the “new and improved” system the entire afternoon session to tabulate.

    Another perfect example of WTBTS cutting off their nose to spite their face. Good theocratic thinking double dummies! The Holy Spirit does it again!

    Oh, as a side note, my lovely, smart, talented wife balances all family check books and saving accounts, pays all bills on time and at her work is a para-planner handling millions of dollars for people investing their retirement in stocks. You sisters rock and don’t let anyone say or convince you otherwise!

    So go pound sand WTBTS! :)

    • May 27, 2016 at 5:57 pm

      I know for a fact at the last district convention sisters were used to count the money. My wife was asked because they know she is a CPA. That might have been one co’s opinion.

      • May 28, 2016 at 7:34 am


        You’re probably correct, however the District Overseer backed him (C.O) up. To my knowledge ham-handed brothers still manage the counting and sorting of the contributions in this circuit. I have no knowledge of financial procedures used at the District Conventions as I haven’t been to any assemblies (including Circuit Assemblies) since 2013. However as we can all agree this is typical of the WTBTS, namely “consistently inconsistent”.

        • May 28, 2016 at 8:18 am

          I worked in accounting for many years at the circuit level and sisters were NEVER allowed to help with the counting or the finances. The only thing I recall them being allowed to do was stare at the contribution box to make sure no one walked off with it.


          • May 28, 2016 at 2:42 pm

            Well the sisters did help at the district or regional assembly as I had to wait for them at least an hour or so after the assembly. Actually my wife and daughter helped. They said the conversation was how long you were in the truth, how old were you when you got baptized, is your husband an elder etc. You know the usual self-righteous banter. They hated it.

    • May 28, 2016 at 12:00 pm

      Big B says: That there was “a total miscounting of the contributions” after the capable sisters were replaced incompetent brothers.

      The contents of the contribution boxes must be interesting now that the Governing Body members have stated their desire for more and more of their cult member’s valuable property. In addition to donating proceeds from insurance, bank accounts, stocks and bonds, real estate, gift annuities, wills and trusts etc., Witnesses have this option:

      “Donations of cash, jewelry, or other valuable personal property.”

      This loving provision will allow devoted brothers and sisters to receive rich spititual blessings when they drop their wedding rings, engagement rings, watches and other jewelry into the contribution box. Some members of the Governing Body may have already set a good example for this type of giving. I haven’t noticed these anointed cult leaders flashing their pinky rings and Rolex watches lately.

  • May 27, 2016 at 2:19 pm

    Excellent article Brooke! It was for reasons like this that I exited the cult when I did. There are so many intelligent, educated women in the organization that are more than capable of handling any assignment the Watchtower can give them, including serving on the Governing Body! But, simply because of being born female, they automatically have to take a back seat to males. They have to be “careful” not to make some stupid male look inferior by their comments or possibly give the impression of “teaching” the congregation (Oh heaven forbid!!! – sarcasm). Although I feel the world still treats women as “second class” citizens. In my opinion the Watchtower treats women as “third class” citizens. No one should be discriminated against like this.

  • May 27, 2016 at 2:41 pm

    I can remember my mother having to put a hanky or scarf over her head to be able to pray in the presence of, and on behalf of, a man!

  • May 27, 2016 at 2:45 pm

    Excellent article. I can remember my highly intelligent mother having to put a hanky or scarf over her head to be able to pray in the presence of, and on behalf of, a man.

    • May 28, 2016 at 3:33 am

      It wasn’t just in the presence of a MAN Josie..
      It was in the presence of a MALE.
      For example, in my Pre-Service meeting, one of the present ladies was a long serving, baptised pioneer with decades of experience and loyalty.
      Among the other members present was a newly baptised minor – A BOY.
      In the absence of a more mature male, this lady had to cover up her head with a tea towel to give the prayer, because, (dramatic fanfare…)
      There was a baptised owner of a penis in the room.

      How humiliating, degrading and ridiculous.

  • May 27, 2016 at 3:03 pm

    There are a number of references to JW women/wives/daughters in WT documents that women aren’t even supposed to read. The C.O. guideline manual even has an entire chapter on wives of C.O.s
    When I read on jwfacts that a 1930s Golden Age article suggested that all women will turn into men in the “new world” I almost thought it was a prank.
    Unbelievable what this organization can come up with.

