Watchtower has announced a new website that will feature videos of monthly talks by the Governing Body
Watchtower has announced a new website that will feature videos of monthly talks by the Governing Body

Today the 130th Annual Meeting of the Watch Tower Society was convened at the Jersey City assembly hall, or “Stanley Theater” as it is otherwise known.

There once was a time when these were run-of-the-mill business meetings to keep Society members updated on organizational progress and administrative matters.

But especially over the past few years these events have morphed into an opportunity for the Governing Body to embrace the limelight by heralding “new light,” or sharing news of big changes or literature releases in front of an audience that is guaranteed to give them the adulation they seemingly crave.

This year has proved to be no different. According to multiple sources, a new website (believed to be “”) has been announced that will feature “on demand” videos, including morning worship sessions from New York bethel and special Governing Body talks, to be broadcast once per month.

Sources are telling me the website will be available from Monday (6th October) onwards. The following images purportedly show what the studio of the website’s news bulletin will look like…


Other announcements from the annual meeting are said to have included the following…

  • New song books are to be released that will be the same color as the “silver sword.” They will feature 15 new songs, some of which have already been leaked. All new songs are to be made available on until the new songbooks are in circulation.
  • Psalm 106:1 will be the new year text.
  • More audio bible readings are to be released.
  • A pocket version of the “silver sword” revised new world translation has been released.
  • A new app “JW Language” will be released on Monday to help Witnesses learn a new language.
  • New light: Gog of Magog is no longer considered to be Satan, but a coalition of nations yet to reveal itself.

[slideshow_deploy id=’6589′]

There was also reportedly an on-stage sing-along by bethelites to demonstrate how some of the new songs are to be sung. All seven Governing Body members are said to have taken to the stage and chimed in on the final verse.

But undoubtedly the most intriguing development concerned the new “on demand” video website, which marks yet another step in the Governing Body’s path to increasing prominence following their 2012 revelation that they alone are the “faithful slave.”

I for one welcome the change, because if there is one thing I can be certain of, it is that the more Witnesses hear these men speak for themselves, the more obvious it will become that they are nothing more than proud, deluded men – far from worthy of the adoration they receive.

I leave you with some wisdom from Anthony Morris III (from the 2012 special convention in Dublin) as a sneak preview of what the new video website may well have in store…










Related video…

Please also check out the Friendly Atheist’s blog post on!

187 thoughts on “Coming soon to a web browser near you – Governing Body TV (on demand)!

  • October 4, 2014 at 3:17 pm

    Video not available…. :( I only wanted to see our good old pal… tony…

    • October 4, 2014 at 3:20 pm

      Sorry, it’s probably down to your country’s copyright laws! Try checking out the “jwsurvey” channel on YouTube. There should be at least one or two videos without any music etc where you can enjoy Tony’s pearls of wisdom! ;)

  • October 4, 2014 at 3:21 pm

    Poor fly.

  • October 4, 2014 at 3:23 pm

    I had to knock hell out of my ipad but it open eventualy.

  • October 4, 2014 at 3:30 pm

    Gog of Magog no longer Satan? That’s quite a major change! Why did they change that?

    Let’s hope these TV sessions might just do it: wake up JWs. Their leaders are not God-directed, they’re only human.

  • October 4, 2014 at 3:45 pm

    Unfortunately, I fear that these videos will have the exact opposite effect. Most of the “good” JWs will be SO excited that they can now listed AND VIEW!!! their beloved spiritual leaders at any time that they wish.

    Perhaps (hopefully) a few will see what is going on, but I doubt that most will find this anything but exciting and yet another blessing from Jehovah.

    • October 4, 2014 at 3:54 pm

      You may be right, but don’t forget the “emperor’s new clothes” factor. The fact that these men are SO deluded and incapable of seeing it for themselves is one of their biggest weaknesses.

  • October 4, 2014 at 3:48 pm

    This religion that I am still a part of is getting more and more scary. I read on another site that the local needs will be replaced with a part where all Congo members will give a testament to how they know it’s the truth. I’m gonna have to seriously up my acting ability to pull that off. I hope that’s just a rumor.

  • October 4, 2014 at 4:11 pm

    Another doctrine change, another songbook, JWtv etc.. I was LDS after I left the WT. Mormons have BYUtv, feel that they are competing with the Mormons. First Mormons put across buses now JWs do the same. Gog of Magog isn’t Satan? It’s a “coalition of nations, yet to be revealed”..They seem absolutely desperate! The more I see things like this, I thank God, that I awakened from their darkness and deceit.

  • October 4, 2014 at 4:15 pm

    That sounds exactly like the LDS church! Giving testimonies that the church is true is what the LDS do, constantly.. I heard a rumor that one of the GB had been Mormon.

