The Tight Pants Rule: Wearing “disturbing” clothing gets you banned from preaching

Jimmy Fallon and Will Ferrell performing their famous "tight pants" skit
Jimmy Fallon and Will Ferrell performing their famous “tight pants” skit

A few weeks ago I was contacted by one of a number of active elders who are “awakened” from Watchtower indoctrination, but who must keep up a pretense of being loyal to the organization due to being threatened with shunning.

This elder told me that he had recently attended the special meeting between his circuit overseer and the local body of elders.

Apparently, an unusual topic was brought up towards the end of the discussion involving official instructions on dress and grooming that echoed Tony Morris’ infamous “tight pants” rant at the 2014 US branch visit.

There was little I could do about this story at the time, because it was one anonymous person’s anecdotal account that was impossible to corroborate. Occasionally I have to put a story like this on the back-burner until further details emerge.

But then, to my delight, a bethelite recently approached me with parts of the circuit overseer “outline” featuring the exact material the elder described. Scans of the pertinent parts are below. You will notice that circuit overseers are only to start discussing the material once ministerial servants have been dismissed from their part of the meeting…

tight-pants-lawThree things stand out about the above instructions to elders. Perhaps most significantly, the guidelines shamelessly discriminate against people who, by their nature, display traits of the opposite sex.

Homosexuality has long been condemned by the organization thanks to various passages from the Bible. But now Watchtower is taking matters one step further. It is not enough to simply refrain from acting on one’s homosexual impulses, which are widely acknowledged to be with someone from childhood rather than being learned behavior, as Watchtower insists.

In the wake of these new guidelines, merely acting in a camp or effeminate way if you are male, or in a tom-boyish way if you are a female, is enough to render you a second-class citizen if you are a Jehovah’s Witness.

This removes arguably the last argument commonly used in defending the organization’s homophobic stance – that it is okay to be gay so long as you don’t act on it. Now a person’s very nature is being brought under scrutiny, and elders now have a free license to inflict misery on any Witness who wrestles with their feelings toward others of their gender even if they are being careful to observe the bible’s prohibitions on homosexuality.

The second, rather obvious point is that sanctioning the kind of clothes someone wears is the very essence of totalitarianism. These latest instructions could have come straight out of a page of George Orwell’s 1984.

Whether someone chooses to wear tight fitting clothes or not, or is inclined to wear their hair in a style reminiscent of the opposite sex, is clearly a personal choice and has nothing whatsoever to do with whether they are a good person or not. Watchtower’s obsession with appearance demonstrates to any reasonable onlooker that the organization is now primarily concerned with the superficial rather than the spiritual – with the earthly rather than the heavenly.

It would be hard to imagine Jesus pulling someone to one side and scolding them because their garments were too “tight fitting,” “revealing” or “highlighted the body.” By contrast, Watchtower is now pursuing such trifling matters with pharasaical fervor, to the point of telling someone they can’t go preaching if they don’t fall in line. (I understand many ex-Witnesses reading this would feel relieved to be banned from the tedious door-to-door work, but let’s remember the mindset of indoctrinated Witnesses, who feel their participation in the ministry is a life-or-death matter.)

It was in 1 Corinthians 4:6 that Paul (whose words are so often quoted in support of Watchtower’s ideas about clothing) is reported to have instructed: “Do not go beyond the things that are written.” It will be difficult for any Witness reading this information to not see that this is precisely what the Governing Body is unashamedly doing – going beyond what is written in the Bible and making up new, arbitrary rules based on nothing more than personal opinion and preference.

For some reason known only to the likes of Tony Morris, the style of dress and grooming that was fashionable in the 1950s is what God has in mind for all Christians if they want to survive Armageddon, and anyone who wears anything more modern and fashionable is treading on thin ice.

This brings me to my third and final observation, which is to note the ease with which Tony Morris’ personal homophobic fixations have translated into official Watchtower policy.

As I noted at the time of his eccentric ramblings at the 2014 U.S. branch visit (see above), the smartest thing for the Governing Body to do in the wake of Tony’s ludicrous performance would have been to eject him from their inner circle. Doing so would have sent a powerful no-nonsense message that the Bible is the organization’s sole authority, and there is no room for egos or personal crusades.

Instead, with the issuing of this circuit overseer outline, the Governing Body has done the opposite. They have shown that either (1) they are easily manipulated by a strong personality, or (2) they have shared Morris’ “metrosexual” concerns all along and just didn’t have the guts to enact laws on the subject until now.

Either way, the evidence that the Governing Body is deluded and completely unworthy of respect or veneration is there for all to see. And as yet more secretive, eyes-only material like the above continues to seep from Watchtower’s increasingly porous walls, we are being treated to a warts-and-all portrait of a backwards bunch of senile, deluded men with nothing left to offer but narrow-mindedness, bigotry, and a doomsday fantasy.









Further reading…

Related video…

549 thoughts on “The Tight Pants Rule: Wearing “disturbing” clothing gets you banned from preaching

  • October 16, 2015 at 12:50 pm

    Outstanding work as always Lloyd. Much thanks to the agents on the inside of this heinous borginization.

  • October 16, 2015 at 1:00 pm

    I’m still in but I would love to use this to get kicked off from having to go from door to door. I’m inactive, but would love to be excused… Also, what’s a masculine hair style…short? Who decides what’s masculine and what isn’t? Getting more nit picky by the day…

    • October 16, 2015 at 1:08 pm

      That’s the thing the decision as to whats a masculine hairstyle or even what counts as a what they call “the metro sexual look” is COMPLETELY arbitrary. Each congregation will have their own interpretation of how that can be applied locally.
      If that’s not behavior control I don’t know what is.

      • October 16, 2015 at 1:30 pm

        I’m thoroughly confused at what the metrosexual style even is. I mean, 2004 much, GB? How tight is too tight? What *exactly* is too masculine or too feminine? There’s just too much left open to interpretation, and you’re going to get those totalitarian places where a woman with a haircut above her shoulders is going to be counseled. It’s bonkers.

