Watchtower has announced a new website that will feature videos of monthly talks by the Governing Body
Watchtower has announced a new website that will feature videos of monthly talks by the Governing Body

Today the 130th Annual Meeting of the Watch Tower Society was convened at the Jersey City assembly hall, or “Stanley Theater” as it is otherwise known.

There once was a time when these were run-of-the-mill business meetings to keep Society members updated on organizational progress and administrative matters.

But especially over the past few years these events have morphed into an opportunity for the Governing Body to embrace the limelight by heralding “new light,” or sharing news of big changes or literature releases in front of an audience that is guaranteed to give them the adulation they seemingly crave.

This year has proved to be no different. According to multiple sources, a new website (believed to be “”) has been announced that will feature “on demand” videos, including morning worship sessions from New York bethel and special Governing Body talks, to be broadcast once per month.

Sources are telling me the website will be available from Monday (6th October) onwards. The following images purportedly show what the studio of the website’s news bulletin will look like…


Other announcements from the annual meeting are said to have included the following…

  • New song books are to be released that will be the same color as the “silver sword.” They will feature 15 new songs, some of which have already been leaked. All new songs are to be made available on until the new songbooks are in circulation.
  • Psalm 106:1 will be the new year text.
  • More audio bible readings are to be released.
  • A pocket version of the “silver sword” revised new world translation has been released.
  • A new app “JW Language” will be released on Monday to help Witnesses learn a new language.
  • New light: Gog of Magog is no longer considered to be Satan, but a coalition of nations yet to reveal itself.

[slideshow_deploy id=’6589′]

There was also reportedly an on-stage sing-along by bethelites to demonstrate how some of the new songs are to be sung. All seven Governing Body members are said to have taken to the stage and chimed in on the final verse.

But undoubtedly the most intriguing development concerned the new “on demand” video website, which marks yet another step in the Governing Body’s path to increasing prominence following their 2012 revelation that they alone are the “faithful slave.”

I for one welcome the change, because if there is one thing I can be certain of, it is that the more Witnesses hear these men speak for themselves, the more obvious it will become that they are nothing more than proud, deluded men – far from worthy of the adoration they receive.

I leave you with some wisdom from Anthony Morris III (from the 2012 special convention in Dublin) as a sneak preview of what the new video website may well have in store…










Related video…

Please also check out the Friendly Atheist’s blog post on!

187 thoughts on “Coming soon to a web browser near you – Governing Body TV (on demand)!

  • October 8, 2014 at 3:03 pm

    Yes, I agree with you Gary, but in my opinion the lost sheep, “the disgruntled ones” are of no value to the watchtower, and are probably considered a liability. It appears that they will not waste any time on someone who has truly done their research and has “made sure of all things”.

  • October 8, 2014 at 3:07 pm

    If a muti billion dollar worldwide company was losing thousands of employees each day the management would be responsible.

  • October 8, 2014 at 3:12 pm

    For me to walk away from a religion that I thought was the “truth”, took a lot of soul searching and courage and I think it would take great courage and humility for any one of the gb to walk away and say they were wrong. Also, they would be walking away from a pretty cushy lifestyle and a very powerful high ranking position. They would end up being just an ordinary man. Not sure if they are that humble. But one can hope.

  • October 8, 2014 at 3:13 pm

    Then, Rob, Ezekiel 34 is fulfilled.

  • October 8, 2014 at 3:21 pm

    The watchtower corporation has failed on every front when it comes to retaining members or getting new members in the western world, notwithstanding all of the hours spent by publishers trying to recruit people, and all of the new rebranding and tv. Now in a regular tax paying corporation this would probably mean that the upper management would be held responsible and possibly fired, but in this non – taxed, real estate holding, billion dollar enterprise, no one is held accountable because they don’t answer to shareholders. There is no room for the rank and file to voice their concerns. Pretty sweet for the upper echelon of this religion.

  • October 8, 2014 at 3:25 pm

    yes, I agree.

