The Watchtower uses secrecy, deception, and even hate speech in its battle against those who dare to oppose it

Jehovah’s Witnesses are conditioned to fear and distrust any information on the internet that scrutinizes the Watch Tower Society in a critical or objective manner. For years I was gripped by such paranoia, and the very thought of venturing onto a so-called “apostate” website put a knot in my stomach.

It was only when, some time in 2011, I summoned the audacity to sit down and write a list of nine “grievances” against the Society and its teachings that something clicked inside me. Once I saw all my doubts and uncertainties unravelling before me on a sheet of paper I began to conclude that, most likely, the Society wasn’t giving me the full story. If it was just one or two questionable doctrines or practices, that would be one thing. But nine? In a religion I had dedicated my life to serving alongside as God’s spirit-directed organization? Something wasn’t right.

It was then that something unthinkable happened. I consciously “gave myself permission” to violate the Society’s rules on apostate websites. Tentatively, and with overwhelming feelings of guilt and anxiety, I started searching on websites such as to see what critics of the Watchtower had to say. Sure enough, my worst fears were confirmed. It soon became apparent that my grievances weren’t only justified – they were just the tip of the iceberg. The more it became clear that I had been lied to for decades, the more my feelings of trepidation and anxiety morphed into a strong sense of anger and betrayal.

Surprising Openness and Transparency

One of the things that immediately impressed me about the information presented on was the way the writer (Paul Grundy) had researched everything and clearly bent over backwards to supply quotes from the Society’s own literature to support his conclusions. is an excellent source of accurate information about the Society, with logical analysis of its teachings

This went against the grain of what I had been trained to expect from an “apostate” website. After all, aren’t apostates supposed to be liars who seek to draw off followers after themselves? So why would one go to the trouble of quoting from the Society in making his argument if everything the Society writes is true and incontrovertible? Surely, as an evil conniving apostate slanderer, Grundy should be directing me away from the Society’s publications, rather than urging me to read them?

Still quite skeptical from my indoctrination, I thought I should check the quotes being used by Grundy in his articles to see whether they had been twisted in any way. If I found so much as a comma out of place, I would reject the whole thing as an elaborate hoax. However, sure enough, when I cross-checked the quotes on, I found that each and every one was word-for-word accurate. Paul Grundy wasn’t trying to pull the wool over my eyes. He was proving his arguments and supporting his reasoning using the Society’s own publications.

A difference in tactics

This is where something immediately becomes noticeable, and highlights the sharp contrast between the strategies of two warring factions – the Watch Tower Society at one end of the battlefield, and their “apostate” foes at the other.

On the one hand, you have the Society who will ONLY let you look at information that they have approved. On the other, you have websites such as (not to mention this one) that will happily show you BOTH sides of the argument. My illustration below highlights this disparity…

The above should immediately raise a red flag for any thinking Witnesses who wonder whether the Society is truly being honest and transparent with them. So-called “apostate” websites want you to read both sides of the argument, but the Society only wants you to hear their side – and pretend their opponents don’t exist. But why should it be that way? If the truth is so cut-and-dried, should it not stand up to the closest possible scrutiny? Just what are they so desperately trying to hide?

Vilification and mud-slinging

The following quotes underscore the voracity with which the Society has poured scorn on those it classes as “apostate” over the last few decades, not to mention its clever insistence that Witnesses should not even check to see whether the writings of former believers (whether in books or online) are based on truth…

“Noticeably, there have been a number of individuals who have created Web sites ostensibly to preach the good news. Many of these sites are sponsored by indiscreet brothers. Other sites may be sponsored by apostates who wish to lure unsuspecting ones. (2 John 9-11) Commenting on whether there is a need for our brothers to create such Web sites, Our Kingdom Ministry, November 1997, page 3, stated: ‘There is no need for any individual to prepare Internet pages about Jehovah’s Witnesses, our activities, or our beliefs. Our official site [] presents accurate information for any who want it.‘” – km 11/99 pp.4-5 par. 18

“Interestingly, a circuit overseer in France observes: ‘Some brothers are deceived because they lack accurate knowledge.’ That is why Proverbs 11:9 states: ‘By knowledge are the righteous rescued.’ This does not mean giving apostates a hearing ear or delving into their writings. Rather, it means coming to ‘an accurate knowledge of the sacred secret of God’ through diligent personal study of the Bible and the Society’s Bible-based publications. Having this accurate knowledge, who would become so curious as to pay any attention to apostate mouthings? May no man ‘delude you with persuasive arguments’! (Colossians 2:2-4) False religious propaganda from any source should be avoided like poison! Really, since our Lord has used ‘the faithful and discreet slave’ to convey to us ‘sayings of everlasting life,’ why should we ever want to look anywhere else?—John 6:68.” – w87 11/1 p.20 par. 16

The obligation to hate lawlessness also applies to all activity by apostates. Our attitude toward apostates should be that of David, who declared: ‘Do I not hate those who are intensely hating you, O Jehovah, and do I not feel a loathing for those revolting against you? With a complete hatred I do hate them. They have become to me real enemies.’ (Psalm 139:21, 22) Modern-day apostates have made common cause with ‘the man of lawlessness,’ the clergy of Christendom. (2 Thessalonians 2:3) As loyal Witnesses of Jehovah, we therefore have absolutely nothing in common with them. Being imperfect, our hearts could easily have a tendency toward being critical of our brothers. As individuals, those of ‘the faithful and discreet slave’ are imperfect humans. (Matthew 24:45-47) But this class is faithful and discreet. Apostates capitalize on errors or seeming mistakes made by brothers who take the lead. Our safety lies in avoiding apostate propaganda as though it were poison, which in fact it is.—Romans 16:17, 18.” – w92 7/15 pp.12-13 par. 19

“Wise King Solomon wrote: ‘Take a warning: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh.’ (Ecclesiastes 12:12) One might add that the reading of many books published today is not only wearisome to the flesh but, frankly, dangerous to the mind.” – w00 10/1 p. 10 par. 9

Apostates too speak valueless words, claiming to have greater wisdom than the appointed ‘faithful and discreet slave.’ (Matt. 24:45-47) However, apostates speak their own wisdom, and their words are valueless, a stumbling block to any who might listen.” – w08 4/15 p.6 par.17

“Yes, to all who are faithfully and loyally enduring in the Christian way, we are sure that Jehovah’s truth is still beautiful, satisfying—even more so than when they first heard it. Therefore, resolve in your heart that you will never even touch the poison that apostates want you to sip. Heed the wise but firm commands of Jehovah to avoid completely those who would deceive you, mislead you, turn you aside into the ways of death. If we love Jehovah with our whole heart, soul, and mind, while loving our neighbor as we love ourselves, we will leave no room for penetration by apostate thinking. (Matthew 22:37-39) We will not ‘allow place for the Devil’ and will have no desire to look elsewhere. We will not ‘be quickly shaken from our reason’ by some counterfeit teaching.—2 Thessalonians 2:1, 2.” – w86 3/15 p. 20 par. 18

“The talk ‘Guard Against Deception’ showed that we wisely treat as poison the distortions, half-truths, and outright falsehoods propagated by apostates.” – w03 1/15 p.23

It’s difficult for even the most hardened Witness to read the above quotes without feeling at least a tinge of embarrassment at the abject hatred and venom directed by the Society toward those who dare to contradict its teachings. In falsely misrepresenting apostates as those who must automatically “hate Jehovah,” the Society deliberately neglects to acknowledge that, in order to be an apostate, all you need to do is think differently to the organization. As discussed in a previous article, it doesn’t matter whether you love Jehovah and Jesus. If you disagree with even ONE of the Society’s teachings, you are, by their thinking, an apostate.