    • October 16, 2015 at 2:37 pm

      @Donald duck .. SHORT BACK & SIDES ???

    • October 17, 2015 at 8:05 am

      In ancient times many cultures obligated the slave class to have short cropped hair in order to show the difference between free folk and slave. It’s a domination move, the equivalent of jumping on your back biting your neck while they give it to you. They get away with it because most, out of sheer ignorance of scripture will not ignore their amendments to the bible.

  • October 16, 2015 at 1:08 pm

    I would be furious, except I don’t care, but what door-to-door ministry? All they have to do now is stand on the street and look pretty beside a fold-up display of literature outside the boutique store. Reminds me of way back when you would walk through an airport and Hare Krishna types would stand there with flowers.

    This mandate is still wide open for interpretation–metrosexual style? Is that including the bodybuilder who has a tailored fit? or the svelte lad wearing a slim fit?

    Portly, overweight types only, please; and skinny guys hide that physique under a suit that swallows you up and makes you look like a toothpick in a sea of wool, or cheap polyester blend.

    • October 16, 2015 at 1:15 pm

      “Portly overweight guys only please” that’s hilarious. I know what you mean. I’m surprised they haven’t sanctioned that as well. I can’t remember how many times a well fed “brother” would go on stage with his suit buttons barely holding on. His tie draped over his belly like a slobbery dog tongue. Pretty unsightly, but they wouldn’t want to be unreasonable now would they?

      • October 16, 2015 at 2:06 pm


      • October 16, 2015 at 2:23 pm

        @Chiafade…. We had one REALLY OVERWEIGHT Sunday Public Speaker a year ago DROP DEAD on The PLATFORM halfway through his talk from a Heart Attack!!!
        HALF the GOVERNING BODY( Geoffrey Jackson, Mark Sanderson, Gerrit Losch,Tony Morris & Sam Herd) are Overweight so there will be NO SANCTIONS on FAT Brothers,Even though there is more Scriptural Backing for Sanctions like GREEDY PEOPLE is mentioned alongside FORNICATORS & ADULTERERS who will Not Inherit Gods Kingdom at 1Corinthians 6v9,10

  • October 16, 2015 at 1:14 pm

    Thanks Lloyd, and thanks to the ones you mentioned who shared this info with you.

    I think the leaders of this cult will live to regret this tack. The young ones in the congregation are already the least likely ones to remain in the Org. This is so blatantly bizarre and overly restrictive, it will surely result in an even faster decline in the number of young adherents.

    • October 17, 2015 at 12:13 am

      JB Reenzer. You are right. The young ones will leave and are leaving therefore not bringing in young replacements in any organization will make it collapse. What does the WT offer young folks these days? NOTHING at all. The only thing they offer is
      pioneering or bethel and bethel is not recruiting they are laying off. Pioneering is boring and with inquisitive young minds who can find out everything about the WT it is a dead end street plus you will be alone much of the time. They do not want young ones to go to college, do not have a GF or BF, no dancing, only controlled music, lousy jobs, no social life, only WT approved friends etc. They offer nothing for young ones or anyone for that matter.

      • October 18, 2015 at 6:09 pm

        You’re so right, Holy Connoli. And with young ones possibly appearing to be a bit of a lost cause for the Org, it’s starting to look like they will be targeting the truly mentally weak (who usually have at least a monthly assistance check coming in) with such offerings as their simplified version of the Bible Teach book for people “who need to have the truth presented in a simpler manner”.

        The more I see the true evil of this cult, the more I wish it would’ve just been a proper cult with aliens flying in on a mother ship to bring us back to our home planet when all the stars line up just right.

        I’d rather have been duped by something purely insane, rather than something that is revealing itself to be so grotesquely evil. If you can’t tell, I’m still dealing with some fairly profound embarrassment over all of it.

        • October 19, 2015 at 8:04 am

          Yep focus is on foreign language right now. Many who are coming from third world countries are moving to more affluent countries. Unfortunately for these ones they have never come in contact with the witnesses and have never had easy access to the Internet. Have you ever seen the pictures of the witnesses preaching in the Amazon? How many converts are coming from there? Not many, and when they do convert they have no money to give the organization. Same with those who immigrate. Yet this is the focus so that they can continue to feign growth.

          • October 19, 2015 at 3:47 pm

            At this point, I don’t think I’d be surprised if we found out their growth was literally feigned to some extent. Get a few of the top-level brothers who handle compiling the numbers to get on board with ‘cooking the books’ a little bit for the “encouragement” of the bros and sis’s, maybe. Okay, that’s too much of a conspiracy theory. I just hate this cult, and have come to doubt that there is anything too wicked for them to rationalize in their own deluded minds.

  • October 16, 2015 at 1:18 pm

    It gets more stupid by the day .what next they will be telling us what color cars to drive what to eat .

    • October 16, 2015 at 2:12 pm

      @John freeman…. Don’t you mean …. WHAT COLOUR CADILLACS????

    • October 16, 2015 at 3:51 pm

      @John, you say that about what color cars to drive, I was in a congregation in the 90’s were the elders decided brothers could only wear pastel color shirts on the platform to give a talk. Along the lines of cars by the way, I know a young brother in the 90’s who brought a two door sports car, the elders gave him grief about it because it did not have 4 doors for field service.

      • October 17, 2015 at 2:06 am

        JAJAJA ! Dans ma congrégation on disait que Alfa Romeo avait un logo de serpent avec une croix ! Donc voiture non chrétienne a évité! je me souvient ne pas avoir acheter une a cause de sa!

        JAJAJA ! In my congregation was said that Alfa Romeo was a snake logo with a cross! So unchristian car avoided ! I do not recall having a buy because of her !

    • October 17, 2015 at 8:27 am

      That would depend on what stock their gambling on at the time.