  • October 8, 2014 at 3:29 pm

    Apparently the judgement begins with God’s house not Christendom. . Now I know why.

  • October 8, 2014 at 3:35 pm

    Whether you look at it secularly or scripturally the Watchtowers days are coming to a close.
    Sorry for the spelling.

  • October 8, 2014 at 10:33 pm

    “Date That He Was Called to Heaven”

    What date exactly does Lett claim he was called? Please tell me you remember, Anonymous. What date did he have on his car plates?

  • October 8, 2014 at 10:36 pm

    the GB are only interested really in keeping the young ones from walking they are their future, the older ones many for decades this is all they know, any older ones leaving is not really a loss for the GB, while they have their shunning rules in place many especially those born in tolerate, get rid of that rule and I believe there would be a massive exodus.

  • October 8, 2014 at 10:40 pm

    Ray Franz was humble enough took it on the chin, would love to think that at least one of the GB was as honest and a lover of truth and justice as Ray was. RIP a wonderful kind courageous man, and one the GB should look to as an example of integrity to truth and a true Christian that loved the brothers.

  • October 8, 2014 at 10:42 pm


    You say that Stephen Lett had the “date that he was ‘called’ to heaven” written on his car plates?

    What date was that exactly? Please tell me you remember.


  • October 8, 2014 at 11:29 pm

    Only those who assume authority can beat their fellow slaves.
    What kind of sheppard misleads their sheep to their ruin and when they bleat to be found they are described as disgruntled ones!

  • October 8, 2014 at 11:39 pm

    I am merely using scriptural principe to make the argument and not proselytizing.

  • October 8, 2014 at 11:57 pm

    If an argument can be made that frees a mind to think regardless of its source that argument is worth all the tea in China or in Yorkshire:-)

  • October 9, 2014 at 12:40 am

    If one million Jehovah’s witnesses have left in a ten year period. Divide those years into days and then divide a million by those days. Daily , if I have it right, its . . . 27.397. Approx.

  • October 9, 2014 at 1:32 am

    Hi Lorraine. I am trying to remember back. He is about the same age as I am and it was when I was in my early 30’s so it had to be in the early to mid 1970’s. What struck me about it was about that at the same time I had the feeling that I was going to go to heaven when I died and my husband told me it was impossible because Jehovah would only have chosen “replacements” who had served a whole life time of being faithful etc. etc. and I was far too young and he told me in no uncertain terms that I was not to tell the elders what I had told him because it would only be an embarrassment to the both of us. So, after a while, I convinced myself that he was right. Then maybe about a year later, Stephen Lett became our C.O. and I noticed that date on his license plate and asked about it and that’s when everyone said that’s when he was “called” to heaven and I confronted my husband about it because like I said Lett is the same age as me.

    I think when it comes to believing a man over a woman in this organization, the brothers only believe it if it’s a man who says he was “called” to heaven. Like who is going to believe that a lowly woman is going to be ruling over them from heaven????? They can’t even begin to think like that.

    On thinking about my comments about Stephen Lett. I do think that Stephen Lett still believes what he is preaching. If you watch people’s faces when they talk, you can tell if they are lying or not. There are experts on that subject. I remember when I first learned what I thought was the “truth”, I was so convinced of it that I was like a well bubbling over with it and I was totally convincing because I really thought it was the “truth”. The more convinced a person is of a subject, the more animated he is and Lett is so animated whereas the others, their faces barely move when they talk, especially Anthony Morris the 3rd.

    The one that I have the most hope of being another Ray Franz is Stephen Lett, mostly because we did have him for 3 years as a C.O. and I think he is the same now as he was then. Ray Franz was also convinced that it was the “truth” too for many years and it took getting hit over the head with a log before he finally realized it wasn’t but he did finally. So, I have hope for Stephen Lett. I do believe that is the reason they chose him for the introductory talks at the beginning of this tv thing. He is the most convinced and sounds the most convincing. That is only my opinion only because I am somewhat familiar with him.