  • May 27, 2016 at 3:14 pm

    After that scripture it also mentions that the bishops (elders) should only be married once.

    So there are no divorced elders?

    It also says they should run a reputable household because if you can’t control your own house then how can you oversee a congregation?

    So no elders have disfellowshipped children?

    They obviously cherry pick their religion to fit whatever rule they make up.

  • May 27, 2016 at 3:16 pm

    They must have missed all the early churches who were ran by women.

  • May 27, 2016 at 3:35 pm

    A great article, and something that always puzzled me as a child JW.
    I remember asking my parents repeatedly why a woman can’t give a talk or why women can’t do certain things. (And don’t get me started on the absurd Tea Towel over the head if no baptised male was present to say a prayer.)

    The response from a lot of women was – ‘I wouldn’t want to give a talk’, and they would ask the other women around them ‘would you?’
    The group would no doubt nod and agree with the ‘senior sister’. But I always sensed that some of these women were secretly unhappy, and would have made great speakers.
    Sadly the whole organisation does not recognise talent or appreciate that each individual regardless if they are male or female has unique abilities.

    Someone who can rewire a whole building, or install a state of the art computer system may not be the most confident speaker, and he will never make the Elder grade because he can’t give a decent talk. And this person despite his talents and abilities will be given patronising tasks and responsibilities.
    A woman who is an experienced councellor, a survivor of sex abuse, or just a wonderfully compasionate person will never be allowed to sit on a judicial comittee.

    Since leaving the Witnesses aged 14 (fortunately I was not baptised) I have from time to time delved into Christianity and
    Some of the most inspiring, heart wrenching and life changing talks/sermons I have heard have been from women.
    Going back through the bible I discovered that actually the first person chosen to preach the ‘good news’ was Mary Magdalen, who was instructed to go and tell the disciples.

    I wonder if the Governing Body would ever give a Woman the chance to be the first to deliver the next ‘New Light’?
    No, the information might be too much for her pretty little head, best that she sticks to simple tasks, and if she is very strong in the truth she might, just might get to give an experience at the assembly, or make the Coffees before field service.

  • May 27, 2016 at 3:40 pm

    I am a male who grew up in a family with women who were all very good at making smart business decisions and who were good homemakers, great mothers, and also very successful career oriented women. Their ability to multi task always amazed me and to this day I am proud of them for their accomplishments.

    I very much enjoy their company and enjoy listening to their points of view and on many occasions have recieved and have taken to heart, excellent advice from them.

    It makes no sense to me that these same women would have to take a “back seat” to a man in the witness religion. It makes no sense to me that God would require that these women would not have the same privileges, and the same rights as men. The Bible talks about amazing women, Sara, Rebekkah, Ruth, Esther, Deborah, just to name a few.

    In my humble opinion, I feel that the the witness religion makes up its own rules regarding women and they have equated themselves with God and want everyone to adhere to their man made rules.

    Its unfortunate that women in this religion put up with this and allow themselves to be treated this way. Its also unfortunate that the men in the religion don’t see the value of allowing women to provide their input, their insights, knowledge and experience.

    I believe that we can all learn alot from each other whether we are male or female.

  • May 27, 2016 at 4:09 pm

    I hate everything about the “truth” but if the Society started letting women give instruction talks and pass the mikes etc., that would be one more way of separating women out from the “real spiritual” females and the ones that aren’t perceived as “spiritual”. It would be one more way to make the ones that don’t get asked to do those “privileges”to feel even more unloved and disrespected then they already are.

    The sisters that would be giving the talks would be the pioneers and the wives of the elders and the kids of the elders and they would get arrogant and egotistical just like what it does to a lot of elders.

    According to the Bible, nobody should be above anybody else no matter what their gender is or their age or station in life. They should all be treated equally.

    If the “little” one was asked to give public talks, who knows what that would do for them. It would boost everybody’s self-esteem but that’s not the way it works in the organization. They would purposely make people feel bad that didn’t get asked because they think the sisters would be so jealous that they would inspired to pioneer.