  • October 16, 2015 at 1:18 pm

    If my theory is correct, this would be another indication of how much the rift between progressive (liberal), moderate and arch-conservative JW’s at HQ has grown. In this one strike, it seems to confirm that conservatives are taking charge once more–probably driving the organization over a cliff as they become more isolationistic and bizarre, out-of-touch with current events.

    I also venture to state that those being laid off and not recycled at HQ are most likely those not kowtowing to the conservative regime with figure head Tony, but a host of entrenched agents in various “helper” departments. This is reminding of the witch hunt of the 1980’s where slowing growth was blamed on those who dared to have a liberal or progressive viewpoint.

    So, chilluns, if you intend to remain with Watchtower, hunker down, keep your opinions muted and dress as blandly as you can. Otherwise, view this as your ticket of escape.

    Return?? to this filthy, festering latrine?

  • October 16, 2015 at 1:22 pm

    The total control over everything about a person just keeps getting worse. I am really angry after reading this. The “metrosexual” look is nothing more than wearing modern, nicely fit clothes that look really nice on a person. When I was young and single back in the 80’s I paid a lot of money and attention to what I wore. It couldn’t be described as gender bending by any means and I was still looked down on. I spent most of my life hiding my homosexuality in this organization and it sickens me the way they keep destroying everything about a person that makes them who they are. I can’t help it, I hate them with a vengeance.

    • October 17, 2015 at 1:52 pm

      Hence the problem with witnessing or field service. Someone has to represent this corporation, so they must wear what the Watchtower says.

      If they were in a normal mainstream Christian religion, who do not go out in door to door work, there would be no need for this chastisement. Jesus gathered people to his side who would listen to him. He did not judge them for who they were. In case many of you have never set foot in a church, you will find a far different atmosphere as people wear what ever they feel is suitable, whether it be done up to the hilt with fine clothes or just jeans and t-shirts with thongs.

      This is where the Watchtower have got it wrong. Jesus said “Do not judge others, lest you be judged” in the sermon on the Mount. Forget this door to door witnessing. It just produces judgmental, hard hearted, incompassionate people who spend more time looking at the splinter in their brother’s eye and not seeing the log in their own.

      • October 18, 2015 at 7:09 pm

        Absolutely I was just admonished by my aunt that my haircut was to much like those dykes. She said quote how can we go preach when we look no better then the householder or their children who are living that lifestyle. As if this religion suddenly made us saints. She told me some people in her hall had asked about me if I was “that way” and she was concerned. I can bet the ones that asked are just like her miserable and husbandless. They don’t have a life so they sit and judge everybody instead of worrying about there own.

      • October 16, 2015 at 2:25 pm

        You sank my battleship!!

        • October 16, 2015 at 2:42 pm

          @The PentagonExperience… I think TONY the DESTROYER sank it???

      • October 16, 2015 at 6:04 pm

        Sorry, I don’t understand. I would like a copy of this out line, in any language. In the picture, it looks like the file is named S-337a-16

  • October 16, 2015 at 1:29 pm

    Even-though I left the cult 13 years ago I still like to know what is going on with the nitwits. I am happy you are always so well informed. This cannot get any better. When will they start to enforce fat people to loose weight. That would be a good one.

  • October 16, 2015 at 1:31 pm

    It’s fun to just sit back and watch the cock fight. I don’t have to promote or contribute to the fight. Just watch it.

    • October 16, 2015 at 3:14 pm

      @James.., Nice Comment.., But WHAT COCK are you Talking about??? .,, TONY or STEVEY??

  • October 16, 2015 at 1:33 pm

    Oh boy Lloyd you must be in your glory on this one. Lol

    Just remember les we forgot as the Yourh book tells us “master nation may lead to homosexuality”
    Statistically speaking 98 percent of all males do this at least once in their lives. So looks like Tony has got his hands full with those single Bethelites. Lol
    One of the traits of a CULT is to have you conform to THEIR Recommended dress code.
    Good luck on that one Tony tight pants.
    Again as usual as they say Spot on with your article. Thank you.

  • October 16, 2015 at 1:33 pm

    Let’s brew a new beer and call it Cult 45.

  • October 16, 2015 at 1:52 pm

    Wow!!! Honestly, tighter fitting clothing fits better on certain people because of certain body shapes. Anyway, this Org is crazy. I personally know a male witness who got married. His new wife had two kids, so he married into a family. Less than a year later, he left. That being said….. he wasn’t reproved, kicked out or anything. After all that, he was still allowed to go out on service. I thought their was a scripture about not providing for your family and how that’s worse than a person without faith (he provided no financial support or anything, so she had to move in with her mother for a couple of years), yet tight pants can get you banned from field service. Message to JWs- Abandon family OK, but tights pants are demonic. Crazy!!!

  • October 16, 2015 at 2:10 pm

    I note with an interest a complete lack of objective guidelines that can be used to judge whether someone is, in fact, dressing as a “metrosexual” or a “tom-boy,” and absolutely even less guidance for determining whether someone’s bearing, mannerisms or form of speech qualifies one. Out of such vagaries, witch hunts are born.

    And just how the hell are you supposed to “adorn the inner person” when you can’t go to college to do so? Honestly, they’re really starting to look like the WBTS is circling the drain.

  • October 16, 2015 at 2:13 pm

    One of my former Elder associates (who is still an elder) Wore tight pants and shirts. He was not metrosexual, just fat and to broke to buy more polyester. He plugged in the microphone for the stage before the memorial and when he bent over he treated everyone to 8 inches of his crack. I didnt care he wore tight pants or that his bottom buttons always were coming off his shirts. I just did not want the glutton to moon my minor children. The Bible makes no distinction between homosexualty and gluttony, God will kill you for both. Morris and bizarro GB are too busy staring at mens pants to notice the huge crowd of 400lb plus cows at every convention tbat take up the handicap seating.

    Here is a tough truth, Morris isn’t gay, he is a delluded left over Nazi from the Third Reich. He is a piece of ****. Enough said.

