The Bethel "Happy" video: the work of an individual, or Watchtower?
The Bethel “Happy” video: the work of an individual, or Watchtower?

In Spring of last year I helped organize a group of former Jehovah’s Witnesses from various countries to film our own dance video to the song “Happy” by Pharrell Williams. I felt this was a great way of showing the world that so-called “apostates” are not angry and bitter, but are moving on with their lives in a positive, purposeful way.

The thought did briefly cross my mind: “Could it be that Jehovah’s Witnesses would ever do their own dance video to this song?” Though not completely inconceivable, I felt this would be unlikely given that, growing up as a Jehovah’s Witness, it was always frowned on to even own the music of rap/hip hop stars, let alone dance to it on camera!

Well, it seems I could not have been more wrong.

Since I made the “Happy” video there have been at least two instances of Jehovah’s Witnesses dancing to this particular track: one in a kingdom hall while entertaining international convention delegates and, more recently, a full-blown dance montage to the Happy song at various Bethel locations has been uploaded to YouTube…

The above video was initially available on a number of YouTube channels, but was taken down after complaints from JWs – including from one JW who claimed to speak on behalf of the makers of the video who strongly objected to it being posted to YouTube. (I would present evidence of this, but unfortunately the video was taken down before I could get a screengrab of the comments.)

Indeed, it wouldn’t surprise me if the embedded video above ends up getting pulled from YouTube at some point. If you’re reading this article later on and the version of “Happy” shown above is embedded from my Russian “RuTube” account, you know why.

Why would Jehovah’s Witnesses object?

It hopefully shouldn’t require explanation as to why an undoubtedly positive and upbeat video such as this would ignite controversy among seasoned Jehovah’s Witnesses, but I’ll spell it out for you anyway.

Though this particular song contains no lyrics that can be interpreted as sexually explicit, the same cannot be said of other music by Pharrell – including the following…

And the following quotes give some indication as to why long-standing Witnesses who actually read and apply the instructions found in Watchtower literature might be perplexed at this latest stunt…

“Consider the case of a young man who wants to buy a certain music album. What he has heard from the album is very appealing, but he is concerned because the back cover indicates that the lyrics are sexually explicit and profane… As a lover of Jehovah, this young man is interested in His thoughts and feelings on the matter. How can he perceive what God’s will is in this regard?” w03 12/1 p.21

“Since Bible times, unwholesome music has been a tool of Satan to stimulate unclean behavior. (Compare Exodus 32:17-19; Psalm 69:12; Isaiah 23:16.) Not surprisingly, then, music with sexually seductive—if not explicit—lyrics, profanity, and wild, arousing tempos is popular.” w99 9/1 p.10

What about the lyrics? Do they promote sexual immorality, drug use, or other wrongs that are ‘shameful even to relate?’ (Ephesians 5:12) The Bible says that such things should ‘not even be mentioned’ among God’s people, much less set to a beat and repeated over and over again. (Ephesians 5:3) What about the album-jacket design? Does it contain spiritistic themes or sexually arousing pictures? Perhaps you need to make some changes in the type of music you choose. If you have records, tapes, and discs that carry immoral and demonistic themes, you should immediately dispose of them.” w93 4/15 p.24

Would a JW teenager be allowed to own a Pharrell Williams album?
Would a JW teenager be allowed to own a Pharrell Williams album?

Regarding that last quote, young JWs who were forced to throw away albums featuring lyrics that fell short of Watchtower’s standards would have had no defense in holding on to these simply because a single song on them had lyrics that were harmless.

How, then, can the makers of this “Happy” video have no qualms about endorsing the music of Pharrell Williams when so much of it would be considered “a tool of Satan to stimulate unclean behavior?”

I believe the answer lies in the fact that Watchtower is changing – drastically. It is not the same religion that most Witnesses and ex-Witnesses grew up in.

The Watchtower of the 20th Century was unyielding, uncompromising and proud to be loathed and unpopular. The Watchtower of the 21st Century is image-obsessed, beguiling, and willing to bend a few of its rules for the sake of portraying itself in a favorable light.

The work of a rogue individual, or an inside job?

Some will doubtless argue that this video MUST be the ill-advised work of some rogue, over-enthusiastic, spiritually-weak Witness individual. But there are numerous reasons for asserting that this video is in fact a calculated internal propaganda stunt by Watchtower.