  • May 27, 2016 at 4:34 pm

    Thank you for this wonderful article, Brooke. It brought back so many memories of growing up in the borg, and helps to solidify my exit, even though it cost me dearly in terms of family.
    At one of the last conventions I attended a sister was relating an experience on stage when her microphone cut out. After several attempts to jiggle it into working order, she shrugged and stepped over to the podium and used the brother’s microphone. You wouldn’t believe the murmurings about a woman using that microphone. She wasn’t even standing directly in front of the podium; she just leaned over and shared the mic with the presenting brother. I was waking up at the time and remember feeling like I’d fallen down the proverbial rabbit hole with all the energy spent on debating such an insignificant act. Women will never be real people to them. And it doesn’t matter how smart or skillful a woman is. Women shouldn’t be treated as equal based on someone’s assessment of her intelligence or skill set; she should be respected as an equal because she is a person, a human being.

  • May 27, 2016 at 4:47 pm

    Phenomenally written article in which an excellent issue is addressed, the subservient role of women within the Watchtower organization. I am so glad that you wrote about this, Brooke, and in the extremely beautiful, dignified, and eloquent manner that you did. People need to hear/read about this. This practice is unacceptable, anywhere in the world, most especially now that we’re living in the 21st century. I came across many highly intelligent women who were skilled teachers and speakers who could have very well been appointed elders and circuit overseers if only this were allowed. This, too, is a practice/policy of the organization that needs to change.

    I have one more thing to add: There would be no man without woman.

  • May 27, 2016 at 5:04 pm

    Great article. You did a Great job. I want to say, I love my parents. I’m not talking bad about my parents I want to share what happened to me. I was a born in. My parents believed a man had to be able to support a woman before he could marry her and a woman was supposed to stay at home and not work. My parents were very upset when my sister-in-law got a job. None of the brothers I knew had jobs so they could support me where I wouldn’t have to go to work so I couldn’t go out with them. When I was thirty years old I believed I was going to be an old maid for the rest of my life so I married a ‘worldly’ man. We were married for twentyone years then he died from heart failure. Thank God I had to go to work during my marriage because now I have no problem supporting myself. My husband had money and sent me to nursing school. My parents look down on me. They say it’s to bad I’m doing good in my job because they want me to do more in the truth. This is my experience.

  • May 27, 2016 at 5:41 pm

    Dr. Ian Malcolm: God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs…

    Dr. Ellie Sattler: Dinosaurs eat man. Woman inherits the earth…

    Great article Brooke :)

  • May 27, 2016 at 6:05 pm

    Sorry I couldn’t read this article because the lady that wrote it wasn’t wearing a head covering. Please tell the next woman that writes an article to make sure that she wears some type of covering while she is writing. Thanks

    • May 27, 2016 at 8:02 pm

      hahahaha that’s funny.

  • May 27, 2016 at 6:15 pm

    I never understood how they extended that scripture to cover ANY kind of duty- mics, sound, territory, handling drama assignments, coordinating assemblies, etc…these are clearly not even remotely “teaching” positions. I think they just want to make sure everyone knows the MEN are in charge by making sure the women are forbidden from even the most menial tasks. Well, except for cleaning the hall. I mean, who better to scrub a toilet or scrape gum off the floor than a sister in a skirt and heels, right? Logic.

  • May 27, 2016 at 6:29 pm

    Who did the art work and photos?
    No photo credits ?
    No art credit?

  • May 27, 2016 at 8:11 pm

    God was a woman, first off. But when humankind switched from a matriarchal to a patriarchal society, they changed God’s gender accordingly. Then men proceeded to make rules to keep women from ever regaining their former place.

    Women became “unclean” and, as the Bible clearly shows, were typically treated as mere possessions of men. Paul saw them as stupid gossiping busy-bodies whom men would be better off never so much as touching. And saintly men were praised for not “defiling themselves” with women! (An actual requirement for the 144,000 in Rev 14, though as Brooke’s excellent article points out: some of them ARE women!)