    • October 16, 2015 at 7:41 pm

      You sir, are hilarious. I nominate tiger123 to write an article for this website!

  • October 16, 2015 at 2:17 pm

    Here’s my vision of beauty….all brothers should attire themselves in the Scottish way full tradition.How manly is that and not a tight pant in sight OH glory for a windy day out on them trolly carts.Ha hahaha ruthlee

    • October 16, 2015 at 2:22 pm

      LOL!! you wicked lass!

      • October 16, 2015 at 4:12 pm

        Well i ain’t no metrosexual whatizzit? rl

  • October 16, 2015 at 2:20 pm

    It’s amazing to see the present GB take an organization that has existed over 100 years and watch them run it into the ground within a decade. The whole situation of the Watchtower Society reminds me of the fall of the Third Reich. Just before it fell Hitler and the High Command got more nuts by the minute because they were so neurotic and desperate .
    The Watchtower REEKS of desperation at regaining control at all costs and will do or say anything to get it. These really are “the last days ” for the Tower.

    • October 16, 2015 at 3:00 pm

      @Garrett…I Like Your Parallel. … HITLER Locked himself into a Bunker & KILLED Himself!! .., NOW TONY & STEVE & Co…., THERES AN IDEA!!…, NEW LIGHT ANYONE???!

    • October 16, 2015 at 3:25 pm

      I do think it will get to that. Maybe if this system continues like this the next say 5p years, many will start asking questions

  • October 16, 2015 at 2:26 pm

    I will say this about Tony Morris. Like many popular church pastors who come out so strong and repeatedly against homosexual behavior and tendencies, they were struggling with these yearnings themselves. It was by constantly attacking this lifestyle that their inner conscience was crying out. They in time were found out or gave in and it all came crashing down. This of course was the rumor around Leo K in the 80s GB.

    I think what we are seeing in the last couple years with the newer GB members is quite Interesting. For those longtime bethelites – those who’ve been there since the 70s 80s era – they are perhaps finding it challenging to swallow some of the thing the current GB are doing, saying.

    Remember, these GB members are not “bethel men”. They did not “grow up” feeding at the table of the Kliens, Jaracz, Schroeders, Barr, Barry, Henschel, Sydlik et al, they were in the field as COs and DOs for years. They did and said what they wanted, and everyone in their circuits had no choice but to eat it.

    In many cases some traveling men dislike HQ staff as the HQ staff often feel higher than traveling men. Sam Herd even called bethelites “Top of the Ladder”. So these GB may still resent bethelites. Hence, the recent “Reassignments”.

    They don’t have the “Organizational Finesse” if you will, in a lot of their doings, and they seem somewhat rough around the edges and unprofessional. Even though Jaracz was quite harsh at times, I couldn’t imagine he or Sydlik saying some of the stuff coming out now.

    Some of the old “Heavys” (Walls, Perla, Weaver, Malenfant, Woody, Wishchuck, Waters, Rains and more) are probably gnashing their teeth somewhat.

    These GB members with their pinky rings and pocket squares seem really fecitous and very full of themselves. Like a TV evangelist. If they were full of them selves as traveling men, they must be about to explode as GB members.

    Yes, in time we shall see even more things to make one raise their eyebrows, as the current GB are quite “unlettered” and can hardly explain the WTS doctrines that the 80s GB came up with. Even though it was false, it at least sounded “deep”. These guys can only talk about petty stuff like dress and grooming, fleshly things, much like gossip. There is no scholarly discourse.

    Like a true Circuit man, their talks are now like a Local needs part or Giving attention to the needs of the circuit, because that is what they are best at.

    They are truly not ready for “Prime Time” and ready to lead a large organization.

    • October 16, 2015 at 2:55 pm

      @Michael Gates .. You make many Very Good Points…. SAY COMPARE TONY MORRIS & STEPHEN LETTS Bible Knowledge to FRED FRANZ???..,Even though FREDDY was WRONG on his interpretations he sounded convincing at the Time he said it, BUT TONY??? Hmmmm!!…SAY NO MORE!!! … AMATEUR ??

      • October 16, 2015 at 4:38 pm

        I appreciate most of the critics made on this site but is it really fair to critizize the organization stand on homosexuality? Any of us have the right to reject the Bible as a whole but anyone can decide to believe in it as the word of God. Wouldn’t that be a shame or hypocritical for someone with obvious homosexual demeanor to go door to door in preach that the Bible condenms homosexuality? Wouldn’t you be the first ones to criticize such behaviors? I think the stand against homosexuality is biblical eventhough some might think it’s homophobic!

        • October 16, 2015 at 4:45 pm

          In theory, homosexuals and single heterosexuals should be treated exactly the same: No sex! Now they go beyond this and want to control what that person is! You should be allowed to look gay if that’s what you are. But not according these instructions… There is no way any homosexuals will ever be able to stay a witness with this approach and that is truly despicable.

          • October 16, 2015 at 5:26 pm

            Anyway, why someone has to stay a christian if he/she cannot change his/her unbiblical behaviors? Nobody should be forced to stay a JW if he or she doesn’t want to follow the Bible principles or laws! I am not saying that everything jw say is biblical but at least their general stand on homosexuallity is! Someone who want to behave and act as an homosexual should feel free to leave any christian group that doesn’t accept homosexuallity.

        • October 16, 2015 at 6:06 pm

          I remember all the articles in the magazines on obesity and self control and titles such as ” is your lifestyle killing you? ” the witnesses didn’t tell half the congregation which were overweight or obese that they couldn’t take the magazines to the door…
          But I’m sure it did look hypocritical as hell for a fat brother to magazines on self control to the door of a thin fit person.

          • October 16, 2015 at 7:24 pm

            Garrett, where does the Bible talk against obesity? Being obese doesn’t mean that someone must have an overeating problem! The Bible warns us against gluttony! It always a good thing to have healthy habits and stay in shape as much possible! I know people that are kinda “fat” but do not not eat alot!