Anyone who has spent any amount of time in Bethel will tell you that you simply do not get that sort of access to the various departments (not to mention the cooperation of the bethelites working IN those departments), without the consent of the departmental overseers.

Dancers behind the reception desk at Patterson
Dancers behind the reception desk at Patterson

You cannot just wander into the lobby of Patterson with a camera and get the receptionists to dance wildly for you at your command.

Another telling sign that this is an inside job comes at 1:13 in the video, where a caption pops up that reads “Hmong RTO.” Hmong is an ethnic group from South-East Asia, and “RTO” stands for “Remote Translation Office.”

The use of organizational jargon in this caption, without any attempt to explain things for those not familiar with the inner workings of Watchtower, would seem to indicate that this video was intended for distribution only among the Bethel family.

The unfettered access to various Watchtower locations and departments, the full and enthusiastic cooperation of so many bethelites, and the use of an internal acronym that most JWs would be unfamiliar with, all points to this being an inside job – authorized at the highest level.

If I’m wrong, and it’s really so easy to roam around Bethel getting bethelites to dance for you in front of the camera, excuse me while I book the first flight to New York!

Reasons for optimism?

But forensics aside, what can we take away from this video? Are we to conclude that bethelites are deliriously happy with their lives? Can we dare to suggest that Watchtower is becoming more easy-going, down-to-earth and mainstream?

On the first question, I would point out two things: (1) you should really check out Brock Talon’s book “Journey To God’s House” and the recent JWpodcast interview with Kam Deo if you want to know whether life in Bethel is all smiles and laughter, and (2) there is a big difference between dancing on camera and being genuinely happy. Yes – I realize you can make this same argument about my own interpretation of the Happy song, but the reasons for an ex-JW to be happy are, in my opinion, far more plausible than those of a JW.

The annihilation of non-JWs at Armageddon - a reason for happiness?
The annihilation of non-JWs at Armageddon – a reason for happiness?

A JW’s “happiness” originates from knowing that he is serving Jehovah (when in fact he is serving an organization), and from the absolute conviction that one day he will live in a world where everyone who disagrees with his beliefs has been slaughtered.

Those are definitely reasons to be happy, but they are not good reasons.

An exJW’s happiness comes from knowing that they have been emancipated from the control of a small group of deluded men in New York, and from knowing they are free to live their lives according to what they think and believe rather than having their personal convictions prescribed for them.

Speaking for myself, there is also a great deal of joy to be derived from knowing that the love you have for your child is unconditional, and that no personal differences need ever threaten to separate your dearest little one from you.

As to the idea that this video represents a softening on the part of Watchtower – if only that were true!

In order for Watchtower to become more “mainstream” and easy-going it would need to loosen up its harsh and damaging rules on such matters as shunning, blood transfusions, child abuse and higher education. Rather than doing that, if anything Watchtower is circling the wagons more and more on those issues, as the recent rant by Tony Morris on higher education indicates.

Unfortunately what we are seeing in this Happy video is Watchtower trying to have the best of both worlds. It wants to be the cool dad at the party, but also the dad who, behind closed doors, spanks his child brutally for the slightest misdemeanor.

As heartwarming and endearing as this video will undoubtedly be for most who watch it, what it actually represents is a sickly propaganda stunt by an organization willing to punish its adherents in one of the most wicked ways imaginable (through family estrangement) if they fall out of line, while bending its own rules whenever advantageous to do so.










Since writing this article I have had the opportunity to speak directly to the maker of the video, and I’ve been told that although the concept and execution of this video was carried out by him individually for the “Bethel Family Night” – the project was approved by the Bethel Family Night Committee and received their endorsement and cooperation. I’m relieved that the individual concerned will not get into trouble for making this video, since he seems to have done everything by the book and consulted properly with his superiors. However, his account does verify that Watchtower went into this with its eyes open and saw no double-standards or hypocrisy in using Pharrell Williams to promote life as a bethelite.

Further reading…

Related video…

187 thoughts on “The Bethel “Happy” video – unauthorized shenanigans or calculated propaganda stunt?