In stark contrast to such mud-slinging, sites such as demonstrate nothing but love and respect for those who choose to believe the teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The following quote from the homepage of JWfacts is typical of the tolerance displayed on that website…

“Being a Jehovah’s Witness has benefited many lives, as following Christian standards on morality and love can be beneficial. There is no attempt here to point the finger at any individual, as in general Jehovah’s Witnesses sincerely believe they are doing what is right and are genuinely nice people.”

The following email from a visitor to that website highlights that the information is based on Watchtower publications rather than being written in a way that attempts to hide or misrepresent the Society’s words…

“Your writing is the first JW material I have read, pro or con, since returning from Bethel. Your amazing collection of work is truly inspired. The true validating point for me is your use of the Watchtower publications own information as your predominating resource.” (Emails from readers)

There is even an offer on the part of the writer, Paul Grundy, for readers to email him if they spot anything incorrect so that he can fix it…

“The reason for this site is to make it as simple as possible to determine if Jehovah’s Witnesses have “the truth”. I have tried to be accurate in everything contained here. Please email me if there is anything you feel may not be correct.”

Again, it’s difficult to conceive of a more marked contrast with the Society’s publications, which ban you from reading anything contradictory, and do not allow you to point out anything that is false. Of course, no one is stopping you from writing the headquarters to draw attention to some inaccuracy, but when was the last time you saw a full retraction or apology printed in the literature over some doctrinal point?

True, the following “apology” was printed on page 8 of the January 1st 2013 Watchtower (public edition), but take a careful look at the wording…


“Jehovah’s Witnesses have had wrong expectations about when the end would come. Like Jesus’ first-century disciples, we have sometimes looked forward to the fulfillment of prophecy ahead of God’s timetable. (Luke 19:11; Acts 1:6; 2 Thessalonians 2:1, 2) We agree with the sentiment of longtime Witness A. H. Macmillan, who said: ‘I learned that we should admit our mistakes and continue searching God’s Word for more enlightenment.’

“Why, then, do we continue to highlight the nearness of the end? Because we take seriously Jesus’ words: ‘Keep looking, keep awake.’ The alternative, to be found ‘sleeping’ by Jesus, would prevent us from gaining his favor. (Mark 13:33, 36) Why?

“Consider this example: A lookout in a fire tower might see what he thinks is a wisp of smoke on the horizon and sound what proves to be a false alarm. Later, though, his alertness could save lives.

“Likewise, we have had some wrong expectations about the end. But we are more concerned with obeying Jesus and saving lives than with avoiding criticism. Jesus’ command to ‘give a thorough witness’ compels us to warn others about the end.—Acts 10:42. We believe that even more important than focusing on when the end will come, we must be confident that it will come, and we must act accordingly.

“We take seriously the words of Habakkuk 2:3, which says: ‘Even if [the end] should delay [compared to what you thought], keep in expectation of it; for it will without fail come true. It will not be late.'”

You will note that…

  1. Nowhere in the above does the Society actually apologise, they merely acknowledge “wrong expectations.”
  2. No attempt is made to atone for the consequences of incorrect doctrinal interpretation, i.e. brothers selling their homes and quitting their jobs pre-1975, or those who may be disfellowshipped and shunned for disagreeing with the Society’s narrow interpretations of prophecy.
  3. No guarantee is given that they will stop making the same mistakes by printing further wrong interpretations. Rather, they excuse themselves saying they are “more concerned with obeying Jesus and saving lives than with avoiding criticism.” Surely this could be the mantra of ANY Christian denomination. Accuracy and truth are seemingly dispensable so long as, in the view of your church, you are “obeying Jesus.”

“Let him that is without sin cast the first stone”

The above words, attributed to Jesus (but not found in all bibles), perfectly summarize the vain hypocrisy of criticizing others when you are imperfect yourself. The saying is particularly apt when one considers the unrelenting criticism levelled at the internet by the Society regarding how factual it is. Here are three examples…

There are no limits or checks on the kind of information that is maintained by and accessible to Internet users.” – km 11/99, p. 4 par. 16.

“Do not become an “Internet Eve.” Be critical and suspicious of the information. Before trusting it, ask: (1) Who published this material? What are the author’s credentials? (2) Why was this published? What motivated the writer? Is there any bias? (3) Where did the author get the information? Does he supply sources that can be checked? (4) Is the information current?” – w11 8/15 p.4

“The Writing Department follows the pattern of ‘tracing all things with accuracy.’ But where can reliable information be found? While the Internet is a convenient and quick source of vast amounts of information, our researchers do not rely on blogs or poorly documented Web entries written by unidentified or unqualified persons. For example, Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia, warns that some articles on its own site ‘contain significant misinformation, unencyclopedic content, or vandalism,’ adding that ‘users need to be aware of this.’ Thus, the Writing Department looks to standard reference works, articles written by recognized experts, and books produced by respected publishers.” – 2011 Yearbook, pages 9 and 10.

It is curious that the Society should criticize internet articles for being biased and having “no limits or checks” to ensure accuracy when Watchtower writers themselves are hugely biased towards elevating the organization, and allow nobody to question their assertions – even if these subsequently turn out to be false.

The Society slams websites such as Wikipedia for using unscholarly sources of information when its own writers are anonymous and likely unqualified, and it has been found guilty of misquoting experts

Also, the above Yearbook quote scorns Wikipedia for using references from web entries by “unidentified or unqualified persons.” Obviously, anyone who is familiar with Watchtower publications will know that the writers of doctrinal material are never identified by name, nor are we ever given any assurances of their academic credentials or qualifications. We must simply “trust” that they know what they are talking about. Apparently it is one rule for the internet, another rule for the Watchtower.