  • October 4, 2014 at 4:38 pm

    That illustration of being a fly walking around a metal ball until I’d wear it down to nothing has to be the worst example of forever that I could ever come up with.

    Maybe something like being able to eat all the banana cream pie I wanted to eat and never having to worry about getting fat might be something that might appealing but not being a fly.

    I hope these guys’ talks, show everyone how really “ordinary” they really are. I for one, am anxious to see the “shows”. I think they will be funny, especially if they talk about how all little girls just want to grow up to be wives and please a man.

    Maybe the reason for these “shows” is to show everyone that they really aren’t as stupid as all the talks that Cedars has shown on this web site???

  • October 4, 2014 at 5:33 pm

    My wife (still a ‘true-believer’) always questions me with the “what’s in it for the Governing Body???” “What do they have to gain???” She reasons that they work so hard and selflessly for Jehovah, so for this reason alone the WT organization must be true!
    Then I see your slide show above, from the Annual Meeting and one of the pictures is of a young couple posing with that Australian-weirdo in between them. No doubt they will show all of their friends this picture, that they had a GB stop to have his picture with them as if he is a pop star or a film celebrity.
    That is why they do it!!! For the fame, the glory and the cushy life!
    Now they will be on TV! They think that people can’t get enough Governing Body?!? (It reminds me of the Cow Bell skit. “I’ve got a fever, and the only cure is more Governing Body!)
    I think Cedars is right. People are going to see how crazy and wrong these guys are! It was better when they hid and said as little as possible. They used to send out letters or only give convention talks. There was mystery back then, which was the correct ploy for these nuts.
    This will be like seeing behind the wizard’s curtain; you can’t unsee something so bad.

  • October 4, 2014 at 6:27 pm

    New light? From other books I’ve been reading (Psalm 83, The Forgotten Prophecy Revealed (Bill Salus) – excellent book, they figured that out several years ago about Gog of Magog being a coalition, being led by Russia (Gog) and Iran. Sounds like the GB are just now figuring that out. And there are going to be 2 major wars before Armageddon, the next one being the Psalm 83 war with an Arab confederacy against Israel, then the ‘Gog of Magog war. This has absolutely nothing to do with the witnesses, and everything to do with the nation of Israel which is still ‘God’s chosen people’. It always has been and always will be.

  • October 4, 2014 at 6:32 pm

    Wow…why would the fly walk across the steel sun ball when it has wings? Wouldn’t it just fly across the steel sun ball? Duh!

  • October 4, 2014 at 7:44 pm

    It made me sick when they read Chapter 25 of Matthew. Didn’t anyone clue in at verse 21 of chapter 25 when Jesus himself is saying to them “well done good and faithful slave?”
    Or how Revelation 1:1 John is called a slave, Peter 1:1 where Peter is a slave and an apostle, James 1:1 where James is a slave of god and of Jesus, Titus 1:1 where Paul is a slave?????
    Yes, these seven leaders at headquarters tell their followers that there were no faithful and discreet slave until 1919 and it was them. And how it doesn’t appear unless these leaders come together to make decisions. How it’s invisible just like their Jesus ruling since 1914 in the heavens but when you read in gods word about the faithful slave, they are mentioned as actual real human beings.
    These seven governing booboos
    are not faithful for they keep changing their doctrines as many times as they change their underwear plus, they are not discreet since they have their faces plastered all over their literature and videos.
    They really do make the word of god invalid!

  • October 4, 2014 at 8:59 pm

    I don’t see why a new song book is needed. I would be curious to hear the talks by the GB and sessions of morning worship.

  • October 4, 2014 at 9:01 pm

    This exposure of the GB hopefully will help those who already have doubts decide to read their bible independently of the WT and GB speak, one doesn’t think all would wake up, but many are already, and I have always believed that if not for the shunning rule more than we think would be walking.

  • October 4, 2014 at 10:46 pm

    Yes poor fly! Why would the fly walk when he has wings lol?

  • October 5, 2014 at 1:32 am

    I was never happy with the interpretation of Gog of Mago. Remember all those mind numming group study meetings going through books like Ezekiel? zzzzzzz

  • October 5, 2014 at 1:43 am

    @ JJ
    I saw Schroder give a zone visit talk in Belfast in the early 80’s. After the talk he came down into the crowd and was swamped by the ‘faithful’ but what disturbed me was the adoration of this man and he was loving it. He was ‘laying’ his hands on individuals like he was some sort of messiah.

  • October 5, 2014 at 2:21 am


    The more these gentlemen are exposed on media, the more opportunities there are for them to reveal their true natures.

    I’m having trouble with my dear old Mum at the moment. Another shepherding meeting has been asked for because yours truly can’t keep his big mouth shut about all the terrible things I’m finding out.