          • October 17, 2015 at 4:03 pm

            That’s true. Obesity isn’t mentioned but moderation and self control is. Unless someone has a medical condition like hypo thyroidism, fat = more calories coming in than going out.
            We are all reponsable for what we drink and put in our mouths and how much.

        • October 16, 2015 at 6:14 pm

          I strongly disagree because what is being recommended is punishing someone for their appearance and demeanor without proof that they are or are not homosexual or lesbian. It also sends a message that this “religious organization” is closed and is NOT open and inviting and welcoming to all sorts of people. It is akin to including a mandate that any Latino or Blacks in a congregation would be barred from field service if they have hip-hop hairstyles or wear urban styles. Also, we have to look at the field service mandate–no tick-tocky, no life-eternal, so any young person who may have a natural effeminate nature is ostracized and pushed toward suicide. And, being effeminate is not a tell-tale of being gay. Some rough rodeo riders, battlefield vets, and football players (rugby and soccer too) are gay. Some fashionable lipstick-wearing ladies are lesbian. Behavior and demeanor are no guarantee of sexuality or trend toward sexuality.

          Do they bar individuals who speak with a southern accent from field service because they may be perceived as “racist”?

          What role do they perceive for “reformed” gays and lesbians–will they have a rehab clinic to train men how to seat with their legs spread far apart and speak in a deep register? Will that make the love of phallus go away?

        • October 16, 2015 at 6:25 pm

          Gardy, the bible is clear about homosexuality. It is also clear about fornication. It is not the actual sexual act that is condemned. Otherwise, you are essentially saying that someone who is gay is not loved by God even if he remains a virgin his entire life… None sense!

          • October 16, 2015 at 6:30 pm

            * it is the actual sexual act… please remove the “not” from the above post. :)

          • October 16, 2015 at 6:59 pm

            I am against any stigmatizations or judging people on their appearance! I am only saying that we should be objective in our statements against a given or prospective organisational policy. The same way the organization can counsel its members on behaviors that make someone stumbles or mistakenly takes a friend for a fornicator, drug dealer, prostitute etc … I think it is understandable if they give advice on behaviors and attitudes that could make someone see a friend as a homosexual. Personally I think it is wrong for the same person who is practicing fornication or homosexuality to go door to door and preaching against these things. However, it would have been weird to accuse someone of homosexuality because that person has a male tone of voice! Nevertheless, if someone is acting willingly as an homosexual and wants to come public, what should a person stay in an organization or a christian group that is against it ? Nobody can force an organisation or a person homosexuality or any other non biblical behavior! Every body can show respect for a person sexual orientation (hetero or homo) but nobody can impose his/her orientation on an organization or a person!

        • October 17, 2015 at 4:33 am


          It doesn’t just sound homophobic, it IS homophobic!

          I would NEVER criticise a homosexual for preaching about their faith.

          I completely and utterly reject the ridiculous prohibition on homosexuality in the bible.

          Any god who gets angry and hurtful to people who are simply different in their affections and attractions is no god at all.

          And before all the bible thumpers come to lynch me – can any of you prove that your god exists? Can you prove that the bible is this god’s inspired word?

          I didn’t think so!

          Grow up! There is nothing immoral or sinful in homosexuality.

          Of course, any homosexual love making must be with people of the legal age, and be without compulsion.

          I would prefer this god to help us with our problems, rather than single out individuals who do no harm to anyone!

          The prohibition of homosexuality is one of the many reasons that I do not believe in God.

          Peace be with you, Excelsior!

    • October 16, 2015 at 5:58 pm

      “I will say this about Tony Morris. Like many popular church pastors who come out so strong and repeatedly against homosexual behavior and tendencies, they were struggling with these yearnings themselves. ”

      Amen! As Shakespeare said ” I sayith, the protester
      Protesteth too much.” I think in trying to distance himself by trying to hammer on homosexuality, what he has shown to me is that he has an obsession with it. I’m guessing if he wasn’t a witness we would see him in the rainbow parade…..bashing anyone with baggy pants…

      • October 17, 2015 at 5:04 am

        Jesus never spoke about homosexuality.
        His friends were the derelicts of the day.
        Some were prospitutes, others thieves, some must have been gay if the 10/20% still applied then. (Judging by history, Greek art and the like, maybe it was 50/50)
        The Pharisees condemned him for that.
        He spoke about loving one another and about not judging others.
        In the Bethel here there are many gays.
        I mean many. It is impossible to hide it.
        Maybe with this new directive they will be banned from service. The only privilege that will remain will be working for free.

    • October 17, 2015 at 12:19 am

      JB Reenzer. You are right. The young ones will leave and are leaving therefore not bringing in young replacements in any organization will make it collapse. What does the WT offer young folks these days? NOTHING at all. The only thing they offer is
      pioneering or bethel and bethel is not recruiting they are laying off. Pioneering is boring and with inquisitive young minds who can find out everything about the WT it is a dead end street plus you will be alone much of the time. They do not want young ones to go to college, do not have a GF or BF, no dancing, only controlled music, lousy jobs, no social life, only WT approved friends etc. They offer nothing for young ones or anyone for that matter.

    • October 17, 2015 at 8:42 am

      Any pastor that needs a TelePrompTer to teach is no pastor at all. You could always identify the false teachers in every congregation by their panicky adherence to notes and outlines. Might as well have called those “talks” what they were, readthru’s. and announce them like this
      “Brother such, and such will now READ us his half ass notes on a subject he is evidently too unfamiliar with to ditch a script over. Please remain awake and keep your children still during this torturous babbling and if they make a peep, strike down upon them with great vengeance in either coat room or bathroom. Don’t forget to muffle their screams of pain and terror, oh and turn them phones off to.”
      Leaves stage sucking gut in and sore from fat guy crack rash syndrome.