    Finally, in the very epitome of this archaic attitude, Rutherford dismissed women as “a stack of bones and a hank of hair.” (Watchtower, 9/15/1941, p.287

    Trapped in patriarchal societies and/or religions, women face a bleak life, and an uphill battle to regain the rights they deserve. My heart goes out to them, especially to my former “sisters” still confined in the Watchtower cult. So glad you made it out, Brooke!

  • May 27, 2016 at 9:06 pm

    Yes, did anybody see how happy those young sisters were in the Utube video from everyone at Headquarters were…and the governing body members sooooooo overjoyed to have such young sisters “know”, their place in Jw.orgy…feather dusters and toilet bowl brushes…all skipping about…talk about an amazing priviledge..scrubbing a urinal…chrome one? that Tony Morris or Steven Lett himself whizzed in and around! They must have chrome urinals there…they do in Regina Sask., Canada assembly hall. Imagine the joy…or making that chrome so shiney one could see their reflection in…Jehovah must be pleased. My Mom, who herself many a time as she sat with a tea towel over her head at her book study…uh what’s wrong with a teatowel? Complained about having to donate for chrome urinals…when she had to use the outhse for sooo many yrs…waiting for the “end”to come…and nothing, so since end was not here, got all “worldly”and got running water and indoor plumbing! Man is head…but, woman is the neck and I have heard many a good talk uttered by ministerial servants and elders that were written and composed by their “necks “ add to all the mundane duties that woman of no account in the organization must do. As for comment about once in New order all women would turn into men…my hubby’s comment…Who himself, never was a “good”Witness…uh, what “fun” would that be!!!! :))). Good article! My first husband…abusive as one could get…you were suppose to bow low and sit at his feet and call him LORD…a good Wt…uh yeah…Good Lord….what next! Left him…and in the process not planned on…left the disgusting organization that supported him and turned against me because after yrs of going to elders and getting no help from his abuse…had to run to the “world” for help and safety. Then with their backing and covering up all another pioneer sister was told…he will make a good husband, married him…pioneering and in assembly parts etc., a fine example of good Wt…in no time was being treated as he treated me…at least she did not stay for 17 yrs 3 mos and 10 days like I did…yrs that one can never get back…lost cuz one was told to…sit quiet and be a good wife! I detest the corrupt leaders of JW.orgy!

    • May 28, 2016 at 5:49 am

      How shamefull. Sorry about that, but it goes a long with the WT that stated that maybe a sister wasn’t being spritual enough and that is why her husband hit her.

  • May 27, 2016 at 9:19 pm

    Interesting comment as to….God being a woman…that was something that many in the Womens Shelters where my path to freedom took me believed…something that never crossed my mind before in JW.orgy.

  • May 27, 2016 at 11:57 pm

    Shall the pot say to the pot maker, “I am equal to you and I should make pots!” Should a woman say to a man; “I should be a man and not conceive children at all.?”
    Yet we see it happen. Is not the union of a man and a woman a glorious thing and loving, wonderful to each in its own way?

    I say that if you are not happy with your station in life, perhaps it is your own lack of self worth. I have not been to meetings for over eight years, yet I cannot bring myself to condemn JWs. What if indeed they are right?

    Acts 5:38 reads: “So under the present circumstances, I say to you, do not meddle with these men,
    let them alone. For if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; 39 but if it is from God,
    you will not be able to overthrow them.+ Otherwise, you may even be found fighters against God himself.”

    Apostates be warned; do not meddle with these men. The lowest depths of depravity and insanity is to deny there is a God who made is in His image. Not her image like feminists like to say. Get a grip while you still have time and even if you do not follow JWs then at least do remember that God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten son as a ransom sacrifice if you believe in him you may live.

    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Now, here come the haters who feel offended that the truth is told and their feelings are hurt.
    Where is your love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, long suffering and self control? Have you lost your mind, or your soul? The readers of this post/article/blog whatever it is, have real feelings of being hurt. I know, me too but do not let it turn into hate for God himself. Really, have you never yearned for the love of God? Yes, we all have so do not be haters.

    —————— A former brother —————–

    Parting thoughts;

    1. If Jesus Christ had a good number of people following his teachings in his day and no one on earth was above him… was or is his good sized group considered a “cult”?