    I must remain quiet and not allow the WTBTS to destroy what has always been a loving relationship. For now, I must remain cautious. I do not want these elders to harm my dear old Mum by marking her or disfellowshipping her, or by trying to get her to lay down rules in our home.

    This does not mean that I will be stopping my comments here, or that I will not be continuing with my complaints to certain bodies. It simply means that I will have to stop talking to my dear old Mum about what I am discovering. She already knows a lot and I do. Or think that laying it on with a trowel will be beneficial to her at all.

    My relationship with my dear old Mum is not up for grabs. It is not something that I am willing to sacrifice to this cause. I’m sorry, folks, but that’s the way it is.

    I shall be cautious and cunning. I shall be victorious!

    Any practical advice from others in a similar situation would be appreciated. For those with faith, I would appreciate a prayer or two.
    Peace be with you


  • October 5, 2014 at 2:43 am


    While your Mum is alive, just keep it inside. Nothing is to be gained by causing her hurt.

  • October 5, 2014 at 3:31 am

    I thought that. Wouldn’t a spider, or indeed a person, have been a better example? What a strange person…

  • October 5, 2014 at 4:40 am

    woooow, you have got to be kidding me. gb tv huh?
    HOW can anyone NOT see through this scam. pretty new books and songs, Nkorea much? Give the Glory to the GB, look to them for guidance? Idol WORSHIP!
    you have to be deliberately naive to continue to fall for their teachings, or extremely lazy. nothing like good old propaganda to steer one away from Christ. [if thats your belief that is] ‘look at us, we have better talks than your average kingdom hall slaves….’
    I started to ponder the other day, about where they come up with their material. Considering they live in isolation more or less, from the time they turn 23 ish, how is it that they have all life’s answers? Have they had success with dealing with a runaway teen? have they had exp with a screaming toddler? have they had exp with an unloving marriage? that they successfully ‘fixed’? have they had exp dealing with a DF one? or a child with cancer or adhd, or a son who got a dui? or a daughter that got pregnant? or the loss of a job? being homeless, how about living in the basement of your parents house with 3 children? all they can offer is a pat on the back. ‘there there now itll all turn out’
    where do they get their sources? how about the same place we can get ours? [try david guziks commentary]
    or any online commentary site?
    I wont watch the video for at least one reason, they will be able to check off another view and add it to their numbers so they can brag.

  • October 5, 2014 at 5:11 am

    the PARABLE of the Faithful and Discreet slave.

    Definition of the word parable, – “A FICTITIOUS
    story to illustrate a moral or spiritual principle”

    Their authority is based on FICTION, like all their
    predictions, and promises,

    Historical FACT.

  • October 5, 2014 at 5:37 am

    The Watchtower’s belly-crawling view of women is evident for all to see in all the publications and talks, if they are conscience at all and that attitude goes back to Rutherford’s day and unfortunately, most of the men in the org. will see these talks from their spirit-directed, but uninspired true prophets (from Captives of Concept by Don Cameron) and pity themselves even more than they already do because those talks will reinforce in their already ignorant brainwashed brains that all the problems in their marriages is because their wives are just not being submissive like they are supposed to be. That is what I think will happen.

  • October 5, 2014 at 7:17 am

    I can empathise with you 100% . My daughter, a J.W,
    is extremely Ill, I’ve tried pointing out the flaws in the
    religion but I can see it just distresses her. She just wants
    to hang on to that idea of a paradise Earth.

    As you obviously already realise, there’s a time to speak up
    and a time to keep silent.

    Our families, our own flesh and blood are the most precious
    things we have on this Earth, and while this Org, thinks it has
    the right to impose itself between us and our loved ones and
    is even prepared to separate us, We are the ones who must
    use sound reasoning. Circumstances must be taken into

    Isn’t it terrible though. that they still retain some hold over
    us through the things we hold most dear.?

    If Satan is walking about on this Earth, I know where he spends
    most of his time.

    My very best wishes.

  • October 5, 2014 at 7:22 am

    Thanks Cedars for the leaked info. I have also heard there will be a new “basic pioneer” role for any who do 10hrs a month.

    It won’t surprise me if it’s true, it might bring up the average time in FS. They are still pushing recruitment into the cult.

    Kate xx

  • October 5, 2014 at 8:13 am


    This is developing even faster than I thought it would.

  • October 5, 2014 at 1:29 pm

    Tony doesn’t know that Chuck Norris counted to infinity twice already …

  • October 5, 2014 at 3:22 pm

    This ploy could be a solution to the current shortage of elders due to the fact several have stepped down from their positions, along with a few circuit and district overseers as well. I will not be surprised if this is a harbinger of a further reduction in the number of meetings next year.

    Being the delusional megalomaniacs that they are, they firgure they can now lead with or without a unmistakably eroding leadership.