  • October 9, 2014 at 3:06 am

    good comment Anonymous, I look at let and though its comical because of his mannerisms, there is more substance to him than the likes of Morris and most of the others, and if Ray can wake up let’s hope one of the GB members also will, wouldn’t that be a great victory for truth if one came out like Ray and spoke the truth. Let’s hope!!

  • October 9, 2014 at 6:57 am

    Hi Kat. That is my hope too that out of the seven, maybe there’s at least one that actually has a working brain and a conscience.

  • October 9, 2014 at 7:21 am

    Man, I sure would have like to know the exact date written on his number plate. Nevertheless, thank you.

    Lett was born February 8, 1949. He is reported to have said that he was anointed in his 20s. One different source posits that Lett was “called” when he was 21 years of age, which, if correct, would bring us to 1970.

  • October 9, 2014 at 7:32 am

    Anonymous, You are obviously someone who is prepared to give
    another person the benefit of the doubt. Mr, Lett may come
    across as genuine, but sincerity can be faked. Actors do it all the
    time, so do con men, TV and doorstep evangelists.
    ( Some of the suggested introductions in the K,M, are less than
    genuine,- Smile and feign an interest in his garden, his car or whatever.)

    As you, and I, and others, have realised the hypocrisy, the harm, and
    the glaring faults in their Bible interpretations, It’s difficult to see how
    someone at the hub of things can be ignorant of the same.

    Of course it’s possible to suppress unpalatable facts for many years
    I think all ex J,W,s have done this, but eventually we’ve had to
    confront them. And too religious delusions cannot be ruled out.
    Anyone who thinks God has singled them out from 7 billion
    people for a special place by his side cannot be ruled out from this.

    @rob’s point too is very valid.”They would be walking away from a
    cushy life style and high ranking position, and end up just ordinary”

    It’s a good quality to give others the benefit of the doubt, but not when
    they belong to an organisation of proven fakes and liars.
    And a whole book could be written on that subject alone.

  • October 9, 2014 at 8:05 am

    I doubt that the gb really believe what they preach and I believe that they are just are too far entrenched in their lifestyles to ever rock the boat. Their advisors (lawyers and accountants) have no doubt told them of the ramifications of backtracking on rules – such as the blood issue and disfellowshipping etc. and therefore I believe that they will never come clean, even though they know and realize that their rules have destroyed families and lives.

    Also, if they were truly directed by God in “new light”, would it not be unanimous among them when deciding whether to implement the new light? Why do they need a 2/3 majority when voting? Also, why do they allow an appeal to a disfellowshipping? If the elders are directed by spirit in their decision, how could they be wrong and allow an appeal? These questions have never been answered to me and therefore I came to the conclusion that God is not directing things in this religion. The gb in my opinion are little egocentric men who think they live in a different stratosphere and notwithstanding how sincere they may come across, I wont be fooled a second time.

  • October 9, 2014 at 8:20 am

    Hi Ted. At first when I was “waking” up, I wanted to believe that all of the Governing Body were just not aware and not looking at the history and following their own advice to the rest in not looking at anything “apostate” and in effect, not evil but not aware etc. But the more I learned, the more convinced that they do know that the religion is a fake but they don’t know how to get out of it without destroying millions of believers that think they are going to live for ever.

    It’s such a terrible can of worms for those of us who know what an uphill climb it is just to get out of it without having all our friends and relatives thinking that we have been misled by the devil etc., and are going to be bird food at Armageddon and not being able to explain to any of them why we have turned sour on the organization that I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult it would be for a member of the Governing Body to “wake” up and suddenly develop a conscience.

    My personal thought is that I think most of them can’t be that stupid and are just plain evil and do not have consciences. I feel they know exactly what a “fake” religion this is. I feel they enjoy their role of rock stars and corporation bosses and care nothing about anybody else except themselves.

    I remember Stephen Lett when he was our overseer and his manner of speaking was really over the top, but if you close your eyes and just listen to him speak, he is interesting to my line of thought. I remembered him from years ago and so I was used to him but to people who don’t know him from youth on, you would think it’s all affected but I think that is just his personality.