Indeed, on reading the above quotes, you would be forgiven for assuming that everything written by the Society is truthful and accurate. However, as already discussed in a previous article, there are numerous examples of deliberate falsehood and deception on the Society’s very own website in the FAQs section of…

  • In response to the question “Do you feel that you are the only people who will be saved?” the writer begins his answer with “No.” and then proceeds to identify Armageddon survivors as being (apart from JWs): (1) those who lived in the past before JWs existed, and (2) those who will become JWs in the future. Finally the explanation rounds off with a vague “it’s not our job to judge” line of reasoning – but the overall message is clear. If you want to survive annihilation at Armageddon, you’d better become a JW.
  • In response to the question “Are you tolerant of other religions?” the writer responds “We follow the Bible’s advice to ‘respect everyone’ —regardless of their religious beliefs,” adding, “we extend to others the same tolerance that we appreciate receiving from them.” This answer ignores the Society’s labelling of former believers as “mentally diseased” (w11 7/15 p.16) and of their beliefs as “gangrenous” (w13 4/15 p.11). It also conveniently forgets the vilification of the Catholic Church as a part of the “gross fornicatrix” Babylon The Great, or the suggestion that the policy of celibacy in that religion resulted in “not a few” Catholic priests “today contracting AIDS.” If you were a Catholic and read the Revelation Climax book from cover to cover, would you conclude that JWs are tolerant of your beliefs?
  • In response to the question “Do you shun former members of your religion?” the writer deliberately avoids giving a direct answer and goes straight into a description of the precious few instances in which a former believer would not be shunned by his family. The answer is a perfect example of deception by omission, because it fails to acknowledge that those who leave the organization are routinely shunned by family members, irrespective of whether or not they have broken the “Bible’s moral code.” A recent Watchtower article even admonished: “Do not look for excuses to associate with a disfellowshipped family member, for example, through e-mail.” (w13 1/15 p.16) The answer to the FAQ should therefore be an honest and straightforward “yes” – but it isn’t. The reason? The writers are biased, and don’t want to make their religion look bad.

You might be surprised to learn that is not the only source of misinformation published by the Society. On his website, Paul Grundy has put together an article cataloguing a number of occasions throughout its history where the Society has been caught red-handed misquoting sources, lying about its former teachings, and even plagiarizing material from other publications. If you are a Jehovah’s Witness and you are still under the impression that the Society is above such dirty tricks, I would encourage you to visit the article and verify the information for yourself. Prepare to be astonished!

Concealing its own writings

Amazingly, it isn’t just non-Watchtower books and websites that the Society dissuades ordinary Witnesses from reading, or limits access to. For varying reasons, ordinary publishers are essentially blocked from reading some of the very publications that have rolled off the Society’s own printing presses over the decades – at least one of which is even credited with a role in the fulfilment of prophecy. I can provide three examples.

In a previous article I featured the Finished Mystery book, first published in 1917. You would expect a book containing “spiritual food” that was personally inspected and approved by Christ in 1919 to be made widely available to Witnesses today, so that they can see for themselves what made the Bible Students so unique during that crucial period of inspection. However, though it is admittedly still possible to track down a copy (either by downloading it here, or spending between $50 to $200 on Amazon for a hardcopy), the book is no longer in print by the Society. The reason? They are deeply ashamed of the frankly outrageous notions that are contained in its pages, including the following…

  • Charles Taze Russell was the “seventh angel” mentioned in Revelation
  • Jehovah separated Russell from his wife, Maria, and made her dead in his eyes
  • Russell spoke from beyond the grave through the pages of the Finished Mystery
  • The precise distance between the place where the Finished Mystery was written and where it was printed held prophetic significance

The more you delve into the pages of this bizarre book, which is so clearly a product of the over-active imaginations of two of Russell’s followers, the more you realise why the Society would never dream of making it available for publishers to read today. If they were to print and distribute it, thinking Witnesses would soon connect the dots and reach the glaringly obvious conclusion that Christ didn’t actually choose this organization in 1919 after all.

The Finished Mystery reads like a love letter to Russell, penned by his mourning followers

Therefore, the Society has done something very cunning. It has repeatedly given its own glowing endorsement of the Finished Mystery, even attributing it with a role in fulfilling bible prophecy. That way, publishers who have never read the book are able to respect it as being “a powerful commentary on Revelation and Ezekiel” (Revelation Climax, p. 165), the distribution of which was approved by Christ himself – and even foretold in the scriptures! (Revelation Climax, p. 208 box)

Ironically, even the Revelation Climax book, which sings the praises of its predecessor the Finished Mystery, has been the subject of some degree of censure by the Society. Many of you will remember that in 2006 it underwent extensive “adjustments” (a list of which was published in the September Kingdom Ministry of that year). Many found it curious that a book published in 1988, designed to be the final word on the coming Great Tribulation, needed to be revised because certain apocalyptic events had not proved as “imminent” as its writers anticipated.

Even certain books printed by the Society are difficult or impossible for ordinary Witnesses to examine

In any case, many publishers will be oblivious to the fact that the Society went so far as to issue a document directing elders to arrange for older versions of that book kept in stock on the literature desk to be “discarded.” This raises the question, how can a book hailed as “food at the proper time” when it was written fall from grace so quickly that it needs to be destroyed (if certain revisions have not been made to it) only 18 years later?

Again, we have a book once endorsed by the Society and produced on its printing presses that is now out of print in its original form, and that ordinary publishers should ideally discard. It seems “new light” from the Watchtower has a shelf life. Indoctrinated Witnesses would argue that this is just evidence of the “light getting brighter,” but a more objective analysis would conclude that the Society is making things up as they go along, and only producing new interpretations of prophecy once it becomes obvious that the previous ones have failed.

Finally, there is the most secretive Society book of all – the elder’s guidebook, Shepherd The Flock of God. This book is so secretive that, when it was published in 2010, an accompanying letter to all elders read (in part)…

“We would like to emphasise the importance of keeping these new textbooks secured and confidential, both before and after they are distributed.  The textbooks should not be left on tops of desks or in other places where they are easily accessible by family members or other individuals.  The information is designed for use by the elders only, and other individuals should not have any opportunity to read the information.” – Letter to all bodies of elders, dated August 23rd 2010

Most ordinary Witnesses are conditioned over time to think that it is perfectly normal and proper for their spiritual shepherds to carry around a rulebook that they are expressly forbidden from reading. Nobody stops to consider for a moment that in Ancient Israel the hundreds of laws governing the minutiae of everyday life were not hidden or concealed from ordinary Israelites – but read aloud for all to hear. (Joshua 8:34; Nehemiah 9:3) Even in Christian times, there is no record of elders or apostles having secret guidelines that were to be kept hidden from others. Any information on presiding over judicial matters was made available to all.