  • October 16, 2015 at 2:40 pm

    Some of the ” Old Timers” tell me that before the 1970’s and even after that in many congregations you had to wear a white shirt to give a talk, or go out in FS,or to carry the microphones or have a part in the assembly etc?

    Does anybody rememebr that? I remeebr when iwas in my early 20’s I had the typical JW mustcahe and I began to grow the sides down below the corners of my lip and an elder told me that was not acceptable bc it looked worldly? ( fu Man CHu style ) Then i grew my side burns a little below the ear and he told me that it had to be no lower than the bottom of my ears? Wow, I wonder r if Jesus had sideburns or a beard or longish hair? I started to question their thinking at the WT and I said what does this have to do with Christian at all? Does the creator of the universe give a hoot if my mustache goes below my lp or the side burns below the ears. Do these guys have anything else to worry about or to do? Total nonsense.

  • October 16, 2015 at 4:13 pm

    Back in the 1980s, as a Ministerial Servant, a Circuit Overseer by the name of Orville Weldon counseled me in private that I needed to work on “deepening” my voice. The subtext was loud and clear: “I know you’re you’re a disgusting homosexual, and you need to hide it better.” What an a**hole. And I mean that in the negative sense.

  • October 16, 2015 at 4:40 pm

    Is there any other reasons for which someone would be announced at the kingdom hall as unfit for sharing in the ministry? I have been in “the truth” for 30+ years, I cannot think of anything that would cause someone the right to go door to door… not even pedophilia!

    You like to molest children and yet, show repentance? Ah bless your heart, go forth and preach! You look like a fagot? You worthless piece of s**t… you stay home and wait, we’ll see if you’ll be destroyed with the rest of this degenerate world!

  • October 16, 2015 at 4:55 pm

    Oh dear… we have a young brother in our hall who is very feminine. He is a great young man, kind and happy but everyone knows he is struggling with his sexuality. His voice and his gestures are very camp. He is going to suffer with this one. One the other side of the coin is his sister who is very butch and had a friendship with another sister which has turned heads at times…. their parents hotly deny it of course but it is visible to everyone.

    • October 16, 2015 at 6:00 pm

      Call the film crews. Such stuff is money making sitcoms here in the U.S.

      • October 17, 2015 at 7:13 am

        Bad boy, bad boy, whatcha gonna do, watcha gonna do when they come for you…. ‘Gonna wear my ‘tight pants!’ Man! feel like a woman……

        We also have a sister that likes to look like an over stuffed sausage…

        Our CO visit is just around the corner… will this all be announced soon?

  • October 16, 2015 at 5:41 pm

    Here in the United States, guys who wear their shirts tucked into their pants are the ones who look “gay” now. Also if you look at the Caleb cartoons, Caleb’s father wears his shirt tucked into his pants and his pants are really tight, looking a lot like the picture of those two guys from Saturday night Live above.

  • October 16, 2015 at 5:48 pm

    I didn’t think there was anything called “the metrosexual style” (which I guess is why it’s “so-called,” right?). Before Tony’s bizarro rant I hadn’t heard the term “metrosexual” used in general population for at least ten years.

    I did find an online guide for metrosexual style tips, though. It has a list of do’s and don’ts. This is one of the don’ts: “Don’t wear ill-fitting attire. There is nothing more unflattering than a too-tight anything.”

    So not only is Tony inflicting his genophobic, homophobic obsession on stupid policy — he’s not even getting the definitions right.

    • October 16, 2015 at 6:27 pm

      Straight outta Wiki–
      Metrosexual is a portmanteau, derived from metropolitan and sexual, coined in 1994 describing a man (especially one living in an urban, post-industrial, capitalist culture) who is especially meticulous about his grooming and appearance, typically spending a significant amount of time and money on shopping as part of this.[1] The neologistic term is popularly thought to describe heterosexual men who adopt fashions and lifestyles stereotypically associated with homosexual men. While the term suggests that a metrosexual is heterosexual, it can be used to refer to anyone with any sexual orientation.

      Herein lies another issue with the Watchtower and elders’ arbitrary standards on behavior and lifestyle. Metrosexual is a term coined by an author of a book to describe individuals who primarily are attentive to their grooming and style of dress [maybe buying top of the line suits and watches and pocket squares and pinky rings?] So, now we’re using the “worldly rules” to form standards, just like the arbitrary movie rating scale [viewing R-rated movies could get individuals d/f or privately rebuked], which is derived and granted by a commission of non-JW’s, and because a movie had one less “F” word, one JW is winked at, while another is impaled and launched on a petard?

      Live a simplified life so you can pioneer, but if you run into financial difficulties (you didn’t calculate the cost), so it’s your fault.

      At least GB 1.0 and 2.0 knew how to keep the money rolling in without overt begging in the streets like whores.

    • October 16, 2015 at 6:28 pm

      Yes, Paul, and he got the definition wrong for womens work out attire……he called our exercise tights “spanks”. What an uneducated buffoon.

      • October 17, 2015 at 1:09 am

        I brought that up to my spouse and he said, “how do you know spanx doesn’t have work out wear”… Yeah this is what I’m dealing with… He apparently did some research and spanx has a small line of clothing for the gym… Go figure… I stopped there… :/

  • October 16, 2015 at 6:14 pm

    What next? They already have the elders screening attendees at special conventions. God forbid anyone see someone in a wheelchair, overweight, or poorly dressed.

    Notice how they want to exclude the MS from these juicy ruling from on high. It precisely this secretive trickle down policy of the GB, that gives the incentives for attaining elder. You get to sit on a judicial hearing, you get your special ultra secret handbook.. and all the sisters young and old have to grovel at your every edict.

    Women need to wake up to this male dominated cult. I hope a good majority start wearing pant suits, and yoga tights, just to make these elders squirm.