  • January 31, 2015 at 6:02 am

    You hit the nail on the head my man. The video was a shock to me, and to think of all the rap tapes i was forced to throw out, or listen to on the sneak….wow. Nice job Cedars.

  • January 31, 2015 at 6:05 am

    If this is a publicity stunt – and I absolutely think this is possible, as I also believe the whole blue square thing was thought of with the help of outside marketing experts (as I mused about in my blog) – then it is a typical example of corporate whitewashing. A THE go-to for JW to say: Hey, look, we ARE the happy people, while merrily shunning away in the dark. Great piece, Lloyd!

  • January 31, 2015 at 6:11 am

    I was shocked when I saw this video on You Tube! It is apparent that the producers and director of this video where given unprecedented access to all areas. This would have been impossible without consent from overseers. Therefore, this is another example of JWs trying to portray how nice and warm and cuddly Bethel is. It is not! It is a hotbed for adultery, mysogeny, oppression and propoganda!

    I have just watched another excruciating speech from Serena Williams thanking “Jehovah God” for giving her the strength to win the Australian Open Tennis Championship!

    How nice! Jehovah God is happy to help an individual win a sporting contest, but he is clearly far too busy to answer the prayers of the child abuse victims! Or to help the poor souls who lost their lives in the Philipines!

    Do not be misled! The WTBTS is a whitewashed grave, that appears good and clean, but is full of corruption.

    I hope you manage to save this video before it disappears off of you tube, Lloyd. People need to see this.

    The more the WTBTS tries to portray itself as a benevolent organisation, the more we all will strive to disabuse people of that misconception!

    As far as I know, the “two witness” rule is still being applied to paedophilia cases. The branch office is still deciding who is or isn’t a “sexual predator”. Ones who leave are still being shunned by their families. Women are still being denied a marriage “in the Lord” if they divorce an abusive partner. The vast majority of people are still going to be killed at Armageddon.

    Nothing has changed! Absolutely nothing!

    Another fine article, Lloyd. Thank you for your work, sir.

    Peace be with you,


  • January 31, 2015 at 6:19 am

    Hey, does anyone have the video ? Is the video still avaliable in another youtube channel ?

    I didnt watch this video yet.

    If you have the video, could you please post here a link ?

  • January 31, 2015 at 6:24 am

    Excellent video, Cedars. My question is why does JW.Org use the excuse that they need big huge estates for translating committees when two women sitting in a little room at bethel can do the same thing through their computer?
    Maybe you can do an article just on that alone and show all the beautiful estates that are being bought up and that being used as the excuse. So glad we are OUT!!!!!!!!

  • January 31, 2015 at 6:52 am

    I don’t know what to think. I’m at the same time disgusted, embarrassed, uneasy at watching this video. Sure it’s an inside job.
    It does’nt make me feel happy. I was not happy during all those years in the sect. But now…, “I FEEL GOOD!”…Let’s challenge them on that one.

  • January 31, 2015 at 7:06 am

    thing is they are not happy, it’s a publicity stunt, rap moon walk do the swim whatever, its just trying to get the young ones to stay, trying to be hip is an embarrassment to the WT, I feel sorry for them the JW they are being used.

  • January 31, 2015 at 7:19 am

    In find this video pretty cool. Why? Because it’s a carbon-copy of the “Happy Apostates” video. That means the Watchtower is not able to ignore us anymore, no matter what they say in their magazines, they simply can’t.
    I’m happy because I’m being able to watch attitudes that I’ve never imagined the WT will be able to adopt. They are desperate, and I hope this cult power will go down as time passes.

  • January 31, 2015 at 7:25 am

    What caught my attention in the “Watchtower’s” “Happy” Video was to see all the wealth in machinery and equipment, all coming out of the pockets of people being fooled by the men at the top. Sickening!!!!

  • January 31, 2015 at 7:52 am

    The video is great and everyone does look happy, and they probably actually are very happy. I had many good and wholesome experiences at Bethel meeting many wonderful people and my friends did also. I’m sure that most active Witness will love this video and it will strengthen their faith.
    The problem for me is that it isn’t real; the “loving brotherhood”, the promises for Armegeddon and the hope for a Paradise New World.
    These ‘happy’ people will turn on you for offering the slightest disenting opinion of the JW organization and you will be treated like the spawn of Satan if you stop attending their endless meetings. It is a real dichotomy between what you think and feel you are involved in and what is really happening.
    Many JW’s wonder why people can’t simply leave the WT Org and leave it alone but it is because of the lies, the harassment from other members in the form of gossip, slander and shunning and then there is the hope to save other people from the wasted years working for a corporation.