In short, there is really no scriptural justification for there to be ANY secret elder’s manual, and yet that is precisely what we have grown accustomed to having in our organization. The reason? As with the Finished Mystery, there are things in that book that are simply far too embarrassing (perhaps even incriminating) for ordinary Witnesses or members of the public to see. One increasingly notorious example is as follows…

Many Witness parents who are unfamiliar with organizational policy would be horrified to think that, if a fellow brother molests their child and denies it, elders should simply “leave matters in Jehovah’s hands.” It is therefore understandable, if wholly despicable, that the Society should cover up and conceal this information from ordinary publishers. It is simply too damaging.

And elder’s books aren’t the only sources of information from the Society that are subject to strict secrecy. Those who follow this website will be aware of the Society’s recent successful attempt to shut down JWsurvey for 24 hours. The reason? Because we published a Body of Elders letter (dated October 1st 2012) detailing some of the more shocking elements of Society policy in relation to the handling of cases of child abuse.

This incident furnished a striking example of how so-called “apostate” websites are trying desperately hard to get credible information into the hands of thinking Witnesses, while the Society is bending over backwards to snatch it back out of their hands. Again, you have to ask yourself, does that not sound suspicious? If this is the truth, what are they so keen on hiding from you?

When you start to look at other religious organizations that many class as “cults” you notice exactly the same tendency towards secrecy and deception. For example, just as with the madness contained in the pages of the Finished Mystery, the Church of Scientology has its own embarrassing writings from its early history that it seeks to brush under the rug, safely hidden from the public’s gaze.

Watchtower is not the only religious organization that will resort to deception and half-truths when its beliefs are brought under scrutiny

Those who progress in that particular religion to “O.T. level 3” have certain writings of the founder, L. Ron. Hubbard, disclosed to them in which the true origin of humans is supposedly revealed. The shocking revelation given to Scientologists at this level is that 75 million years ago the bodies of frozen space aliens were dumped into volcanoes in Hawaii, whereupon the souls escaped to be trapped, brainwashed, and finally left to roam the planet and attach themselves to early humans.

This teaching is clearly preposterous, and for many years it was kept a closely guarded secret until being exposed in a court case in the 1980s, instantly meeting with public ridicule that has continued ever since (most notably on a 2005 episode of South Park). Since this secret was leaked, Scientology has done its best to keep it out of the spotlight. One prominent church representative even publicly denied it on camera when questioned in a TV interview.

My point in relating the above is to show that deception is really nothing unusual among high control religious organizations, or “cults.” They have a habit of dispensing sensitive information only on a “need to know basis,” and covering over embarrassing or potentially incriminating details with the aim of keeping the majority of their followers in total ignorance.

This was NOT how the early Christian congregation conducted themselves according to the Bible. The apostles made “ALL scripture” available to the congregations, so that their writings could make Christians “fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.” (2 Tim 3:16,17) There was no such thing as so-called “old light,” or out-dated teachings that had to be disposed of. There certainly weren’t any secret documents or rulebooks to be circulated only among elders.

Again, in total contrast, most websites that are critical of the organization want you to see ALL of the available information so that you can reach an informed decision on what to believe. This can never be truly said of the Society.

An organization that fights dirty

In summary, one should never assume that those who dare to stand up to the Watch Tower Society are fighting them on a level playing field. Here we have an organization that will happily resort to hate speech if necessary against its “poisonous” “mentally diseased” opponents and their “gangrenous” accusations, urging loyal Witnesses to “feel a loathing” against such ones. (w93 10/1 p. 19 par. 15)

The Society will also stop at nothing to prevent sensitive information from getting into the hands of its adherents, even resorting to threatening legal action against this website or issuing copyright takedown notices on YouTube if sufficiently agitated. Thinking Witnesses are right to question why, if the organization is truly following the First Century model, it needs to have any confidential information at all?

Then there is the stigmatization of the internet, and the abject fear instilled into the hearts of Witnesses when it comes to viewing information that is remotely critical of the organization. Having awakened recently, I can remember only too well how frightening it was to venture onto an unapproved website for the first time. It is shocking to consider that the Society wields so much control over people’s minds, but we know why this is so. If you control the source of information, then you control the person.

Considering all of the above, I am reminded of a scene towards the end of the film Gladiator. Russell Crowe’s character, Maximus, is captured by his enemy, the evil Emperor Commodus (played by Joaquin Phoenix). The two characters are due to share a final duel in the arena – a fight to the death. Ordinarily Maximus would have no problem winning this fight, but Commodus has other plans.

Like the fictional character Commodus from the movie Gladiator, the Society uses dirty tricks in furtherance of its agenda

Maximus is chained up when, away from the public gaze, Commodus approaches him and stabs him in the side. He then orders the wound covered up, so that nobody can see that he is fighting an injured opponent.

In my mind, this perfectly encapsulates the struggle between so-called “apostates” and the Watch Tower Society. We are fighting opponents who have no basic decency, and who will stop at nothing to gain victory – even if it means resorting to lies, vicious insults, and the concealing of information from their own people.

Regardless of this, I personally view it as almost inevitable that the real “truth” will triumph in the end. It is always easier to fight a war of information when the facts are on your side. It may take years, it may take decades, with those like me and Paul Grundy fighting with a “wounded side” so-to-speak. However, eventually the lies and half-truths will catch up with the Society and it will be forced to admit defeat. In the meantime, they can throw as many insults at us as they want. It makes no difference – it only strengthens our case against them. To coin the words of another fictional movie hero, “they will never take our freedom!”






Further reading…

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60 thoughts on “Secrecy and deception: Watchtower fights dirty in its war against “apostates”

  • February 23, 2013 at 4:30 am

    Once again another great article Cedars. I was exactly like you a few years ago when I first started having doubts. I was terrified of reading anything that spoke against the society. Thankfully like you I finally had the courage to check things for myself, exactly as the bible tells us we should. It is so obvious to anyone who is not biased that the society do all they can to stop the real truth from coming out. As you say, most anti witness writers tells us to look at both sides rather than just what the society say. Whenever I speak to witnesses I always whenever possible, quote the societies own words. That is the only way a witness will accept what is said. Any other quotes etc will be rejected as false by a witness, but they can hardly say the societies words are false when it can be so easily checked, both online and in the publications.
    Let’s hope many current witnesses will read your article and check for themselves if you speak the truth or not.

  • February 23, 2013 at 7:02 am

    Wow! This article is jaw-dropping. Thank you for this important expose!

  • February 23, 2013 at 7:53 am

    What a wonderful article! “they will never take our freedom!”. Now I am free to share with you this, Cedars! are you aware of it? I mean the article ” At Which Table Are You Feeding?”. Under subheading “Beware of the Poisonous Food on the Table of Demons” you will find these provocative words, THE WTS referring to “APOSTATES”. The words are: “They seem inoculated with madness, Satanic hydrophobia [rabies]. Some of them smite us and then claim that we did the smiting. They are ready to say and write contemptible falsities and to stoop to do meanness.” (w94 7/1 p. 12 par. 11).
    A thinking normal person will absolutely share your BELIEF that the real “truth” will triumph in the end!!!!!