    2. Are homosexuals and other perverts okay?

    3. If the equal rights argument is drawn out to its final logical (sic) and deprived depths, are not some men and women really not arguing that they should indeed be equal to God himself. (humm, sounds like Saten’s argument in the beginning.)

    Using today’s standards I guess so. I can only shake my head and say, please Jehovah forgive me as I have sinned. Do not let me die among these transgressors.


    • May 28, 2016 at 10:49 am

      Don Leske

      I can see that you are struggling with many issues, both in life and in your beliefs. You defend the JW Organization, wondering if perhaps they might have the truth, yet you are inactive for eight years. It seems you are deeply conflicted, and from a JW point of view, very selfish. If one ounce of your being believes for a brief moment that they are correct about the end of the world and saving mankind, you would unselfishly get out of your recliner and knock on doors to save those lives.

      I am simply amazed by the untold numbers of persons who identify as JW, yet they are either non-religious or have no real interest in fitting in with JW policy and procedure, so they simply “exist” in the organization to maintain some limited family ties, and prevent their own disassociation or disfellowshipping. Certainly this is a sad way to live

      You clearly have a fundamental religious element which drives your thought process, and while we respect the rights of all persons to believe as they wish, we will not tolerate intolerance, as seen by your intensely ignorant question “Are homosexuals and other perverts okay?”

      The fact that you group being gay into the same category as “perverts” demonstrates that you have a long way to go in understanding the difference between sexual orientation and pedophilia and other sexual crimes. It’s time to educate yourself on these issues and stop riding the fence of indecision and ignorance. And don’t forget – Gamaliel’s words work both ways – if this “scheme” is from men, it will be overthrown, right? It seems that the so called apostates are winning the battle, and God is doing nothing to stop them.

      Wish you the best


    • May 28, 2016 at 11:14 am

      To Don Leske:I also felt like you for a while after I awakened. I said to myself, ” What if they are right”?
      Am I throwing away eternal life bc I disagree with so much? Am I the one who is wrong? Well, I had to take a step back and reexamine the evidence. If they are right there should be some proof that they are. There should be some definite fulfilled predictions they made. Their should be fairness and justice in the organization. Also, they really should be ” The happiest people on earth” right?

      So I had to honestly conclude that NOTHING they have ever said or prophesied has come true. Zero, Nada, ZILCH! out of over135 years of ,making prophecies and predictions ( and very weird ones ) Not 1 thing has come true. To me the biggest farce of all is the entire 1914 debacle which the WT knows is a farce and Jesus did not come that year and 607bce is a lie also and they have to know it but they continue to promote it…although little by little they are distancing themselves from it.

      As far as Jehovahs “Happy Peoplke” Ias a former long time Elder have opersonal experience that a great majority of JW’s are not happy at all. We know that the medical world says the JW’s have a higher percentage of mental illness than the general public. I know this from trying to help publishers. There is ahigh percentage of suicide in the JW’s also. Many are mentally imbalanced and depressed. Generally speaking they are not this so called Happy people as they claim. Why Not?

      It is bc their very freedom of thought and expression has been taken away from them. Their personal ingenuity has been blocked by the WT. They have to give up everything to serve the dictates of the WT ever changing policies.

      The WT uses fear of DEATH and destruction and Shunning to keep everybody in line without any concern for what it does to families or the emotional l damage of the families and people.

      Do we need to get into the child molestation policies that have devastated 1000’s of JW’s over the years and not caring protecting the victim at all.

      So your point about do not meddle with these men bc they “MAY” be fighting against God has no proof that they are from God. If there is any proof feel free to share. remember 135 years of false prophecies do teach us something if they are from God or not.

      • May 29, 2016 at 7:02 am

        I might add that JWs have an outward facade of happiness. They are told by their masters that they are happy and they believe the lie. That is why they have that smiling, almost vacant stare when you encounter them at the KH or out in the door to door work. But outside of the cult mandated activities, they appear very unhappy.