  • October 5, 2014 at 3:24 pm

    apologies for the mis-types

  • October 5, 2014 at 4:31 pm

    That pic of Geoffrey Jackson in the video clip brought to mind a thought from Psalm 73 which seems to encompass all that the GB now stand for.
    I quote in part – ‘… their paunch is fat. They are not even in the trouble of mortal man, and they are not plagued the same as other men. Therefore haughtiness has served as a necklace to them…..Their eye has bulged from fatness; they have exceeded the imaginations of the heart ……They have put their mouth in the very heavens, and their tongue itself walks about in the earth. ……Look! These are the wicked, who are at ease indefinitely. They have increased their means of maintenance. …… Surely, on slippery ground is where you place them. You have made them fall to ruins.
    Amen to that!

  • October 5, 2014 at 4:51 pm

    @ mandeley

    A very interesting observation.
    The GB seem to be gathering in a lot of money at the moment. It may only seem a small thing, but asking brothers to download the KM is a great money saver. I bet the watchtower will be next on offer for download. Which brings me to your comment. Are they going to conduct meetings online? It seems really far fetched and yet………… Mmmmmmmmm
    This being the case will they still ask for contributions?????? Do I sound a tad suspicious, because if I do, it is because I am.

  • October 5, 2014 at 5:01 pm

    Excelsior –
    How difficult it is to convince someone of real truth.
    When I was a witness, I spent many hours trying to convince my mother that I had got the ‘truth’, only to find out now that it was all a lie.
    My mother has since died, so I cannot apologise for all the grief I caused her.
    Trying to convince your Mum that you have the truth outside of the organisation could be very distressing to her. Pulling down something that she holds dear may not work.
    When speaking to a thinking person about how to get a loved one out of the Witnesses they said ‘You’ve got to replace it with something better’.
    Ultimately though, your mother has got to want to find out for herself.
    Keep the peace. One day she may start asking questions ….

  • October 5, 2014 at 5:41 pm

    Jehovahs witness leaks says a new Pioneer position was announced,basic Pioneer, 10hours a month. I notice it is not on this site. Having trouble verifying this. Can anyone help? Thanks.

    • October 6, 2014 at 12:27 am

      I’ve heard this story too. It is possible that this was announced, but I’ve chosen not to report it because I couldn’t get it verified by more than one source.

  • October 5, 2014 at 6:04 pm

    May God grant you insight and wisdom, may you be blessed with the Holy Spirit and be guided, directed and taught by means of Him. I hope and pray you may be able to ‘open the eyes’ of the many who are still trapped and deceived by this evil cult, who keeps people from entering into the Kingdom. Excelsior.

  • October 5, 2014 at 8:31 pm

    Revelation 20:8
     and he will go out to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Ma′gog, to gather them together for the war. The number of these is as the sand of the sea.

  • October 5, 2014 at 10:07 pm

    good comment penny, while b/s around the world are struggling some in countries where they are being persecuted and other countries where b/s go to jail for not doing military service, here we see the GB members basking in the lime light well feed like fattened cows, being looked after like kings, and having the hide to ask for more money, are not the anointed suppose to be going through all the persecution, is not the devil primarily after the anointed?
    Where is their shame, I recall a WT article on donations and they showed a little boy with a pig selling so as to donate the money to the WT for the WWW, and another was of a poor farmer that sold half his small crop to give to the WT, this is the hideous type of emotional black mail the GB use to make the r/f feel like dirt for having a few dollars more in the bank.

    they make me sick.

  • October 6, 2014 at 12:18 am

    I am so happy, Jesus said that people in the last of days will hate us…”We are doing great”

    • October 6, 2014 at 12:26 am

      I don’t hate you, and I don’t hate Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is out of concern for Jehovah’s Witnesses (and the way they are being unduly influenced into a life of servitude to a few blokes in New York) that this website has been set up. But hey, if it makes you happy to see this website as evidence that you’re being “persecuted,” don’t let me spoil your fun.

  • October 6, 2014 at 2:31 am


    Thank you for the words of advice, comfort and support in my time of need. I appreciate your kindness.

    I am taking this one day at a time and one conversation at a time. Yesterday went well, with no conflict at all. I will do my level best not to be the one to damage the natural affection that family should have for each other.

    Funny, isn’t it? The WTBTS quote Timothy about the last days and cannot see that it applies to them! They have no “natural affection” for their non Witness family, do they?

    I shall keep on keeping on and I shall continue to do what I can to help us all survive and thrive in this wonderful, free world we all live in.

    Peace be with you


  • October 6, 2014 at 2:45 am

    Gog of magog. . Very interesting indeed. Had you have disagreed to the original interpretation you may well have been disfellowedshipped. In reality then the real truth is this . . It’s of more importance to GB to be faithful to them and their teachings rather than the Bible & your own conscience.That is why all JW’s are owned and manipulated.

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