    • February 23, 2013 at 7:57 am

      Thanks Hakizimana. That is a truly remarkable quote you’ve brought to my attention. Ironically, those appear to be the words of none other than C. T. Russell himself – a man who, if somehow brought back to life today, would be disfellowshipped for apostasy if he failed to accept the Society’s latest teachings!

    • February 25, 2013 at 12:45 am


  • February 23, 2013 at 8:51 am

    When i got involved with the witnesses in Oct 1974, i wished i had paid attention to all the apostates that were stocking the conventions instead of hissing at them. It would have saved me many years of aggravation from there controlling borg. My research and studies in my two levels of my Shamanism Apprentice programs doing journey work I discovered with my teacher that jehovah god is a demented alien. i share this on exjws posting sites.

  • February 23, 2013 at 8:56 am

    All anyone has to do, and I really encourage is go back to the Jehovah’s Witness forum on and follow the posts of FH Chandler who is the brutally cruel “cleanup man” for the Society on that forum…His tactics to mitigate liability and discredit anyone are not reserved or restrained in the slightest and are criminal…He will and has openly advocated child rape and abuse to support and vindicate JW abusers and defend them while suppress and slander any who dare speak out ..they (his tactics) involve among many, the use of hacking and spy ware, criminal abuse and stalking/trolling both on and off that forum and behaviour that has been reported to the Federal authorities in the US and Australia and who knows where else… other such operatives have been encountered elsewhere on other sites…

  • February 23, 2013 at 9:58 am

    I really appreciate all the hard work that went into this monograph, my friend. I was a loyal Witness for more than thirty years, even striving for reinstatement after being disfellowshipped. I finally woke up thanks to the efforts and research of a good friend who once was an elder. After his sudden death, I decided to never have anything to do with this cult again. Websites like yours and Paul Grundy’s have enabled me to keep on course in my own spiritual journey.

    Keep up the good work. You are helping many others to see that there are healthy and viable alternatives to the Society’s twisted and perverted thinking. Honest inquirers can reclaim both their God-given consciences and powers of reason if they are willing to put aside fear and hysteria. It takes courage to do so, but the rewards make it all worth while.

  • February 23, 2013 at 11:39 am

    Another well-written article, Cedars. As you clearly point out, there are at least two sides to every disagreement. Whether it be politics, religion or science, those who present clearly documented facts and sound logic will usually win the day. Websites like Paul Grundy’s and Barbara Anderson’s – along with a few other notable sites – are valuable resources to those who are actually looking for the truth. They are 180 degrees from the faulty resources used by the Watchtower Society and its writing staff.

    It’s not a stretch to imagine the Governing Body telling the editorial staff supervising the writers to, “Find something – anything – secular to support this new position we are taking!” I am often amazed to see the Watchtower using quotes from encyclopedias, outdated history books, and even discredited articles from several decades old scientific magazines. The one thing they rarely do is quote from their own older publications anytime before 1980.

    It’s interesting that even the new version of, the Society’s “official website,” only provides access to Watchtowers and Awake! magazines back to 2000. That alone speaks volumes about the credibility of their writing staff.

    This article should be shared with anyone with any interest at all in becoming a JW. Thanks again for taking the time to do it right.

  • February 23, 2013 at 12:30 pm

    “If the truth is so cut-and-dried, should it not stand up to the closest possible scrutiny?”

    This. This. A billion times this.

    Awesome write up.

  • February 23, 2013 at 4:52 pm

    Cedars that is a good article you have written here which should be much food for thought for those who do read it.

    And unfortunately the Watchtower Society “does not” want it’s members to think outside the “spiritual box” that it has created for it’s members over that last 120 years or so of it’s existence.

    And it is very sad for those who belong to Jehovah’s Witnesses because there individual enlightenment is very much dependent on what the organization presents to them in the form of spiritual food and “increasing light” as they now term it.

    Jesus gave us “all” the “spirit of truth” for a reason, and that is so we can all individually learn the truth about God and what he does really expect of us as human sons of him, with eternal life in view.

  • February 23, 2013 at 4:59 pm

    Please cancel my signing up , way too many emails

    • February 24, 2013 at 1:39 am

      Thanks Helen, I’ll try and get your email address removed.

  • February 23, 2013 at 5:40 pm

    @ Helen L. Gauthier ~ Not that important huh? Or at least anymore? *shrug*

  • February 23, 2013 at 9:19 pm

    A well reasoned article Cedars, people need to be informed. An informed person can make a balanced decision.
    The Watchtower are doing themselves a disservice. In that they
    fail a vital mental attitude in debating. Never…, never abuse verbally those opposing your viewpoint. It’s a bully tactic, that to a seasoned debater shows they have run out of steam, failing to agree with reason.

    On the 22nd day of September, AD. 1862 The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by the President of the United States Abraham Lincoln. In part to quote…”That on the 1st day of January, AD. 1863, all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States shall be then, henceforward, and forever free, and the executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.” ………………..

    ……………….” And by virtue of the power and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States and parts of States are, and henceforth shall be, free; and that the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons. ”

    … ” And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgement of mankind and the gracious favor of Almighty God. ”

    The end to slavery was heralded as a great victory for the equality of all mankind. Today organizations have no right to hold in slavery the minds of their members. They should be free to leave without obstruction or abuse, based on the principles of the Bible and the Constitution. As Lincoln said..” I invoke the considerate judgement of mankind and the gracious favor of Almighty God.”

  • February 24, 2013 at 8:49 pm

    Tanks Cedars. I alws anticipate ur enlightening posts. Wot pains me most is seeing hundreds of people still roam the streets with bags claiming to be representing the only organisation of truths while been fed with so much lies from the society. Most of them dont even preach wot dey teach. Oh God, why so long?

  • February 24, 2013 at 11:46 pm

    Cedars: “Regardless of this, I personally view it as almost inevitable that the real “truth” will triumph in the end. It is always easier to fight a war of information when the facts are on your side…”

    There is a saying: “All things must pass.” There is nothing eternal in the material universe – not even solipsistic religions.

    I have a book (one for WTBTS book-burning?) called Cults – Secret Sects and Radical Religions, by Robert Schroeder. It says on page 107: “(J F Rutherford) and other members were arrested during World War I and charged with sedition because of his pacifist stance against priests who were supporting the USA’s involvement in the war.”

    I once had downloaded a scanned pdf copy of an actual paper-cutting that reported this very incident mentioned above. Do you think I can find it anywhere now on the Internet? I wonder why that is?