  • January 31, 2015 at 8:40 am

    All I have to say is, Pharell is hot & I love the pic.

  • January 31, 2015 at 9:07 am

    Although I’m a bit amused by these videos dancing to the lyrics of a rap artist. I must agree with you that this is a clever attempt to deflect from the real problems going on behind the scenes. trying to coach favor with the general public. however as one who dumped many a records and video tapes due to watchtower policies. This to me is nothing more than unashamed crass hypocrisy into which they are glorifying.

  • January 31, 2015 at 9:53 am

    Two things on this video that just highlight the hypocrisy. The first, and most glaring problem in my mind is that they choose to ignore the fact that Pharrell Williams has used this song specifically to raise funds for the United Nations Foundation. Mark of the beast what what my friend. Right? “Producer encourages fan to donate to humanitarian fund while promoting global hit ‘Happy'” I don’t know if your site allows posting of URLs but it is from RollingStone. Second problem is that you are right, they did take it down from YouTube, multiple times, but JWs keep putting it back up. The comments always say something like ‘I know this will be removed but I just had to repost it.’ Isn’t that defiance of the WTBS? Shaking my head.

  • January 31, 2015 at 10:10 am

    The makers obviously had authorized access for the dancing. But somebody remixed Pharrell before putting it on Youtube. You been pranked.

    Think about it. Would WT expose themselves to a copyright violation? No. Would they pay for rights to a Pharrell song? No again.

  • January 31, 2015 at 10:17 am

    Would venture to say that both your video and the bethel video are not publicity stunts.

    Another reason why all religions should be outlawed. Too much propaganda going around.

    Just my 2 pence worth

    • January 31, 2015 at 10:25 am

      I’ve never said my video WASN’T propaganda. Propaganda needn’t always be negative.

  • January 31, 2015 at 10:19 am

    Compromise, always a dirty word in the w,t, but not it seems any
    longer. But how can we harmonise it with certain favourite and
    recurring phrases such as, Abstain from, Flee from, Touch not.?

    Oh dear, “If your not confused. Your not paying attention”
    (Tom Peters)

  • January 31, 2015 at 10:37 am

    An interesting question would be: which PR-company is working for

  • January 31, 2015 at 10:38 am

    I watched the Happy video 2 times and I can’t imagine it wasn’t done without the higher-ups agreeing to it. The choreography was so well done that as a previous poster has said it was like a McDonald’s ad. They even had the heavy equipment in on the act! How anybody could say this wasn’t done with the consent of the Governing Body is beyond me.

    I did read Brock Talon’s book and after listening to Samuel Herd’s tirade about Bethelites showing up late for their Bethel assignments on the U.S. Branch visit speech, I get the idea that it’s more like a labor camp, rather than the happy dance that that video made it look like what it’s like at Bethel.

    I have known many ex-Bethelites even in our own congregation and I can’t imagine that any one of them is going to say anything except how “wonderful” their experience was at Bethel. I don’t remember asking any of them but I don’t think they’d be free to say anything bad about it so probably if it wasn’t a “happy” experience, they would just keep quiet about it.

    This is what I have heard from family members who have supported Bethelites: Bethelites aren’t given much money per month but yet they are assigned to go to congregations where they will need a car and the people who support the car and give them money for that car and money for gas and insurance is the family back home. The family back home are the ones who give the Bethelite money to come home and other things so that the Bethelite can have spending money. They don’t get much of a vacation at Bethel either.

    I think a lot of people go to Bethel because it’s easier than eking out a living pioneering back home. At Bethel, they will have a roof over their heads, doctor care and food and of course, when they go there, they really think they are doing the “Lord’s work”. But there have been a lot of them that go to Bethel for a few years and then when they get out, don’t want anything to do with it at all. But then, why do they drop out? We don’t know because they aren’t free to talk about it. That is why Brock Talon used a fake name. The only way they talk about it is in a book with a fake name.