  • October 16, 2015 at 6:24 pm

    All i can say is wow o wow!!..Just say this aint so, that these evil slave task masters are willing to go way beyond the things that are written to humiliate and comndem the members into coming under their complete contol in every way possible.It was Jesus who said at John 7: 24 stop judging from the outward appearance, but judge with righteous judgement…Paul also confirmed that God does not go by a persons outward appearance. Galatians 2:6..Not even to mention Joel 2:13… Even to sneak these deluded nonsense in behind the ministerial servants, shows how devious these self appointed pompus men has become..Jesus said come to me and I will give you rest..But the GB says: obey me or I’m bringing upon you misery.what a bunch of kooks!!! Thank God I saw the light and woke up from this delusion.

  • October 16, 2015 at 7:33 pm

    I’m betting that the only ones who are being “disturbed” by a sister’s clothing are the horny elders!

    • October 16, 2015 at 8:33 pm

      Yeah! Like the classic song..I’ve got you under my skin.ive got you deep in the heart of me, and though i try to resist you’re really a part of me.yeah! I’ve got you under my skin……so they are looking and yearing and lusting…so the only way to contain themselves is to contain the flock with a coverup….First tv move…jw tailoring…Black head scraves and long black gowns for sisters…Black coveralls for brothers and yamulks on the gear..cult

    • October 17, 2015 at 8:53 am

      That would make a great punk band The Horny Elders’ I play multiple instruments, who’s in?

      • October 17, 2015 at 2:52 pm

        I’ll be there to tickle the ivories or shred on the axe– whichever is needed. Or we can both alternate instruments just to show off for our throngs of admirers, lol.

        Yes, music comments are like catnip to me, but I think I handled this reply with a greatly reduced level of my usual insanity. I’m working on it, folks. Baby steps…

  • October 16, 2015 at 7:41 pm

    When I was still knee deep in this cult I was a mic runner and almost a ministerial servant. I enjoyed doing it. Got me off of my butt and gave me some distraction. Until the day when I bought these great looking suede wine colored shoes I thought went well with my suits. The head elder pulled me to the side and said I couldn’t run the mic because of my shoes. Too worldly. I gave those shoes away! Wish I still had them. But thankfully this was one of those epiphanies which later helped in my awakening. Thanks for all you do.

    • October 17, 2015 at 1:10 am

      Wine coloured shoes, you were obviously identifying yourself with the “Jezebel class”……was that one, there are just sooo many! As a young teenager I too was rewarded with the awesome privilege that is..The Roving Mic! Initially this amounted to a carrying a dodgy microphone tapped to a cheap plastic broom handle but as Jehovah reached out his powerful hand soon the cordless Mic was invented and adopted in our congregation. Sadly though, the corrupting influence of Satan was not far, for as Microphone technology advanced by Devine inspiration so did the demonic seamstresses plans for young brothers meeting attire! I found myself beguiled into wearing an Olive green Cordoray blazer pared with a dog tooth check brown/black pair of trousers! Eyes were rightly raised and my fitness to carry the sacred microphone questioned. After much heartfelt prayer and soul searching the body of elders decided that not only does Jehovah hate a divorcing but he also likes our trousers to match our jackets! Truly food at the proper time for if I had continued on that rebellious course I way well have turned into one of those Metrosexuals or even worn tight pants!

      Love the website by the way
      Ozzy Steve

    • October 17, 2015 at 7:18 am

      Cowboy boots are popular here…. try prying them off our guys and you’re gonna have some serious Red Neck tantrums.

      • October 17, 2015 at 11:38 am

        Well, it depends on when and where you’re prying them off, Tara..but, I digress.

        What this little snippet of a blog is highlighting is how arbitrary JW standards are and absolutely controlling elders and COs will (and have been) over every tiny aspect of your life–from music choices to what songs are played at a wedding reception (one reception banned Michael Jackson dance tunes–he was disfellowshipped but it played some freaky Rick James).

        All of this odd, dysfunctional behavior in the guise of appearing “normal” or “righteous”.

        And, it only confirms the eery feeling I had watching folks receive the “silver sliver” matched the cult-like devotion the Communist China leader Chairman Mao inspired (nay, coerced) and the waving of his little red book of sayings. Similar to Mao, we see that this group’s leadership has their own devious plans for undermining the veracity and reputations of innocents and demeaning those who will not align to every whim of the local men who administer — mini-popes who apparently are infallible.

  • October 16, 2015 at 7:59 pm

    They don’t like Led Zeppelin t-shirts either. Especially worn in ur own home during a study.

    • October 16, 2015 at 8:05 pm

      Lol, the voice of experience, eh?

    • October 17, 2015 at 7:19 am

      Not even Stairway to Heaven?

    • October 17, 2015 at 4:06 pm

      Oh dear… My Black Sabbath shirt is probably a no go then uh?

  • October 16, 2015 at 8:03 pm

    There was an infamous Brooklyn bethel overseer by the name of George Couch who was known for his homophobic rants at morning worship. This may have been a reaction to the major “outbreaks” of homosexuality in the 1980’s at Bethel. His warning was for no horseplay or wrestling in the Bethel residence, for fear this may lead to homosexuality. His rants were somewhat joked about and taken as the ramblings of a rogue figure on the fringes of the Bethel hierarchy. Now it seems like the rogue has become the vogue.
    One other thought: maybe it’s a jealousy thing. I can’t remember a more portly group of GB members. Maybe Splane and Lett have BMI’s which don’t measure as obese, but the rest certainly do. This while potential CO’s and their wives are excluded from serving due to their weight being too high and the Borg not wanting their health insurance premiums to go up.

  • October 16, 2015 at 8:12 pm

    I’m so CORNFUSED. Do guys wear tight pants in Europe? Did Tony Morris give a talk somewhere and he isn’t used to the style they wear? Maybe he saw a guy who is growing out of his pants? The beach boys wore tight pants in the 1960s. Maybe Tony’s gay.

  • October 16, 2015 at 8:46 pm

    Let’s review: It’s a cult!

  • October 16, 2015 at 9:04 pm

    My questions are answered. I just watched Cedar’s video about Tony Morris.