    If anyone can find the cutting again and post a URL on this site I would be very grateful.

    Frank V

  • February 25, 2013 at 12:43 am

    So many ‘awakening’ stories parallel my own. I also must give credit to Mr Grundy’s site, because he is not a hate monger like the WT always said ‘apostates’ were. And the fact he is my own countryman too, and I used to know his father…yes, he’s not a bitter, twisted crack pot, but just lays the facts out. People like Mr Grundy and you, Cedars, systematise knowledge so we who’ve had our brains addled by WT propaganda can connect the dots better. Thanks to you!

    “If the truth is so cut-and-dried, should it not stand up to the closest possible scrutiny?”

    I’ve thought that for years. If someone tells you Santa is real, you laugh because it’s preposterous. So if someone told me the ‘truth’ was bunk, I’d laugh if there was no evidence. But the ‘truth’ is bunk, and there’s evidence within the WT publications themselves.

  • February 25, 2013 at 2:16 am

    Another article that sums it all up perfectly. It may take a long time but I agree that, gradually, the WTS will be held accountable for all the lives it has ruined and continues to ruin. All cults basically start with one arrogant, ignorant person who thinks they know better than everyone else, and unfortunately, are very good at convincing others that they are right. In a way, Russell himself could be considered a victim, as he himself was taught by another cult – The Seventh Day Adventists. The same pattern is repeated with all the other cults too. An endless cycle: Cults beget cults. Instead of admitting they are wrong, they just dig their holes deeper… and deeper… and deeper…

    This article reminds me of yet another contradiction regarding the sources the WTS deceptively quotes from. According to the WTS all outsiders are “deceived by Satan”, so what are they doing quoting from all the experts outside the WTS, who agree with almost nothing the WTS teaches in the first place? As outsiders, these experts are supposedly “deceived by Satan”, so by Watchtower logic, nothing they say can be trusted… I wonder what the writers the WTS employ are actually thinking as they do their “research”. Are they actually “believers” too? Their writing department must surely have a high turnover rate if they actually read what experts outside the WTS write. I doubt that they can use most material, as it contradicts what the WTS teaches, hence the need to misquote and lazily rehash old material all the time. The WTS reminds me of one of those children’s toys where the child has to put matching shapes through matching holes, but instead the child keeps trying to ram the wrong shape into the wrong hole – forcing it to fit is the same approach the WTS takes to research.

  • February 25, 2013 at 8:33 am

    Cedars! Thank you very much for the article! Thanks to your efforts, the Finished Mystery book is now my hands! I have just skimmed it and cannot believe my eyes!! THE Watch Tower Society HAS PERFORMED THE GREATEST MIRACLES OF ALL AGES: CHANGING SATAN INTO JESUS IN LESS THAN A CENTURY!!! What a miracle!!

    the Finished Mystery says, on page 217, that Abaddon, the Destroyer, Apollyon in the Greek is “a bad one,” referring to 2 Cor. 4:4. It says In plain English his name is Satan, the Devil. The book continues “As a means for preventing people from seeing the Truth, Methodism has been as efficient as any of the five systems previously described, or any that follow. All have been sadly misled and deceived by our great and wily Adversary; “Taken captive by him at his will”— 2 Tim. 2:26.”

    Take just a few minutes and have a look in the book “Revelation Its Grand Climax At Hand!”. On page 148 paragraph 20 you read “Rather than announce the incoming Kingdom of God, Christendom’s clergy have chosen to remain with Satan’s world. They want no part with the locust band and their King, concerning whom John now observes: “They have over them a king, the angel of the abyss. In Hebrew his name is Abaddon [meaning “Destruction”], but in Greek he has the name Apollyon [meaning “Destroyer”].” (Revelation 9:11) As “angel of the abyss” and “Destroyer,” Jesus had truly released a plaguing woe on Christendom. But more is to follow!”

    Here is the summarized miracle is, from the “the Finished Mystery” to the “Revelation Its Grand Climax At Hand!”
    1) SATAN became JESUS
    3) Methodism WAS the first woe and TODAY, the First Woe IS the Watch Tower!

    Pictures have also changed to convey the ideas of the “New light”! What a miracle! I can’t believe the “new light” could transform SATAN INTO JESUS so easily and, in less than 100 years!!

    When we celebrate 100 year anniversary of the Watch Tower Society declaration: “The Gentile Times have ended.” October 2nd, 2014 (see w07 11/1 p. 24), I hope we celebrate this WONDER, this MIRACLE, too!

  • February 25, 2013 at 10:42 am

    It was that helped me see that the was fake.
    And that Jehovah and Jesus are the same person.
    Making it far more easier in my mind that I did do the best thing
    leaving such a cult as the Watchtower.

    I also recently find that David Ickes investigations with help of
    his friends, who shows that that the mormons and JWs, belong to
    a segment of the illuminati. Though there are one or two things I do disagree entirely with him on that show signs off madness to believe. Out of ignorance that such ideas have not been ‘proven’ yet. However, his 2012 wembley (youtube) tour showed how all these cults are working together to bring its members under mind control thats seems to be ‘freedom’ yet it is not but complete lies and deception. But secretly all under a pyramid state of control that also controls banking and politics.

  • February 25, 2013 at 3:14 pm

    Incredibly well written! it makes me so angry to think I was blinded for so long. Better late than never!

  • February 25, 2013 at 11:01 pm

    Thanks again Cedars! I felt the same way you did when I saw so much nonscense and I started to do my research. I remember I bought a book on Kindle and I shook when I started to read it, talk about control and being brainwashed!! I find your articles very interesting and always look forward to receiving the latest information. It is very much appreciated.

  • February 28, 2013 at 11:37 pm

    What i have learned Biblically i consider to be the truth,
    some people that just need to leave do so bashing everything associated with the society.

    Basically you can do the same with different areas of your life, pick apart your parents and blame them for they’re rules and policy

    I don’t believe blindly in everything they say.
    i don’t do that for anyone no matter what they like to call themselves.

  • March 1, 2013 at 3:11 am

    Good for you Mokihermida!

    Seeing as you don’t follow anyone blindly, I presume your biblical research has shown you that core Watchtower concepts such as “paradise earth”, “Jesus being the Archangel Michael”, “Shunning”, “1914”, “No blood transfusions”, “Apostates” and “144,000” (among many others) are all completely unbiblical. Surely all these “truths” don’t come from the Bible, but instead are biased ideas given to you second-hand from WTS books? Glad you can see that.

  • March 8, 2013 at 5:58 am

    You are just the same you only publish what promotes and furthers your interests and shun those who disagree with you how are you any better than the watchtower ? I know you wont post this but i know you will have read it

    • March 24, 2013 at 4:17 am

      So you’re suggesting I should publish things I don’t agree with? That’s madness by anyone’s standards. Of course I am going to write what I think, and whether people agree with it or not is up to them.