  • January 31, 2015 at 11:10 am

    You are so right it was to promote the UN and if you do a search on you tube there is a Happy Bethel University video too (a ‘worldy’ christian college)

    the link is

    Underneath the video is states “Bethel University’s Happy video for Happy Day 2014, in support of Pharrell + UN Foundation Humanitarian efforts.”

    If you want to see the UN page encouraging these types of videos the link is

    I believe it was a piece of propaganda as John Cedars states it would be too difficult to video and choreograph all of this.

    The fact is even if it was for ‘Bethel Night’ as some sites have suggested it is still totally disrespectful in so many ways. Especially as this type of video and song is linked to the UN too.

    No part of the world, give me a break….

  • January 31, 2015 at 11:31 am

    @anonymous, many go to Bethel for status. A pioneer is better than a publisher, a Bethelite is better than a pioneer, etc.

    On one occasion, a sister gleefully told me her son-in-law had just “made elder” (her exact words). She was quite proud of his new status. Jesus advice on serving humbly was far from her mind.

    Bethelites don’t receive any salary or wages, and thus pay nothing into social security (USA). So if they leave Bethel after many years, they have nothing put away for retirement. But the WT says don’t worry about that, you’ll be in the new system by then.

    WT gave the same advice in the May 1969 awake. Young people who listened to WT advice back then are retirement age now, and likely flat broke.

  • January 31, 2015 at 12:09 pm

    glad to see Cedars that you made dedicated post to this Happy video.Many comments under previous post were touching this subject my as well.So now I do have to kind repeat myself sorry for that guys.
    The main question is :who sanctioned,commission or approved this controversial video.
    You made your own resonating Cedars on that and I will again offer mine.
    I think its more complicated and there is a factor of certain “spontaneousness & error”during production also with publishing of on this video.Simply put something went wrong and out of control.
    Was GB involved in this ?Not necessarily.Was overseers of certain departments involved ? Most likely.To what extend ?hard to say.Did they approved the filming only or did they knew that this footage will be used with Happy song of P.W. ? Hard to say again but I think they even didn’t think so far how the final video would look if published.
    So the director bro or small team took some artistic liberties on the end to do what he done and simply publish it on his private channel.
    Instantly the video was copied to other channels of others “happy bros” and went kind a viral among JW community.Having to said that this video wasn’t never publish on official JW EN y tube channel and thus endorsed.During this process video started to be removed from original and other copied chancels simultaneously copied to others including official JW Spanish y tube channel with JW logo added on.In less that 24 hours even this video was put down.The rest which is still on will be put down it’s just matter of time.
    All this is indication that this wasn’t sanction by GB at least not in the form as it appeared on Y tube.Video department boys in Bethel do nowadays a lots of filming so they cruising bethels facilities on daily bases like a film crew with their cameras on and they collecting stock footage for their own archive ,work on assassin projects plus filming sometimes out of their own initiative therefore they don’t need always special permit to film because their are “insiders”-Bethelites from video department .
    Just to illustrate better my point you can still see the video which was shot in the same set frame and circumstances and was never endorsed or publish by offcial JW media channels.
    I’m afraid again that by publishing this link it will be put down again because this is just a copy channel .Original publisher ch. is gone.
    More important how & why this video came to existence is the consequences for those who produced,participate & watched.
    What we will take & learn from that?

  • January 31, 2015 at 12:48 pm


  • January 31, 2015 at 12:52 pm

    Do you know what song I would love to see Jehovah’s witnesses dancing to:-)? Changing of the guards;-)x

  • January 31, 2015 at 1:19 pm

    Watchtower, you are manipulative and false (not the people) and I can only sum it up in a song. Positively 4th street. How hurtful you’ve been, “it ain’t me babe”..

  • January 31, 2015 at 1:20 pm

    John, not to be missed is the fact that this is a “carbon copy” of your “Happy Apostates” vid, as X Leonhart points out. As the saying goes, “imitation is the best form of flattery.” They are watching. They are imitating. And they are afraid.

  • January 31, 2015 at 1:29 pm

    Happy my arse. How sad is that for a desperate stunt, you bastards.

  • January 31, 2015 at 1:38 pm

    White Rabbit says:

    Think about it. Would WT expose themselves to a copyright violation? No.

    Actually the answer is yes, they have done so on a couple of occasions.