        They can be very kind and some of them truly are, but those who have given their free will up to the cult indoctrination can quickly change from kind to cruel at the mere whim of their cult masters. I have seen entire bodies of elders take on an attitude of extreme hatred toward a certain person or persons merely because a circuit overseer has told them to. And they just blindly follow because they have lost their free will. It’s sad.

        Without free will humans cannot truly find happiness. It is not in our makeup. For those who believe in a creator, free will is the greatest gift he/she has given humans.


    • May 28, 2016 at 7:35 pm

      Don Leske says:
      “Apostates be warned; do not meddle with these men. The lowest depths of depravity and insanity is to deny there is a God who made is [sic] in His image. Not her image like feminists like to say.”

      Actually, Watchtower has taught that their god created Adam as a bi-gender individual, and later extracted the female side of him (via his rib) to “build” Eve. So, if Adam was originally created in “His image” then their god is a hermaphrodite.

      And, as Jehovah’s Witnesses “regain perfection” in the New Order, and become ever more “godly,” they will all become hermaphrodites as well. (Given this, I guess they should stop calling transgender individuals “depraved.”)

      Of course all of this fits in well with their neutered vision of “paradise”: where sex will be no more:

      “Adam possessed originally in his own person the qualities masculine and feminine which subsequently were divided between him and his wife, when she was taken from his side…As Adam originally possessed all the qualities of character, masculine and feminine, so humanity, when fully restored to the image and likeness of God, will re-attain perfection of individuality. Sex divisions will then be no more. Earth will be filled with sufficient population.” — The Photodrama of Creation, p. 9 (

      Um — what was that you were saying about “insanity”?

      • May 29, 2016 at 7:08 am

        @Steve M
        I might add that when the book of Genesis talks about “man” being created in God’s image, the word “man” is referring to the entire human family (men and women) based on the context. Notice: Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image;He created him in the image of God;He created them male and female.


  • May 28, 2016 at 12:27 am

    When it comes to head coverings the rules are really quite complex.
    If you are in the field service with a male and the person on the other side of the door is actually interested then you might do a return visit. If you go back more than twice it is then considered to be a doorstep bible study which you can proudly put on your report!
    If you have someone of the male persuasion accompanying you – even if it is your baptised 14 year old son then you have to at some stage during the third return visit whip out your head covering.
    Given the fact that child baptism is now encouraged -when sister divorced/abandoned etc comes out in the field service with her six children in tow and they are all distributed around on a Saturday morning so they have someone to work with- then all women are going to need to be prepared with their head coverings.

    There is a gap in the market here –
    A cartoon maybe on with step by step make your own head covering instructions?
    Maybe in a Donald Trump style?
    Maybe we could have matching aprons for work around the house?
    They could have a choice of slogans-
    ‘The Submissive Wife’
    Or maybe even –
    ‘Render Your Due’

    The list is endless

    • May 28, 2016 at 6:02 am

      Good try but I don’t think the Trump comb over would qualify as it would be the sisters hair. But it might improve the looks of some of our dear sisters.

  • May 28, 2016 at 3:31 am

    I think there are other psychological reasons behind the WTS stand on the issues, “Sex drive”…

    *** w67 8/1 pp. 451-452 Is it Love or Infatuation? ***
    Medical science shows that the sex drive chiefly originates, not in the lower gonads or sex glands, but in the midbrain, in the hypothalamus. The fact that the center of the sex drive is located in the brain also helps to account for the fact that this drive influences the higher portions of the brain, such as man’s reasoning, imagination and veneration. The question therefore is, Which will we let control the other? Will we let the sex drive control the higher faculties or the higher faculties control the sex drive?—Gen. 1:28.

    Men of low thinking capacity will always back each other to support Bible thinking but real psychological reasons are embedded in “sex drive”! You don’t need to be a psychologist to observe that dynamic among Jehovah’s Witnesses.

  • May 28, 2016 at 5:39 am

    One thing women can do to obtain a position higher then men in a congregation is to start partaking and become anointed. So ladies you know what to do! And a perk is that every year you get some free bread and wine!
    Over the years I have known a few sisters that were treated like gold because they were supposedly of the heavenly class. They would give these simple comments but we’re treated like they had some special insight.

    So sisters always have that option!