      As for shunning those who disagree with me, I don’t see it that way at all. Anyone is entitled to use the comments section to disagree with me so long as their comments are factually-based and respectful. Those who knowingly misrepresent the facts or are disrespectful or abusive to either myself or other posters won’t be welcome on this site.

      I fail to see how I can be compared to Watchtower when I allow reasoned debate of my articles and show both sides of the story by incorporating information straight from Watchtower publications. When was the last time you saw a quote from JWsurvey in the Watchtower?

  • March 10, 2013 at 9:49 am

    Hollywood and theatre and drama has total power and total control on what they want you to think. They brain-wash, they indoctrinate in movies like any church or state does. THEN if you are free to fight in a public arena, and no one ties you down. Take the cover off the wound that everyone should see it. The concept of fighting with a wound and looking like a loser is your own fault for not unveiling a wound they gave you. Show the wound and shout out they have wounded me so i lose, do you now watch the fight against this wounded man. Of course, the world of Satan is in JW Halls just like in all of YOU, because the reply is Oh poor baby, youre wounded, should we care, should we cry.

    • March 10, 2013 at 11:45 am

      Sorry Elijahovah but I don’t even see anything resembling a logical argument in this comment that I can respond to. All I see is desperation and vitriol. It isn’t easy springing to the defence of an organization that is lying to you, is it.

  • March 11, 2013 at 4:00 pm

    accurate information

    Is subjective, based on seven men, who most JWs have no idea who they are. Yes, they rely on Caller I.D., but eat up “new information” from seven unknowns.

    I lived through the 68/74 Armageddon scare, an not the first time the “end” has been predicted. In their bible.

    Mark 13:32
    “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”

    This is FALSE WITNESSING: How can any witness be blind to this, it’s one of the 6 things their God hates and calls and abomination.

    Proverbs 6:16/19

    There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him:
    haughty eyes,
    a lying tongue,
    hands that shed innocent blood,
    a heart that devises wicked plans,
    feet that make haste to run to evil,
    a false witness who breathes out lies,
    one who sows discord among brothers.

    I knew this when I was 12, and shut my brain against them. I was doing exactly what the bible instructed me to. I don’t understand why an adult can’t.

  • March 18, 2013 at 3:33 am

    i dont know what to think im totally confused and by the way cedars no offence meant im having a nervous breakdown and alcohol issues and the memorial is approaching and the elders are visiting etc

    • March 18, 2013 at 4:01 am

      Hello les. I’m sorry you’re having a hard time. Some of the information on this website can come as a shock, and it can be difficult to process. If you are having a nervous breakdown and alcohol issues, you really should seek professional help if at all possible. I hope the elder’s visit isn’t too stressful for you. Remember, you don’t have to tell them anything – just what they want to hear. These men are not appointed by holy spirit and are effectively just line managers for a corporation. They have no power or authority over you. I should know, I was one.

  • March 18, 2013 at 8:15 am

    Here goes: I wonder why all the hype or concern about being rejected, shunned, expelled or dis-fellowship by the J.W.’s aka WTBTS? Why would any person care what that malicious Satanic cult thinks? They are sides to everything in the universe, for every push there is an opposite e.g. a ‘a pull’. The light bulb is either on or off. Good or bad. Their is electricity or their is no electrcity. Hope your getting my point so far.
    Have you ever wondered if and who the Jevovah Witnesses are really following? Could it be Satan himself? If you with Satan only negative things come out of the matter; your actually ‘CURSED”. If you worship or follow the true God of the universe, well then, your “BLESSED” and only good things or manifications will come your way.
    My physical parents and sisters have been staunch Jehovah’s Witnesses for decades.
    They are ‘cursed’ or don’t have God’s ;blessings’ for their intregity or loyalty. I’ll now prove my theory:
    My father was an elder. After giving the concluding prayer at the Kingdom Hall, he was filled with Jehovah’s “blessing’, sat down and immediately had a fatal stroke.
    My eldest sister was a pioneer with her husband. Her husband hadjust left the meeting at the Kingdom hall, driven about a block on his moped, and was hit by a car and instantly decapitate. He too was ‘blessed’ by Jehovah’s spirit as he had just attended a worship meeting.
    My same sister, still “blessed” has since been married 3 times and suffered 2 mis-carriages.
    My youngest sister, also an adamant J.W. has gone through 2 unsuccessful marriage to 2 high -profile Jehovah’s Wtnesses.
    So were they truly “blessed’ or were they “cursed”. They were attached or worshipping the wrong identity or God of this universe.
    It says somewhere Satan comes & masquerades himself as an angel of light to deceive and turn people away from the true God.
    Myself, l’ve turned myself away from the WTBTS or Jehovah’s Witnesses; and my life has gotton better and l’m happy once again, free from that malicious dangerous cult.
    Thankyou. Harold Gerber

  • March 20, 2013 at 11:16 am

    Thanks for bothering x

  • March 23, 2013 at 6:04 am

    Im sorry john

  • April 12, 2013 at 6:47 am

    I’m thinking about all I have read on your site over the last two days and I’m feeling so mixed up. I thought it was bad enough to be in a disassociated state but now i’m going to be apostate too?! I can’t help but see the truth in what you have said. I just don’t know what the alternative is…and that isn’t an invitation for everybody to dump unscriptural beliefs on me.

    • April 12, 2013 at 8:28 am

      See, that organization ‘punishes’ you for rejecting and leaving them. I worship the Lord out of love and free choice, not out of ‘fear or manipulation.” Be happy your ‘free’ and not waisting any more of your precious life with that organization.

  • April 21, 2013 at 4:19 am


    Here is what funny. You apostates argue about 607 and 587 and try to argue about it. You all refer to historians and astronomers; etc in order to prove your case, yet the historians and astronomers cannot agree among themselves!!

  • April 21, 2013 at 10:42 am

    @Fred Hall:
    This book is reportedly a good one:
    “The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology’s New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts”. The authors are Silberman and Finkelstein.

  • April 21, 2013 at 1:50 pm

    “Here is what funny” and “You apostates” is funny to you Fred?
    That’s all you can find to make an issue out of?

    All of the brutal crimes and violence and Rights violations that are perpetrated throughout that organization to which I personally have been both victim and witness for close to 30 years and are attested across this forum and the Internet and THIS is why people on HERE are “apostates” and “funny” to you?

    This is the only topic you can find contention with Fred?
    Why aren’t you out in Field Service?