  • October 16, 2015 at 9:10 pm

    Then our C.O should be the first to go. He is simply cool and wears those “fitting” blazers. One time i was summoned before him for my excesses in my dressing, He pretended to chastise me but later he privately told me he likes my style, which only shot my admiration for him through the roof. This is the guy who will deliver a talk at a convention about high education and will say ‘it’s bad only if it is pursued with wrong intentions’. We who are close to him call him “our moderate CO” I once worked with him in the field, we only did two houses and he announced he needed to eat, we ended up in a high end bar eating and having “serious” wine, afterwards we could not continue preaching. I thought this guy is cool. With such lifestyle, I always wondered why they had not fired him, I then learnt that the guy was simply too rich, with trendy cars at his country pad. He was actually doing the org a favour.

  • October 16, 2015 at 9:10 pm

    I never understood how any jw, especially a pioneer, could be fat. All the time they’re turning in for field service, all that door to door……they all should be fit. NOT!

    • October 17, 2015 at 7:31 am

      Really? They are on a budget. How many times did we make Mcdonalds and other dollar menu runs for lunch and break. Not to mention they aren’t as active as you think. Long rides in cars all day – waiting in the car – walking a few door to doors. Not to mention they the rank and file are depressed. I work at a bank and I guarantee I put in more steps daily then they do. I feel the problem with weight in the KH’s is when do the poor fools have time to go to a gym. Between meetings studying service and jobs with crappy hours who has energy or time to stay in shape.

  • October 16, 2015 at 10:09 pm

    Everyone has said quite enough about the governing body. Especially about their appearance. Their dress, grooming and physical fitness should be emulated, not mocked.

    I refer you to their most recent group photo:

    Had to do it one last time…

    • October 17, 2015 at 12:43 am

      @ScotWM. Just looked at the cartoon of Caleb and his father. Wow, those are some darn tight pants and tight shirt also for the Father. I think the Dad is a Metro Sexual! They should do a cartoon of Tony Morris giving him counsel together! lol
      ? So what if a “BROTHER” has a very short crew style hair cut flat top style which was popular in the 50’s and 60’s is that sanctioned by the GB since many in the military wear those kinds of haircuts?
      Would that be worldly and imitating War mongers?
      I am sure nothing would be said bc Tony and his boys have a 1950ish mentality on dress and style.

    • October 17, 2015 at 3:09 am

      Wow!!! You’re right! The video does show caleb father in tight pants..So it’s do as I say or else…But don’t do as I do…what crass hypocrisy!!! Btw, these videos are sooo creepy.omg!! Just had to LMAO!!

      • October 17, 2015 at 9:05 am

        Take a look at ‘Caleb and Sophia Go To Bethel’, where you will see the two kids cozy up to Anthony Morris III in what appears to be a library room. On the shelves are dozens of bound volumes and a collection of the old, obsolete Rutherford Rainbow books.

        Then you will see young brothers and sisters as they happily perform a series of menial tasks for their masters. This is odd, because it has been announced that some of the essential services shown, such as the cafeteria, laundry, housekeeping and barber shop will be discontinued in order to devote all Watchtower resources to the Warwick palace and grounds.

        And the moral of the story is: “To serve Jehovah is the best work that there is.” And Caleb agrees; “I want to go the Bethel when I grow up!” That’s right kids! You too can enjoy a life of slaving for the seven anointed Governing Body members at Bethel — until you get thrown out on the street with no marketable job skills and no money.

        By the way, Caleb’s father wears more modest attire when visiting Bethel and his wife’s dress covers her knees.

  • October 17, 2015 at 1:51 am

    The organisation has always wanted to control its members. We all know that. This is just another way they can do it.It allows them to make the general public think they are all in total agreement and that all men dress much the same and all women wear much the same clothes as other women in the cong. They don’t want any individualism. They see it much like independent thinking which is a big no no.
    The only difference this time is that they have gone a step further and banned dissenters from the ministry.
    But yes it will further alienate many in the congregation from the org, so good news, lets hope many more will see the light and get out of this cult.

  • October 17, 2015 at 3:21 am

    Hi folks two considerations. I remember “discovering” about intersex and thinking thank god i didn’t have one.NOT because i wouldn’t love my child but i thought every one in the congregation would know about my child,would judge the poor thing how the hell would i dress the child? There must be some family out there who have experienced this and had to conform which means they have had to deny that most fundamental basic right of choice.Hoe would tony nasty pants help such a person who may be ambiguous in all aspects of their persona?Oh i know go door to door but don’t preach or some other daft edict.Point two Jesus wore a dress in comparison to the blue suit of a business man of today so maybe we should put him on the reject pile too. No preaching for you me laddo and get that beard off. Is there anymore pottiness to come forth yet. It is truly laughable if not infuriating. Where is the Bible in this?(just my and others reminder).Inthe end its going to come down to the secret person of the heart is it not.? ruthless/ruthlee

  • October 17, 2015 at 3:33 am

    On a personal note which if i write and the naughties read this will know who i am ha ha. A fat bone idle pioneer who would not go out door to door just rvs had a ‘study’ with a white witch for years i think they compared Terry Pratchett novels. Anyway i invited them all to my house for the study and she walked in and said “another Jehovah’s Witness Pagan” best compliment iv’e had in ages. the end of this tale the witch is still a witch, the expioneer is still a fat lazy slob with medical conditions and im still a bit trippy hippy dippy and wear purple and scarlet together because i like the colours ha! Ruthlee.

    • October 17, 2015 at 7:25 am

      should see the looks I get when I turn up in my mile high ‘tight’ black, ribbon lace up boots and goth skirt and tops….. Usually they know I am having a bad day and leave me alone… well autumn is here and those yummy boots and black skirts and tops are coming out of the closet…..

      • October 17, 2015 at 11:20 am

        Gotta pair in black another in purple and another in brown need i say more tara! ruthlee

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