  • May 28, 2016 at 5:50 am

    Wonderful article! Great points. Takes me back to the days when I worked in the Pressroom at Bethel as a proofreader. When I got the job I was told I was not allowed to “stop a press” because I was a woman. So if I found a mistake on the proof I had to call an intermediary (male) to go let the press know there was an error. Mind you the press still stopped but had I called it directly to do so that would have been objectionable. They let me train pressmen to perform the proofreading job–which surprised me–but couldn’t “stop the press.” It was a pretty insulting technicality.

  • May 28, 2016 at 6:53 am

    Women in the congregation should not donate, or greatly reduce their donations. You have the power to choose or not to choose to donate. Personally, I have not donated to this organization for over 20 years due to not agreeing with their crapshoot policies. If people can unite and not donate, it would send a strong message to leadership to change. Money is the ultimate motivator. Especially, when Watchtower Babble and Tract Society is undergoing severe court room battles where millions of US Dollars are at stake. They still live in reality. A reality that has not changed in their lifetime.

  • May 28, 2016 at 8:19 am

    I knew of many sisters that would write or let’s say re-do….or…”heavily edit” their Elder/husbands talks!.. :)

    • May 28, 2016 at 8:45 am

      My point is… It’s a farce! So many double standards…. Lots of internally confused & discontent people! On the up side… I know of a few family members who are “waking up” and it’s so exciting to know logic is kicking in and they will be free of the “Org” it’s harmful mind control. The waking up was mainly due to the shunning rule. To be forced to shun a loved one who you know was mishandled by the bullies (brothers…lol) was just too much! It’s simple… Jesus did not practice shunning. Showing kindness/fruitages of the spirit… “Against these things there is no law”!

  • May 28, 2016 at 8:27 am

    Very well written article. As a child I never understood why my mother and grandmother could wear dress pants (slacks as they called them) everywhere except to the KH. But they could wear jeans or pants at the KH if they were there to work, but not to worship (i.e. meeting). My grandmother worked in an office and wore dress pants every day. Why was it acceptable for the office but not the KH?

    Growing up I thought that God must be fairly petty if such things mattered to him. I guess as far as God was concerned this scripture only applied to the men in the congregation: 1 Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or his stature, because I have rejected him. Man does not see what the Lord sees, for man sees what is visible, but the Lord sees the heart.”


  • May 28, 2016 at 8:29 am

    Awesome article Brooke!
    I especially appreciate your statement “I could only speak on stage, sitting down with my legs crossed, addressing another woman.”

    This “modest” behavior expected of women in the congregation is reinforced repeatedly in the Organization’s words, pictures, and videos. I feel that it has become its own beast, its own hammer: “Be modest for modesty’s sake.” This shows up in the strangest places, like the ridiculous pictures that portray a Witness mother on her knees (in a dress) getting her small child ready for school. I have no recollection of any mother actually doing that, nor can I recall any picture of a Witness father doing the same thing. I believe it is all an attempt to keep women in the place the Organization wishes them to be: subservient to men.

    The Insight Book, in various articles on Child, Wife, Woman, and others, shows itself to be determined to make sure the women know they’re lesser than the men in the family. In the Woman article it states that the woman’s primary duty was to worship Jehovah; the secondary duty was to obey her husband. Unfortunately, no scriptures are cited to support that statement.

    I also find the standard Witness wedding vows highlight this same point. The wife’s vow includes the phrase “and deeply respect” whereas the husband’s does not. Why couldn’t the wording be the same, but just with different names?

    I think the answer is clear.

  • May 28, 2016 at 9:01 am

    Great article Brook. Us girlies have all been there. Had the same experience in collating the money at the assembly then the gorillas took over and messed it up. Was spoken to by a bro for not cleaning the taps in the toilets shiny enough, guess what I never did clean another tap again. I lose sleep over them taps not being shiny enough. You know what? there are some great suggestions here Number one STOP putting money in their coffers, full stop. Come off the clam bake and stop answering at the dumbhell (if you are still in) . You know some of us carry the watchtower on the difficult points and the flustery sex points Well not no more.I just lurrve to watch the bro squirm in the silence as I do not contribute now haha , they have my submission on toast. When us of the large army all go and get a proper religion/job/career we will stop breeding for the borg and they will have no more little men to train. Do not get me started on the tea towel nonsense. If god was watching I am sure a dish rag is much more disrespectful than a reverent prayer to the almighty. but hey! rules is rules. As we see the demise of this daft religion the appointments will get younger and younger and a few sneaky girls with polished halos may just get a moment to shine ie elders princesses enough. cheers Ruthlee