  • June 19, 2013 at 9:36 am

    Acts 17:11 tells us “These(Boreans) were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so” The Bible also tells us to keep testing our faith as to if it’s right or wrong. So if Gods Holy Bible tells us to keep checking our faith in relation to him and what we believe to be right then why would a organization of men(WTBS) have to hide behind a iron curtain and not alow their followers to read(including their own previous publications), see or hear anything that would disprove there own doctrines? Because they would be exposed for what they really are. THIS IS THE ONLY REASON AND GOES CONTRARY TO GODS WORD. So this man made, not spirit directed evil slave class puts themselves above Gods own written word. This is outright Blasphemy( A contemptuous or profane act, utterance, or writing concerning God or a sacred entity.
    b. The act of claiming for oneself the attributes and rights of God)
    They put themselves above God and men in proclaiming what they believe to be true but will not alow their own followers to test the validity of their words. I had a conversation with a young person who has a father that was a elder regarding many doctrines and the asserting of 1975 to be at the onset of the 1,000 yr rule of Jesus Christ as eluded to in the pages of the watchtower and awake back in the late 60’s and early 70’s. I caused quite a stir with me just asking the questions of why they keep predicitng false dates about the time of the end. Then it really hit me when i was told i had been reading watchtowers that were made by false apostates and were distributed among the people in the kingdom hall. I nearly fell over as i proceeded to ask them for their own personal Watchtower Disc of bound volumes and proceeded to show them what they actually said was coming from the Governing Body of JW’s and not some subverts who were publishing their own watchtowers. At this point i do find it kind of ironic that the JW’s produce a watchtower for them and one for the public. Does this sound like Gods annointed slave and that he would want us to have all of the “Meat” and just not some of it? Hardly Not! Or like” Sheparding the Flock of God” book what are you trying to hide? Wouldn’t your followers be better served knowing how they were going to be dealt with when it came to Elder matter’s? If you went to a doctor who by the way is imperfect and he or she told you that you had 6 month’s to live so go live it up. Would you not seek a second opinion or perhaps alternative treatment that might extend your life or would you put all your faith and hope in that one Doctor that this was all true? Better yet do you think if you got a second opinion and it was a mis-diagnosis that it would be a good idea to let the first Doctor know so that other people he diagnosed might not be mis-informed as well? If the Doctor threw you out of his office after imforming him of your findings i’m sure you would not recommend him or give him a second chance because of his attitude. So it goes with the WTBS that they self proclaim themselves as the Grand spiritual Slave who gives limited spiritual food in it’s time when it fit’s their cause and the furthering of their billion dollar enterprise. So it’s no wonder they don’t want their follower’s to read,hear,see anything that would disprove their own findings on scriptual matter. The time of the end has come for this self propheting man made religion. My son told me 6 yrs ago that the downfall of the JW’s would be by the information super highway known to us as the internet. How ironic that he actually works for the x cio of Google Now. While many remain staunch advocates of there doctrines and decree’s that are in direct conflict to God’s word it just goes to show how deeply brainwashed a person could be. If you walk around with the i’m always right attitude then you will never learn the real truth about thing’s. To there death they will go believeing in the Great lie and lies they Publish about God’s own word the Bible. Just like a former governing body member of the 80’s said in his books that most of what was decided on as policy didn’t really have to do with scripture to begin with. No doubt he felt Guilty writing such stuff and wrote over 1200 pages to possibly reverse the bad that already had been done including the loss of life. How very sad for all that they just can’t see past their noses and wake up to reality. It is my hope that many more JW’s or those thinking about getting involved will test that faith to see if it really hold’s up to God’s word the Bible. Keep on the watch as the end is near for the WTBS.

  • July 20, 2013 at 10:53 pm

    Fred Hall said :
    “Here is what funny. You apostates argue about 607 and 587 and try to argue about it. You all refer to historians and astronomers; etc in order to prove your case, yet the historians and astronomers cannot agree among themselves!!(End of quote)

    Maybe it would be an eye opener to listen in on one of the Governing body members meetings when they come together to decide on doctrinal matters or interpretation of prophecy.
    You do not need to go far to do this just read the writings of a so-called apostate who was a governing body member and on the writing committee as well.
    Yes go on read it.
    It is entitled “Crisis of conscience”.
    Perhaps after reading this particular book written by an ex-governing body member, you might come to a different conclusion.

  • August 21, 2013 at 2:46 pm

    Do you really think that satan would really fight clean? lol come on brother cedar.

  • December 13, 2013 at 3:51 pm

    Some interesting info there dude i like yourself am very cautious because as you say were supposed to wary of apostates however when you look up the meaning it just means those that have left there former belief correct me if I’m wrong but that pretty much applies to almost every JW if you left your former church and speak out against it e.g. Catholic which i was then i automatically became an apostate. I personally think Apostate is the wrong word to use because it seems to have the emphasis on someone really evil. Considering Bro Russel himself left the Adventists would that no also based on the Dictionary meaning make him an apostate ? Recently i wrote to the local body of elders i reported bullying and racism they met with me and have done nothing sense i also wrote to the CO who again checked things out and reportedly told me “how all the brothers love Me” if that was true i wouldn’t of written the letter , i then ring up Brooklyn Bethel world headquarters spoke to some nameless person (they’ll never give out there names) i described how the CO had decided how everything was ok i proceeded to say how he wouldn’t know the facts because he is given the Red carpet treatment showered with lots of love so of course he can’t see a thing, the anonymous brother proceeds to tell me “i don’t believe you and i have to end this conversation” amazing such love huh. Again i’m seeking the truth i’ve always tried to speak truth what i said to the elders and the CO plus Service dept in Bethel was the total truth yet i’m branded a Slander , Apostate. very interesting indeed so yeah I’m kind of in a whole world of confusion right now

  • July 1, 2014 at 12:41 pm

    John, a brilliant use of watchtowers own publications to show how many lies they tell. As an ex JW and being free to use my intellect it is so easy to see the lengths they go to. They sink to abysmal depths by calling us mentally diseased. The lie is so big that they dare not admit it. Can you imagine the reaction if they were found out? They terrify the foot soldiers of watchtowers organization with dire warnings to avoid “apostates”. This word really scares them and that is why it is abused, not used. We are slowly but surely eroding the once monolithic watchtower. By removing my family they were sure that they had taken all. Not true, I am a sentient being capable of deciding what is best for me. The boys in Brooklyn no longer pull my strings and boy am I glad. Stay strong John so many need to see the lies behind the “truth”

  • December 31, 2014 at 9:55 am

    I have a copy of the 1917 Finished Mystery, Vol. 7. I have a huge library of older JW books, the original bound volumes, etc. I have no idea what to do with them, as we are seniors now and downsizing. Any suggestions appreciated.. I have Vol. 4 “Battle of Armageddon” dated 1913, also 1908 version of Vol. 2, “The time is at Hand”…a long typed list of my library is available.

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