    I don’t like to think everyone in the Governing Body are evil and so when it comes to Lett, to me he has the most honest face. Experts can tell when people are lying and usually it shows up in their face when they are speaking. I am certainly not an expert at telling if a person is lying when they speak but to me, he either seems to be the best liar out of all of them or not lying.

    All of the rest of the Governing Body, give me the creeps when I see them speak. That is the only reason I have hope for Lett. To me, he doesn’t strike me as a blatant liar, like the rest do. But maybe he is just a really good liar.

    It is hard for me to believe that most Circuit Overseers are in on the “secret” or else it seems like their talks wouldn’t be so convincing. I think the majority of the elders and Circuit Overseers and the rest really do believe it to be the “truth” and that Armageddon is coming any minute. Or it could be that they are all cowards and afraid to speak up, in the fear that they too will be disfellowshipped. I had no idea what a difficult position it is to “wake” up until I woke up last year. Now I have a real appreciation for what it is like being on the “outside” and not being able to warn anybody.

    Hi Lorraine. I was born in 1946, so I am older than Lett. I wished I could remember the exact date was on his license plate (I am not 100% positive it was when he was “called” because it was so long ago but that is the way I remember it) was but it could very well have been 1970. Being “called” at 21 is pretty bizarre to me, considering the thinking was that only those who had lived a long faithful life in the service would have been a “replacement”.

    Does anybody know when Anthony Morris the third was “called”? The latest member of the Governing Body must have been a teenager when he was “called” when you think that he was 47 when he was put on the Governing Body. How could a 47 year old be considered having lived his whole life as a faithful servant? It seems to me, if you are a man, a good speaker and go into the pioneer work after graduation and claim to be “anointed”, you are a shoo-in for the next generation of the Governing Body.

  • October 9, 2014 at 8:37 am

    I would love to see behind the scenes and see the power struggles and schmoozing that probably goes on when it comes to picking a replacement for the gb. In my opinion it is not a “calling” but really just a popularity contest and a management decision made by the people who pull the strings, as to who will be chosen.

    Curious as to whether the society will release the number of partakers this year? Number keeps going up even though I was told many years ago that the number had been pretty much completed in 1935 or so. The fact that the number keeps going up must be pretty embarrassing and probably something else that they will try to hide.

  • October 9, 2014 at 9:14 am

    Anonymous, I enjoy your comments, and your spirit
    is inspiring.

    Thank you.

  • October 9, 2014 at 9:24 am

    the whole religion is BS.

  • October 9, 2014 at 9:41 am

    I agree, that this religion is total bs, but unfortunately some of my close family and relatives are still entrenched, so I have to grit my teeth and hold my tongue, just to maintain my relationships. If I spoke out it would cause a lot of problems. Thank goodness for this forum and the fact that a person can express their opinion and engage in some very interesting and enlightening discussion.

  • October 9, 2014 at 9:45 am

    Thanks Ted. Sometimes I think I have too much to say and I get carried away so thank you so much for saying that.

    I keep coming up with stuff and it’s hard to put a potato in my mouth. Now I was watching Cedar’s video about his thoughts about the first JW tv broadcast about how much the Governing Body are seen everywhere now and I looked up humility in the Insight on the Scriptures Vol. 1 on humility and have a few things that I wanted to post here from that book. The article on humility is on page 167-161.

    Page 1158 first paragraph from 167 continuing: “Jesus admonished that a person humble himself before God like a child and that, instead of trying to be prominent, he minister to or serve his brothers.”

    page 1158, Paragraph 1: “If a person or a nation refuses to become humble or to accept humbling discipline, such will suffer humiliation in due time.”