  • January 31, 2015 at 1:41 pm

    They are afraid of truth. With truth, wherever your from, you’ll always be free.

  • January 31, 2015 at 1:48 pm

    You didn’t name the occasions. What are they?

    WT obviously understands copyright, they enforce it to their advantage. I don’t think they used the song without permission. I think it’s a remix prank. Can you prove it’s not?

  • January 31, 2015 at 1:52 pm

    I just can’t get over how quickly things are changing. From National flags been flown outside kingdom halls in Chile, to people getting down to Pharrell Williams in the holy house of Jehovah. Unbelievable. What up sets me is to have listened to all the BS of what I can and can’t listen to, what I can and can’t stand to. To now have a complete reversal, and known that there was nothing wrong with it in the first place. Clearly the old guard has now died, and their ideas have died along with them. It just annoys me that 8 million people were held to ransom along with them. Your spot on cedars this video was certainly made with HQ approval to test the waters. I hope it dose a reversal and bites them on the bum.

  • January 31, 2015 at 1:58 pm

    I apologize for the multiple posts, it’s a thing close to my heart. I’m a gypsy and I speak my thoughts in song. When I look at it , all things considered, Well, I believe, secularly or scripturally it’s going to be over for the Watchtower organization. There is a song about a drug user (which I’m not) that describes a fall from grace and reversal in fortune that I can see will befall the Watchtower. Bob Dylan like a rolling stone. Many thanks for your patience.x

  • January 31, 2015 at 2:03 pm

    @Feelingsicktomystomach, you didn’t name the occasions. What are they?

    WT obviously understands copyright, they enforce it to their advantage. I think the song is a remix prank. Can you prove it’s not?

  • January 31, 2015 at 2:10 pm

    I think this whole thing could come back to bite them in the rear end. I can’t imagine that the Governing Body is going to come down on these people who appeared in the video because if they do, that sure would wipe the smiles off their faces in a hurry and make them feel really bad about going along with it but if it was on the okay from the Governing Body, then how could they possibly come down on those who appeared in the video then?

    So, if the house of God (Bethel) can have worldly music like that, then what’s to stop ordinary Witnesses to bring along that kind of music when they are working at the Kingdom Hall and enjoying cleaning the Kingdom Hall etc. with that fun music? Where would they draw the line since the Watchtower didn’t or doesn’t clamp down on this video. They would even have to have chew out the parents of poor little Caleb for letting him appear in it.

  • January 31, 2015 at 2:40 pm

    Never met an untruthful gypsy yet:-) it’s a love and loyalty that is beyond question. One minute their selling lucky heather at your door, next their through your back door:-) gulp Watchtower you’ve pissed off some serious heavy gypsys. Beat that for a worldwide organization. Happy?, not.

  • January 31, 2015 at 2:41 pm

    I can’t get over how good some of these ones are at dancing. They must be clubbing it in their out time.

  • January 31, 2015 at 2:44 pm

    Name a town.

  • January 31, 2015 at 2:54 pm

    Even the Raster lads are pissed off with you.

  • January 31, 2015 at 3:14 pm

    @ gary
    Dude theres a singer named …staind…..a song on the outside……listen to it……df’d persons like me love it.

  • January 31, 2015 at 4:31 pm

    I have to say that while watching this video I was taken by the exuberance of youth displayed There are a few older people, but primarily very young brothers and sisters are shown. It seems that the organization really does take full advantage of “youthful energy”. I have to admit after all these years I was sucked in. I remember young ones such as this, and was one myself. I can see now that this was one of the things that drew me to the witnesses in the first place. I do have to say that their were many fine young people I remember that were doing their best to follow the rules. In truth though, all of those pictured should be in school, whether it be a University, Community College or Trade School. Every year they waste devoting time and energy to the Watchtower Organization they fall further behind in life.

  • January 31, 2015 at 4:36 pm

    Watching the video just made me a bit sad. Seeing all those departments depicted in Bethel brought back a flood of memories for me, most of them mixed. The sad thing is that 30 years ago, I would have thought it an honor to end up in that video, dancing my heart out, and proclaiming my “happiness” at being at Bethel. Of course, as you mentioned (and thanks for the shout out by the way…) my book Journey to God’s House details what it is REALLY like to live and work at Bethel.

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