  • May 28, 2016 at 11:53 am

    I have no complaints with God…man or woman..I think He is both in the way that in order to make us…men and women…with the feelings etc., no problem… closeness to Jehovah…instilled into me by my parents, mostly Father cuz Mom had her issues with the “male” thing…and still does…and Father gave her the freedom to be herself, no matter what, cuz he appreciated we are all individuals…if God gives freedom of choice, why should he impose his ideas on his wife…although he would attempt to complain ever so slightly when Mother would insist on him wearing white shirts/or colored shirts…depending as to what the..”.God given ideas “that the …Govng body was enlightened to instruct as to apparel suitable a Christian…He was a farmer and a bushman…clothes were not what said was in the heart…(and now…they may be considering…colorful shirts…and even tight pants…providing there is enough spandex in them for comfort! No…just joking…:)). ). I was alone many a times…when elders left, and my husband would rant and rave…load the gun and…Horrors that only I lived thru and knew about….and Jehovah…I survived knowing HE seen all…and was a righteous and just Judge and would understand my eventual course of actions…I knew the bros. did not want the world to see or hear as to the goings on …it is a disgust for them and their coverups …and let them be….not say a thing…uh yeah…they do that to the Catholic religion or others???? Remove first rafter..Then point a finger!!! I say dig up the dirt and fling…or like my Mom would do when hsetraining a puppy…and they would poop on the floor…they will only learn or change…IF they get their noses rubbed in their own poop! Worked for dogs…doubt it if would work on the hi and mitey govning body…cuz they believe…theirs…does not smell! Let the world and as many decent people associated with them know…yeah…they have “dirt and do”under their rugs…and their chrome urinals are not always the easiet to clean…(been there done that!). :/– Their portrayal of…”white washed”…”. does not hide what is deep inside…Scrips say…”if see your bro. is ….go to that one…if not”…so continue to “shake out”what is deep in their pockets…”.In her was found”…keep up the work of exposing….people need to know. Good job all…may all have a pleasant day…full of good things…My daughter found this quote and gave it to me to read…By Tasha Tudor…artist, childerns bk writer and illustrator, gardener etc., ….The gloom of the world is but a shadow….Behind it, yet within our reach is joy. Take joy. :)). I am so glad my daughter has been able to grow up free…to learn about God etc., without the control and disgusting ways of..JW.orgy. She is a beautiful gift and person…a lover of life and all good things…heart of gold…I would never impose on her this religion.

    • May 28, 2016 at 3:04 pm

      Sorry you had to go through that. A few years back a sister came to me with actual hand prints on her neck. The other elders told her just to go home and try to help her husband. I told her she should do what she felt was right but that my advice was to leave her husband and get a restraining order. I couldn’t believe that these idiots told her to try to work it out when what actually happened to her was attempted murder. Horrible! My wife and I talk about this female submissive thing all the time. And I would have to say she is a feminist but I am the one that advocates for women more then her as I have three daughters who are not going to be push overs.

  • May 28, 2016 at 3:04 pm

    Just when you thought that Watchtower cult leaders had pushed all of the women to the back of the bus, we get to see a Witness sister yell at her Witness husband, “Where’s the team — where’s the one flesh?!? Yes, it’s true. And these words are contained in the 2016 convention video, ““Hope for What We Do Not See”, 26 minutes into the video.

    All three of the 2016 “Remain Loyal to the Governing Body!” convention videos are now available on JW dot ORG. Two of these videos are the usual bathrobe dramas (complete with bad acting, bad makeup and fake beards), but the video from Day 2 is the story of a modern day Job-like character. Job’s wife told him to “Curse God and die”, but the modern day wife demands equality from her husband.

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