    Page 1158, Paragraph 2: “God opposes the haughty ones, but he gives undeserved kindness to the humble ones.” James 4:6; 1 Pet 5:5

    page 1159 paragraph 3: “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”

    page 1160 paragraph 1: “The humble people you will save; but your eyes are against the haughty ones, that you may bring them low.” 2 Sa 22:28

    page 1160 paragraph 2: “Accordingly, as God’s chosen ones, holy and loved, clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, LOWLINESS OF MIND, mildness, and long-suffering.” (Col 3:10, 12) Citing the fine example of Christ, he admonishes them: ‘With lowliness of mind consider that the others (of God’s servants) are superior to you.’ (Php 2:3) Again he appeals: “Be minded the same way toward others as to yourselves; do not be minding loft things, but be led along with the lowly things. Do not become discreet in your own eyes.” Rom. 12:16″

    Page 1160 paragraph 7: “The Scriptures, in setting forth the qualifications for one who would be appointed to the office of overseer, specify that a newly converted man should not be appointed, “for fear that he might get PUFFED UP WITH PRIDE and fall into the judgment passed upon the Devil.””

    Page 1160 paragraph 8: “Christians are warned against letting their humility be only on the surface. Anyone who takes delight in a mock humility can become “puffed up without proper cause by his fleshly frame of mind.”

    page 1160 paragraph 1: False humility can actually result in developing haughtiness in the individual, for he may tend to think he is righteous on his own merit; or he may feel that he is accomplishing ends, not realizing that he cannot deceive Jehovah.”

  • October 9, 2014 at 10:31 am

    It’s raining outside, so I’ll do another post. It’s about the two
    occasions I attended courses at the London Bethel.

    The first time, there was a young man in his 20s part of the
    instruction team and also claiming to be of the anointed

    The second time, 4 years later this young man was not there,
    so several of the class enquired about him from our instructor.
    ( One of the most respected teachers at the time, 70s-80s)

    We were told the young man just walked out one day, claiming
    “This is not the way to serve Christ”. Then our instructor added”
    “Well he had a point didn’t he” , Indicating some agreement
    with that view.

    At another session, the subject of reporting field service was
    discussed, and this same teacher said the purpose of reporting
    was, “That people work better when they know their work will
    be checked”. I’m pretty certain that was not in his official notes
    but was his personal opinion.

    The point being, that ones in prominent positions can harbour
    doubts yet for some reason still carry on.

  • October 9, 2014 at 10:58 am

    Ted, maybe they are afraid to leave and afraid to experience the real world and are only comfortable in institutional living.

    Many of the elders that I knew that who were the most self righteous and police type elders, were men who mostly hated their jobs and had pretty rough marriages. The only place that they had any power or significance was in the kh. Even though they don’t believe what they are preaching, many will stay for the thrill of having some type of power. Its a very different world in jw land.

  • October 9, 2014 at 11:27 am

    oops. The article on humility in the Insight vol. 1 is on pages 1157 to 1161.

  • October 9, 2014 at 3:30 pm

    I finally watched the whole sugary sweet introductory brainwashing to children by Stephen Lett on jw tv. I didn’t realize it was aimed at children because I hadn’t seen it from the very beginning. Something he didn’t say but left out is how important it is for JW kids to get baptized before Armageddon or they will be buzzard food. I didn’t see any of those gory pictures either. Are they evading the real picture of what it’s like to be a JW kid????

  • October 9, 2014 at 5:05 pm

    rob, The point about Bethelites being institutionalised is. a
    true one. I mentioned an incident previously, concerning
    an old brother who took one of our classes, he had a fear
    about the out side world. He actually said.
    “I’d rather be dead than be out there” and it was said with
    conviction. He really meant it.

    I wonder if he gave a thought to the rest of us who had to
    get back out there and commit our bodies to painful labour
    in order to provide for our families. and pay all the bills.
    Plus caring for congregation responsibilities, and getting
    the field service hours in.etc,

    As you point out, people can hang on for selfish motives
    even though they have doubts about this organisation.

  • October 10, 2014 at 12:03 am

    I know of an Elder – who was very zealous and sincere and like so many ones here on this site devoted years of his life to the Org.

    However when confronted with issues regarding the Organisation (eg UN Scandal) inconsistencies and other doctrinal teachings, not only did he talk to others in the Cong but he wrote to the Branch – who sent the DO / sometimes CO (and frequent contributor to writing articles for the literature) to see him.

    This Branch Representative told him plainly – “You are absolutely right in what you have found out, BUT – you must not talk about it to the other Brothers and Sisters, as it will only upset them!!”

    Those in leadership positions KNOW of the TTATT, and this proves they cannot be genuine people otherwise they would not be able to continue teaching a lie.

    The Elder I spoke of was genuine and he left.

  • October 10, 2014 at 1:22 am

    @ Ted

    I think the comment that people hang on for ‘selfish’ reasons is a bit unfair. It is because I am NOT selfish that I carry on with a facade. I do this for my elderly mother. I personally could not care if I was never spoken to again by any member of the congregation, but my Mum, would break her heart if that happened. Her life has been dedicated to Jehovah for nearly fifty years. You cant blanket people as selfish. It is just not the right word.

  • October 10, 2014 at 1:23 am

    I remember Stephen Lett as being probably one of the nicest and warmest people I have ever met in Jehovah’s Witnesses. He comes off as kind of goofy when he speaks but if every Witness was like him, there would be 100 million Jehovah’s Witnesses, I think. I know other people too in my circuit who are just as nice. That is the Stephen Lett that I remember as our Circuit Overseer.

    When I first started learning the truth about the truth, I wrote letters addressed directly to Stephen Lett because I thought if anybody would read my letters sent directly to him, it would be him and of course I never received any letters in return. I believe that my letters were intercepted and destroyed and I think it is very possible that he never saw my letters. I also think that is why phone calls are intercepted. I think there are higher powers that “protect” these men. I can see him being burned out in the Circuit work and going to Bethel and because he is is so warm and genuine and does his study etc. and since he feels he is of the anointed, eventually being of the Governing Body? The Stephen Lett that I remember, I believe would be cut to the heart if he ever found out that what he is was teaching were lies.

    There are so many stories about the Free Masons etc. and stories about if they tell the secrets, they die. I am not sure that Stephen Lett is not leaving Bethel because of death threats or anything like that or because he enjoys the lime light. It could be true but he would have had to completely change personalities from the person that I remember. I think his talks would be much less animated if that were the case. When it comes to the rest of the Governing Body, I see in their faces, complete stiffness and lack of conviction. I can picture these other men being counterfeit Christians in name only though. I just can’t picture Stephen Lett faking his talks if he knew the truth about the truth. I think he is being “protected” from the hate letters and hate phone calls and could be in the dark about the “truth” as much as millions of others that we encounter every day in our Kingdom Halls. I would like to be a mouse inside the wall to listen in to their meetings when they meet together. I’d like to be their wives to see what they are like to them behind closed doors. That would be my Christmas present. I would love to be able to talk to them face to face and ask some questions. But since I can’t, that is the biggest reason why I know it’s not the truth. If it was the real “truth”, they would face the public and answer questions.

  • October 10, 2014 at 1:46 am


    We simply do not know the motivation or real opinion of Stephen Lett, or any other of the gb.

    Speculation on this is fun but it really is eventually pointless.

    I see no evidence that any of the gb are sincere. I do not believe that any of the GB are going to change one iota of WTBTS policy.

    These gentlemen hold power but they are also imprisoned by their power. That is the price of absolute power.

    Peace be with you


  • October 10, 2014 at 2:01 am

    Hi Excelsior. I know you are right. I am just hopeful that at least one will learn the truth about the truth and be another Ray Franz and the only one that I have that hope for is Lett. It’s not that I am sticking up for him.

  • October 10, 2014 at 3:07 am

    Excelsior! said :

    “These gentlemen hold power but they are also imprisoned by their power. That is the price of absolute power.”

    Hypocrisy is on each face of the GB members. No need to be a psychologist or Jesus in person to be aware of that.

  • October 10, 2014 at 3:29 am

    Very interesting. We will see how Jehovah views. I have the feeling that the description “Train Wreck” will prove to be accurate.

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